The life and times of Patches the Airedale Terrier, with comments, from time to time, by or about Angel Poppy and Angel Penny. Come on in and visit with us!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate!
Hey, everybuddy! It's me, Patches! We want to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Happy Whatever you Celebrate! Here at Airedale Heaven, I will be having a Merry Christmas! I know Santa Claws is bringing me some really good stuffs!
I also, want to show everydoggie our new Christmas ornament. It is a stocking with an Airedale on it! It's from Maggie, Mitch and their very talented mom! It is so special that my mom hung it from the very top of our tree! It looks beautimous up there, Mom, but I can't reach it. I think that might have been her plan since sometimes I grab a Christmas ball from the lower branches! But that was an accident. Really, Mom. My toys sometimes hit an ornament and then I get caught in the process of putting it back! Somehow, I don't think she's buying that!
We hope all of you have a very happy and SAFE holiday season!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Hey, hey, hey every buddy!
Hi! It's me, Patches! Well, my mom really did it! She put up a 6 foot tall Christmas tree. I really like playing with the colored balls that are on the tree, but they don't break easily. Darn! Sometimes, I get a little carried away playing with my toys and they accidentally knock a ball or two off the tree. Oops!
When one of my toys sticks on the tree, I try to bark it off, but that doesn't usually work. I end up having to go and get my mom and then run in the living room while barking at the tree! She takes the hint and gives me back my toy. I guess she would rather I do that than just just climbing the tree to get it myself!
We had a nice Thanksgiving and I got to have my own special treat. Aunt Wendy put the turkey-holding tray on the floor and let me "go to it"! Yummy, yummy! This is the first time I got to clean it up all by myself!
Aunt Wendy even let my mom take a picture of us together right before I dove on the turkey-holder.
I cleaned up that plate so well that I thought my mom could just put it back in the cabinet, but for some strange reason, she said she had to sterilize it!
Well, every buddy...that's it for today! I'm off to find a register vent to sleep on. It's cold outside and that warm aire sure feels good on my fuzzy belly!
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