Hey, everydoggie! It's me, Patches! Wait till you see what our mom bought for us, today! It's a doggie ramp for our Aire-mobile! Last week, when our mom took Penny to the groomer's, she had an awful time getting Penny to step up and down on the upside down mail tub. It isn't the most stable thing for an Aire-pup to step on! And our mom knows that it will only get worse as Penny gets older. She's already 11 1/2 and I just turned 7, so I'm not that far away from being a senior citizen too!
For some unknown reason, last night, Mom started thinking of how she could get us (especially Penny) into and out of the Tahoe without having to help us. There was the possibility of trading in the Tahoe on something lower to the ground, but our mom nixed that option so fast it wasn't even funny! She LOVES our Tahoe! She started researching doggie ramps and found like 8,984,900 different models! She measured how long and how wide it needed to be and today, she set out for the pet stores in our area. She wanted to actually SEE them in person before she bought one! Sometimes she's just funny that way!
Okay, so her first stop was a place where she used to buy our foodables, but they only had doggie steps...no ramps. On her second stop, she found exactly what she was looking for, but the price was waaaaaaay too high! After she looked at what they had, she was walking around the store looking for some other kind and maybe looking a little confused. A nice man asked if he could help her and she asked if those were the only ramps they had. He told her they were the only ones, but they are really good ramps. Yeah, well our mom was feeling cheap and didn't really want to invest $140 in a dog ramp!
She told the nice man that she was very concerned about the weight of a ramp because she has to be able to use it with just one hand, while holding a wild child by the leash in the other hand! He took that ramp out to her Tahoe and showed her how easy it is to use and how easy it is to put away. He almost HAD her until she heard the price. Now, this ramp has obviously been demonstrated once or twice since it had doggie toenail prints on it, so Mom asked if he could come down any on the price. Guess what! He gave her a $50 discount! They didn't even take the ramp back into the store for Mom to pay! They just took the box and left the ramp right in the middle of the back of our Aire-mobile!
And guess what else! Mom CAN actually pull it out and put it back with just one hand! Woohoo for you, Mom! This is going to relieve a lot of stress, on our mom, whenever one of us has to go to the v-e-t or the groomer! She always starts worrying about it the night before! Well, NO MORE, Mom! You will have to find something ELSE to worry about from now on! (And she WILL)! I'm sure she is the world's biggest worrier (is that a word?)! After all this typing, we had to make our mom come back and tell you that the ramp is telescoping! The top slides back to make the whole thing only take up 39 inches from front to back! That still leaves lots of room for the stuffs that our mom buys to re-sell! Woohoo again!
Have a great weekend, everydoggie!
Patches & Penny (who won't be stepping on mail containers anymore!)