The life and times of Patches the Airedale Terrier, with comments, from time to time, by or about Angel Poppy and Angel Penny. Come on in and visit with us!

Monday, October 24, 2011
I have decided to forgive my mom and I had a playdate with Lucia!
Hi, everybuddy! I had a most excellent visit and playdate with Lucia the Aire-girl! After some butt sniffing and getting to know each other through the gate, our moms finally let us "have AT" each other! Lucia had a blast sniffing all the smells in my house and I was having a really good time sniffing LUCIA!
I even let her drink from MY water bowl! I was very nice to her once I told her that I am the alpha around here! She just said, "Whatever". I guess she wasn't impressed that I am the alpha!
I have no idea what happened to THIS picture! We really aren't all faded out like this picture shows. At least we are both IN the picture. Mom took lots of pictures where all you see is a tail...thanks to that stoopid delay thingy on the flashy box!
Lucia and her la mia ragazza(mom)brought me loads of foodables (treats) and two toys! The tennis ball has already been confiscated because I tried to skin it! The other toy is a pink doggie and my sick, sick mom calls it my "crack baby". It has a plastic bottle inside so it crackles when I put my big gnashers on it! I also have some kind of treat that looks like a summer sausage. My mom calls THAT "doggie crack"! I guess it's because I almost jump in her face every time she gets it out of the coolerator to give me a bite. That woman just isn't "right"! Or as my dad used to say, "She isn't wrapped too tight"!
Okay, everybuddy, here's why I have decided to forgive my mom for the torture she put me through last Tuesday. I have my very own Pink Panther! My mom think his eyes follow her when she walks through the living room. I think she's been watching too many Ghost Hunters shows! Mr. Pink came to me from a yard sale. The lady GAVE it to my mom FREE! Woohoo! No green papers changed hands! I loooooove my new pink doggie and my new
pink panther!
My hot spot from hell, on my tail, is doing much better now. I still have lots of ant-eye-buy-oticks to take, but I'm feeling much, much better!
We lost a very good friend, last Friday. Claudette Hudson passed away after a looooong and painful battle with cancer. Her Dogs with Blogs family (which includes US)will really miss her! We could always count on Claudette to let us know the most recent and impawtant news from our great DWB community. Rest in peace, Claudette! We will all make sure Rocky, Bear and Floyd are taken care of!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
My mom has betrayed me and I plan to get even!
Hey, everydoggie! I am registering a complaint! My mom has betrayed me in the worst kind of way! Yesterday morning, she refused to give me my breakfast and then when I asked for water, she said no to that too.
I had to watch as she ate HER breakfast, but did I even get one little taste? Noooooo! She kept telling me she was sorry, but I wasn't buying that! Finally, she put my prong collar and leash on and I realized I was going somewhere! Woohoo!...or so I THOUGHT! We went on a loooong car ride in my Aire-mobile and I met some new peoples that I had never seen before. Now, at first I was kind of excited about all of this, but then they started stealing my bloods and shaving various parts of my furry body! Ok, they made me go to sleep before the shaving and the stealing of the bloods, but don't worry, I knew what they were up to!
When I woke up, I had a poodle leggie and big bare spot on my tail...not to teefies are all sparkling white! I bet if I went into a room with a black light, they would glow in the dark!
It seems that I have a hot spot from hell on the side of my tail! It was so bad that my fuzzy body was producing white blood cells to fight with it! I hadn't told my mom about it until yesterday morning when she saw me gnawing on my tail like an ear of corn! I hadn't yet chewed the hair off so my mom didn't think it was a hot spot. Some dog detective SHE is!
Well, now I am on ant-eye-bye-oticks and some allergy medicine. Can you believe mom wanted to steal my allergy medicine! It's the same stuff she takes...even the same dosage! The dogtor told her that it's very impawtant for me to take it! So take THAT, Mom!
Yep, she really betrayed me, but I am getting even! About every hour, last nignt while she was sleeping, I was whining! Every time I did it, she got up and held me for a few minutes. I've been doing it all day today, too! She went to the store, this morning, and when she came home, I REALLY got even with her! She knows that as soon as she opens the door from the garage to the kitchen, the first thing she sees is my big, black marshmellow nose! Well, this time, I wasn't there! I almost heard her heart fall to her feet! Actually, I was fine and I just wanted to see the look on her face when I didn't show up to greet her! I might have to "milk" this thing for a while!
