The life and times of Patches the Airedale Terrier, with comments, from time to time, by or about Angel Poppy and Angel Penny. Come on in and visit with us!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Merry Christmas, everydoggie, everykitty and all hoomans!
Merry Christmas! It's me, Patches. As I'm sure you know, my mom has been very lazy when it comes to my blog. I keep biting her in the butt to get her to post something, but she says she's busy. Ha! I think she just spends too much time lovin' on the big FrankenJagger! I think he's taking over my MOM!
Some time ago, we won another gorgeous mitten ornament made by Mitch and Molly's mom. We were soooooo excited to get it! It is at the top of our tree with the other two that their very talented mom made!
We always get a little sad at this time of year, but this year we will have a distraction. We are having Christmas dinner at our house, so my mom has been extra busy. We don't know exactly what she has been making, but she isn't giving US any of it! The nerve of that woman!
We hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I will keep trying to get my mom to post more often.
Princess Patches (and Ezzy Rider and Jagger too)
Friday, September 28, 2012
Guess what we got!
Hi, everydoggie! It's me, Princess Patches! Yes, I am still the princess, but it seems that the big Jagger boy is becoming the KING of my house. I think my mom is in love with him. She's always loving on him and making up new names for him and stuffs like that! Should I be jealous? Oh, and his newest name is FrankenJagger for halloweenie!
Okay, back to the purpose of my post. This is a new sign that will be posted somewhere on our fence. We haven't figured out just exactly WHERE yet. My mom would LIKE to put it on our front door, but she's afraid that might look a little tacky. Maybe we can get her to put it on a post in our front yard. Then all the peoples who walk or drive by would know that Airedales live here. Also, any burglars should think twice before crossing the jaws (I mean PATHS) of 3 hungry Airedales. Of course, all they have to do is take one LOOK at FrankenJagger and they would RUN the other way! That boy is twice as big as me and Ezzy!
If you would like a sign like this with your dog's breed on it, click here. The peoples over there are really great to work with. The first sign we got looked like some kind of terrier, but not an Airedale. My mom pee-mailed them and sent them a picture of what an Airedale is supposed to look like. This is the new sign and we think it's pawfect! In case the link doesn't work, just type this into your browser: They have lots of different signs to choose from and it doesn't have to say "crossing". They have other ones too!
That's it for today, everydoggie!
Patches and Ezzy Rider and FrankenJagger too
Sunday, August 12, 2012
We interrupt this bloggy for...a commercial!
That's right, everydoggie, we are doing a commercial, today for Viva La Dog Spa Facial Wipes! We have to give them 12 paws UP!
We each had our faces cleaned with the facial wipes and we have to say, "they are very refreshing and the pleasant fragrance lasts for quite a while". Our beards were even softer than usual...and WE have some pretty wirey beards. Yes, the tub they come in, is pink with a black lid, but the boyz don't mind. Even I (Patches) let my mom clean my eyes and face with the wipes since they are hypoallergenic (and I am allergic to lots of stuffs). Around here, we don't have a tear staining problem, but I bet it works wonders on white or light colored doggies.
If you want to try some, go on over to: and order some for yourselves!
This concludes this commercial. We think everydoggie will love these.
Patches, Ezzy Rider and Jagger
Thursday, August 2, 2012
I am a cone head!
Hey, everydoggie! It's me, Patches. My personal secretary (aka Mom) hasn't done a blog post in so long, that she wasn't aware of all the changes to blogger. She put in like 5 pictures and can only find ONE.
Anyway, I am a cone head! Yep, I have two hot spots on my back, near my tail. Since I won't leave them alone, my mom and Aunt Wendy decided to make a cone-head out of me. It took them about 10 minutes to cone me, but I unconed myself in about 5 minutes. Woohoo! I even ripped my collar off. No stupid cone for me!
Our blue birdies have a new set of babies. We see the mom and dad taking food into the house for them, twice a day. Now we are on blue bird patrol to see when they leave the nest. We will know it's coming soon when we start to see the last batch of babies show up to help with the feeding.
A couple of weeks ago, my mom deserted us! She went all the way to O-HI-O to visit her family. Mom's uncle, from Jacksonville, Fl. was going up for a class reunion and he invited my mom to ride along! Mom said it was a long trip both ways, but it sure was nice to spend some time with her family. She hadn't seen them in almost 4 years! She's hoping her uncle does that again some time...he usually rides a motorcycle all the way up there and my mom say, "No thanks" to THAT! Well, she's been back for about a week and still trying to catch up.
Well, everydoggie, it's about time for your 465th trip outside today!
Patches (and Ezzy Rider and Jagger too)
Friday, June 29, 2012
We are a 3-Airedale household again! Woohoo!
Hey, hey, hey, everydoggie, everykitty and every human! It's me, Princess Patches! We have big news! About 2 months ago, my cousins Ezzy Rider and Jagger moved in with me! Okay, with Mom too! And Aunt Wendy came with them. So all 5 of us are living in the same house. Woohoo! I have two bitey face pals. And I DO mean bitey-face! We are playing almost constantly.
