Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My new best friend...by Patches

Hey, everydoggie, everykitty, bear, hamsterrier and hooman! It's me, Patches! Since I have not yet destroyed my weiner doggie, Mom brought me home ANOTHER doggie.

He's pretty big, so I can perform my secret ritual on him without any fear of falling on my fuzzy face!

My mom brought him home last Friday, but she just gave him to me this morning. That's because Penny is at the spa today so I won't have to try to keep her away from my new best friend. Woohoo!

Some of you have asked if our mom has given up on the idea of grooming us herself. Well, sort of! She can't do it alone and it's hard to find someone to help her whenever she feels like working on one of us. She hasn't sold the clippers yet, so there's still a chance that she will try it again.

I get my spa day on Thursday, so we will both be beautimous at the same time! That doesn't happen too often. Our mom can't handle taking both of us at the same time. What a wimp! She freaks out when I get all cracker dog, on her, while she's trying to hold me still and help Penny to get out of the Aire-mobile. It's better for her blood pressure if we go on separate days.

Well, everybuddy, I'm off to find an aire-conditioning vent again. It's still really hot, here right now. I feel sorry for all the hooman pups who went back to school yesterday. The buses are not aire-conditioned and they sit outside, in the sun, all day! What is wrong with these people that think it's okay to put kids back in school in AUGUST? Okay, don't get our mom started on this! When she went to school (like 24,343 years ago), they didn't go back to school until after Labor Day in SEPTEMBER! Of course, she didn't live in the SOUTH!

Patches (and Penny the spa girl)


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The Thuglets said...

Patches..your new best friend looks very friendly and playable. Does this NBF have a name?

Spa days wow they sound pretty cool.

Stay cool.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How special for you to have a fun playdate with your new furiend without any other dales around:) We bet you will both look beautiful too. Our Mom wouldn't dare tackle even giving us baths - she so understands the need for a helper.

The kiddos here go back to school next week - way too early and definitely too hot.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Does your new pal like to do Aire-gilities...

Or herd woo around?

I khan't wait to see woo two all beaWOOtified!

Hugz&KHOOL Khysses,

Duke said...

We never had a best friend that's been that big before! You are so lucky, Patches! Does he help your mom cut the grass too?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh what a wonderful friend you have there.. He is pretty big..
You need to cut mom a little slack. Our Mom totally understand dealing with 3 dogs at one time...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dexter said...

Your new friend is HOOGE! Wow!

Hey! I know all about grooming you squirmy dales. Not a one human job for sure.


Sherry said...

Patches, I hope you will be very kind to your new friend. Slobbering on them is OK but chewing on them is not so good. We used to have lots of fuzzy toys around the house. Then Miro arrived and the fuzzy toys have gone into the garbage--bit by torn bit.

Wyatt said...

Patches, your new friend is cute. Is he a Bernese Mountain Dog?? Stay Cool!


Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Patches....yer new friend is really pretty.....'n big too...I can tell ya he wouldn't last 10 minutes in this house before he would be de-stuffed.

Yep we're in the same boat as ya are with the heat...thank goodness we have air....we pity those that don't...

Yer kids went back ta school already? Sheesh....Gram started back the day after Labor Day too 3 million years ago....didn't even know they had SCHOOLS back then....sorry Gram......

Dewey Dewster here.....

Lorenza said...

You have a nver nice and big new friend!
I am sure you are giving him lots of love!
I will be waiting to see you two with your new hairdos!
Kisses and hugs

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That's quite a wonderful,big stuffie you got! Mommy takes us both to our groomer at the same time, but it's an all day affair.Just the fact that your mommy has tried to groom you herself rates her an atta girl!

Our mama is with you as far as the school thing.When she was a kid,300years ago,school started after Labor Day. In Arizona the poor kids are already in school...it's 110degrees there now. Are those people nuts??!!
BabyRD and Hootie

Rudy said...

My mom says the same thing about school starting in Sept!
Oh your new friend sure is cute. Think my mom better buy me one cuz today I got in my boy's wooden blocks.....he was rather sad but I just couldn't help myself!

Asta said...

Youw new best fwiend looks vewy cool I'm glad you get some pwivate time togethew while Penny is getting bootified. Mommi is going to twy to gwoom me hewself..cwoss paws she doesn't mess up too badly, hehe
Thank you fow putting us on youw pwayew list
smoochie kisses

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Uh, Patches, is that a Border Collie buddy you got there? And are you really lovin on him/her... or are you doing something else?! Yikes!

Hope you can find a nice, cool spot to relax--or play!

Tell Penny we're looking forward to post-spa pics!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Very Cute. it's good to meet you. Golden Thanks for visiting my blog on my Barkday. Looking forward to be blog friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Sunshade said...

Hey gurrrrl! Ummm... is your "daily ritual" the same as mine (with my fat rat)??? You and I are the coolest!

I hear ya about the heat man...... Mum clipped my body short today, so I have a little bit of relief... but still, its horrible..

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Life With Dogs said...

I noticed the same troubling summer trend. Kids need to be kids - and it seems like that is a bit of a challenge these days.

Your new friend is adorable. And so quiet. ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Patches (and Penny the spa girl!)
We totally dig your new Buddy. He looks real cuddly and Fun.
What's his name? Or is it her?
Buddy n Ginger

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