Hi everybuddy! It's me, Patches! First, we want to tell you about the Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society. Aunt Wendy is the Chairperson and our mom is her helper for the event. It will be on March 22 at Hembree Park in Roswell Georgia. It is the K-9 for the cure dog walk and I, Patches will be there! You can click on the poster to biggyfy it if you want to see the details.
We have heard a rumor that Eduardo the SnugglePuggle may be attending and we are super excited to meet him and his mom. If you live close enough or might be passing through Roswell, you can register in about a week at roswellrelayforlife.org. Or...if you just want to donate to the American Cancer Society, you can do that too. The two doggies in the center of the picture, above, are both cancer survivors!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program. Okay, we know that none of this is ACTUALLY scheduled! We want to say Happy Valentine's Day to all of our DWB buddies! We have received some very nice cards from some of you and we thank you! Our mom has been too busy with the storage unit thingy to post any of them. Mom and Aunt Wendy have FINALLY finished emptying the storage unit and now, they have to weed through the stuff and decide what will be sold on Ebay and what will go into the antique booth. We figure it will take them about 1456937289 days to get it all done!
Today, we are going to help our mom run the vacuum. It seems that at least a couple of us are blowing our coats and there is lots and lots of our Aire-hair EVERYWHERE! My favorite game is to chase the wand when Mom attaches the tools to the vacuum cleaner. Usually, I bark at it as I am attacking it. This makes Mom laugh and it makes Penny upset with me! She barks and growls at me until I stop it. Poppy has to get in on the action too, but it's because she wants to be vacuumized! She stands right in front of Mom until she uses the wand to vacuum Poppy all over. What a weirdo doggo! You would never catch ME doing that!
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to chase the vacuum wand!
Oh, yeah, everydoggie needs to check out MangoMinster! Today is the terrier group and we were the judges! Congrats to the winners!
Poppy, Penny & Patches