Every once in a while, we have to take time out from bitey-face to do big zoomies out in the back yard. Oh, and to eat, but we aren't away from a good game of bitey-face for long!
It sure feels good to have Aire-buddies again! Aunt Wendy is making some big changes in her life and my mom and I invited her and her two Aire-boys to come and live with us.
Sorry, I never did give you an update on our Blue Birdies! They raised a whole family in our bird house and now, they have moved to another one of our Bluebird houses and they are raising a SECOND family! The house they are in, now, is right outside of our ginormous box window in the kitchen. We can sit at the table and watch their comings and goings. My mom feels very lucky that they came back to be with us after being gone for 2 years!
Well, everybody, that's all the news for now...except that it is HOT HOT HOT! Right now, it is 103.6 degrees F outside! Those birdies must be cooking! We run down the stairs, do our bidness and get back inside!
Patches (and Ezzy Rider and Jagger too!)
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Guess who's baaaaaack!
Hey, hey, hey! I have some really exciting news! Some of you may remember back to a few years ago when my mom and dad watched two bluebirds raise babies twice, in our bludbird box. Well, yesterday, a male and female showed up and acted just like they did a few years ago. My dad named them Mason and Mena and although we can't know for sure, we think these are the same birdies. At least, that's our story and we're sticking to it!
All day, the two birdies kept going in and out of the bird house and the male was constantly "yelling" at the female. The female keep standing on top of the box and yelling back at the male! Also the female kept flying at the back window and pecking at the glass. Sometimes, she would just sit and watch the TV through the window.
Sorry the pictures aren't so good, but my mom was taking them through a window.
My mom was very fortunate to have shared the bluebirds' antics with my dad and she learned sooooo much from him! This time, she only has ME to share it with. I have already been warned to LEAVE THE BIRDIES ALONE!
Mom and I can't wait to watch Mena build a nest. No, the male doesn't help...he stands on the deck rail and yells while flapping his wings as the female builds the nest. (That sounds about right!) We are going to take some of my furs and put them in an onion bag so the birdies can have it if they want. This is furs from 2 Aire-cuts ago...I found it in a trash can in the basement and when I brought some upstairs (which is a BIG no-no), my mom realized it was still here! I wonder if that will make the birdies smell like ME!
We hope to get some better pictures once the birdies get settled!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
My Easter Aire-cut and Hoppy Easter or Happy Passover to all our friends!
Hey, everybuddy! It's me, Patches! How do I look in my new Aire-do? I just got it yesterday and my mom can't stop telling me how pretty I look...or how good I smell! We tried a new groomer because Mom won the bidding on a grooming for me, at the Ride for Life and Family Fun Day! I really like my new groomer (Amanda) and most impawtantly, my mom loves the way she groomed me! We will definitely be going back again!
The Ride for Life and Family Fun Day was a great success! We got lots of green papers for New Hope Haven! And on top of THAT, we had a lot of great foodables. Well, THEY had lots of foodables! I had to stay home alone. Boooo! My mom helped park cars for a lot of the day, so I'm pretty sure I would have been in the way. Anywho, Sally Ann and her Mommy (Lisa) were there and my mom came home smelling just like the little Welshie girl! Thanks for coming, Lisa and Sally Ann! I think Aunt Wendy was plotting a way to dognap you, Sally Ann!
There were lots and lots of peeps, horsies and doggies that came to join in the fun. Of course, my mom forgot to take the camera!
This week, Mom is watching the neighbor doggies while their peeps are out of town. These are not the same doggies that she usually takes care of...NO this is 2 pups that live on the other side of us! Mom goes over very early every morning and lets them out and then she goes back when it is almost dark outside and puts them in the garage and feeds them. And THEN...she comes home smelling like Maggie and Sasha. She is such a traitor! Yesterday, while she was waiting on me to finish up my spa day, she was petting 2 kitties that have beds on the counter in the v-e-t's office!
We hope everydoggie and their peeps have a very Happy Easter or Happy Passover...which ever you celebrate! And if you don't celebrate either one...then Happy Spring!
Patches (and Lana)
Monday, March 19, 2012
Home Made Doggie Treats! They're yummy!
Hey, Everydoggie! Look what I gots! It's some kind of dehydrater thingy that my mom bought for ME! She bought it at a garage sale and it is brand new! Unfortunately, she didn't get the box or the owner's manual so she's winging it! She already made me a batch of sweet potato (yam) strips.
This is the second batch all ready to have the power turned on!
And here's the TASTE TESTER! ME! I approved of the first batch so now we are on to the second one! Mom bought 3 sweet taters and she will have to do 3 batches. We only have 2 racks, so the batches are not huge. That's okay, was CHEAP!