Oh, yeah and I have to wear the cone of shame! Actually, I am wearing the COLLAR of shame. It's foam rubber covered with some fabric. My dad used to wear it sometimes and I inherited it! Thanks a lot, Dad! Today, I am wishing my dad a happy birthday! I hope he can hear me from heaven!
Well, everybuddy, I have to get back to planning my revenge. Stay tuned!
I had to watch as she ate HER breakfast, but did I even get one little taste? Noooooo! She kept telling me she was sorry, but I wasn't buying that! Finally, she put my prong collar and leash on and I realized I was going somewhere! Woohoo!...or so I THOUGHT! We went on a loooong car ride in my Aire-mobile and I met some new peoples that I had never seen before. Now, at first I was kind of excited about all of this, but then they started stealing my bloods and shaving various parts of my furry body! Ok, they made me go to sleep before the shaving and the stealing of the bloods, but don't worry, I knew what they were up to!
When I woke up, I had a poodle leggie and big bare spot on my tail...not to teefies are all sparkling white! I bet if I went into a room with a black light, they would glow in the dark!
It seems that I have a hot spot from hell on the side of my tail! It was so bad that my fuzzy body was producing white blood cells to fight with it! I hadn't told my mom about it until yesterday morning when she saw me gnawing on my tail like an ear of corn! I hadn't yet chewed the hair off so my mom didn't think it was a hot spot. Some dog detective SHE is!
Well, now I am on ant-eye-bye-oticks and some allergy medicine. Can you believe mom wanted to steal my allergy medicine! It's the same stuff she takes...even the same dosage! The dogtor told her that it's very impawtant for me to take it! So take THAT, Mom!
Yep, she really betrayed me, but I am getting even! About every hour, last nignt while she was sleeping, I was whining! Every time I did it, she got up and held me for a few minutes. I've been doing it all day today, too! She went to the store, this morning, and when she came home, I REALLY got even with her! She knows that as soon as she opens the door from the garage to the kitchen, the first thing she sees is my big, black marshmellow nose! Well, this time, I wasn't there! I almost heard her heart fall to her feet! Actually, I was fine and I just wanted to see the look on her face when I didn't show up to greet her! I might have to "milk" this thing for a while!
Oh, yeah and I have to wear the cone of shame! Actually, I am wearing the COLLAR of shame. It's foam rubber covered with some fabric. My dad used to wear it sometimes and I inherited it! Thanks a lot, Dad! Today, I am wishing my dad a happy birthday! I hope he can hear me from heaven!
Well, everybuddy, I have to get back to planning my revenge. Stay tuned!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Thank you, everydoggie!
Hi! It's me, Patches again! We just want to thank everydoggie who left us comments about finding a service doggie! Thank you to Mango Momma for reminding us about Clive in Ireland and thank you to Clive for giving us some information about trainers here, in the Atlanta area!
My mom contacted Tenkiller Airedales and they are going to help! We are turning over all the information, so they can deal directly with the family of the little boy. We think that's better than relying on 3rd or 4th hand information from my mom. We sure hope everything works out for all the parties involved and we send a huge THANK YOU to Sherry from Tenkiller Airedales!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
We need somedoggie's help!
Hey, everydoggie, kitty, hamsterrier and hooman! It's me, Patches! My mom and Aunt Wendy are wondering if anyone out there knows of an assistance dog for autism that is in the Atlanta area or could COME to the Atlanta area. There is a little boy, here, who is in desparate need of an "autism" doggie. He's on some sort of list to get a dog, but he's somewhere around number 1000. We're hoping to find him a doggie that isn't on the "list", but has had the training.
We don't know much about these things, but since we have friends from all over the world, we thought that maybe someone could help...or at least point us in the right direction!
Pupdate: This family is desperate since the boy ran away from home and was found hanging from a pool cover. He was one very lucky little boy THIS TIME! A couple of other children, in the Atlanta area, were not so lucky. There have been some deaths of autistic children in recent weeks! It was told to us, that these dogs will actually lie down on the back of the child to prevent them from running away. (We don't know if this is accurate, we just know what we were told). Thanks to those of you who have left us comments!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
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