My mom and Aunt Wendy will be very busy this week getting stuffs ready for the big dog and pony show on Saturday. It's not REALLY a dog and pony's a horse show and family fun day! Peeps ARE allow to bring their doggies as long as they are on a leash. We don't want anyone to be steping on doggies. It looks like there will be lots of peeps, doggies and horsies! The horsies are having a costume contest so my mom is taking stuffs like halloween wigs and feather boas. You have never seen any of my mom's costumes because I refuse to be dressed up! I can take the clothes OFF faster than my mom can put them ON. Heeheeeeee! I wish I could go, but Mom says she will be too busy to watch me and she doesn't want to walk around, all day, with me leashed to her leggies!
Our weather, here, has turned very warm...TOO warm for US! Everything is blooming early and I'm pretty sure we are going directly into Summer without much of a spring. It will go to 85 degrees today and only into the 60's at night. It will be this way for the next 5 days, at least. Last night, after my mom and I went to bed, I heard her in the living room, mumbling something as she turned on the aire conditioning for the first time this year! I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant for my tender little ears!
Well, everydoggie, I'm going back to my guard duty! Since Mom insists on FEEDING the stoopid skwerrels, I have to stay on patrol at all times! You just never know when one of them will slip up and I will nail his floofy tail!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
My mom and I are still around!
This is a very short post to let you know that we are still around. We could use some of your prayers, good vibes and whatever kind of zen you have. I can't go into details, right now, but don't isn't life threatening.
It's also kind of a sad time for us since it is February. Some of you may remember, it was 2 years ago on the 12th that my dad had to go to heaven and today is 2 years since Poppy joined him. We are trying not to focus on painful stuffs, but sometimes we just can't help it.
On a more pleasant note, the barn where my mom and Aunt Wendy ride those really BIG dogs, is having a horse show and family fun day in March. (By the way, my mom says those really BIG dogs are actually horses). Anyway, my mom is helping with some of the stuffs for the big day. Some of the peoples are bringing their doggies, but Mom says I can't go because I am too much of a hooligan and she will be too busy to watch me constantly. I do, however, get to snoopervise the cookie making. Yep, they're making cookies in the shapes of horses! PEOPLE cookies, not HORSE cookies! Hey, maybe they could make some horse cookies too! Just an idea, Mom!
Well, everydoggie, I'm on a mission to catch one of those skwerrels that are trying to take over my back yard. I always seem to miss them by an inch or two. My mom says I'm fast, but THEY are faster!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Farewell, Miss Maggie! Run like the wind!
As I'm sure most of you already know, Miss Maggie of Maggie and Mitch has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Her pawrents and her "brother" Mitch have given Maggie the best life that anydog could hope for. That doesn't make it any easier for her family. Believe me...we KNOW!
Run free and painless, Maggie! The whole Dogs with Blogs community will take care of your parents and Mitchy Boy! Have a safe journey to the bridge and say Hi to all of our friends who went before you...especially Poppy and Penny. They can take you to my dad and he will watch over you.
We love you, Miss Maggie and we will ALWAYS miss you!
Sad (((((Aire-hugs))))),
Patches (and Lana)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
We hope everydoggie is having a great January!
Hey, everydoggie! It's me, Patches! Who ELSE would it be? I am the only doggie who lives here! We don't have a whole lot of news, but around here, that's a GOOD thing!
One day it's hot and the next day, it's cold! It's a wonder we don't all have pneumonia! (Ha! I bet you thought I couldn't spell pneumonia!) Most of our trees have buds, which is WAY wrong for January! I'm pretty sure they will end up getting frozen.
My mom has been putting lots of stuffs on that eBay place. I'm watching to make sure she doesn't try to sell any of my stuffies! I have been keeping busy moving from the cold kitchen floor to the warm carpet, depending upon what kind of day it is. Sometimes I have to be on the carpet in the morning and then move to the kitchen floor in the afternoon. It's furry confusing...Mom never knows where I will be next.
That's all the news that IS the news from Airedale Heaven! We hope you are all having a great January whether you have snow or warm temperatures!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year to all our doggie and human friends!
Now that all our Christmas decorations are put away, maybe things can get back to normal around here. As you can see, from these photos, I had a pretty darned good Christmas. I got a new lion and a new horsie! I also got 3 kinds of new treats, but my mom grabbed them as fast as I could open them! I'm still not sure WHY!
Our weather has turned pretty awful, here in Georgia. Yesterday, it was 65 degrees F and today, the high is supposed to be in the 40's. Right now, it's so windy, that it feels REALLY cold. Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse...highs in the 30's! I thought this was supposed to be the SOUTH!
I guess we shouldn't really complain. It's still better than last year when we were trapped in the house for four days! We haven't had any snow flakes yet, so THAT'S a good thing!
We wish all of our friends a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! OMD! I almost is our 4th blogaversary! It was four years ago, today when Aunt Wendy came over and helped my mom start this bloggy! I wasn't even HERE yet! Coming up, in May, it will be my 3rd Gotcha Day and a few days later, it will be my 9th barkday! Woohoo!
Stay warm, everybuddy!
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