The life and times of Patches the Airedale Terrier, with comments, from time to time, by or about Angel Poppy and Angel Penny. Come on in and visit with us!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Penny's barkday & possible new brother!

We would like to thank Asta, the WFT from New York City for this pawsome birfday card! It was the first thing Mom saw when she started up the 'puter this morning! And thanks for all the birfday wishes that some of you doggies have left on our blog! Before we started this bloggy thing, the only birfday wishes we got were from Mom and Dad. Now, we get them from all over the world. How cool is that?
This picture is Poppy watching Mom take pictures of our doggie treats. She can't wait! For just a minute, I thought it was not fair for her to get treats too, but then I remembered that I get treats when it is HER birfday! That is in October so it will be a long wait!
We are going to have a nap now so the time will go faster for Aunt Wendy to get here and we can have our birfday treats!
Penny the Birfday girl & Poppy
Monday, February 25, 2008
SO not fair! We are outraged!

Friday, February 22, 2008
Feeding stations, Penny's Birthday, Animal Rescue Site

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Cleaning up the yard and wasting water

Saturday, February 16, 2008
We're blowing our coats...and other important stuff

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Destructomania and we got our first Valentine's Card!

Woo Hoo! We got our first Valentine's Day card! It's from Ezzy Rider and Jagger, our two best pals! We love younger boys! The card is a little soggy because I, Poppy carried it around in my mouth, for a while. I couldn't hold still long enough for Mom to get a picture of that. I was too busy absorbing the wonderful smells of our buddys! They are such sweet boys!
The picture in the center, above is my latest act of destructomania. I have had this Nemo fish for a long, long time and I finally decided to gut him. He is one of my favorite toys because he is just the right size for humping. That's right...girl dogs hump their stuffies too! Our mom learned, a long time ago, that it has nothing to do with male or female. It's all about dominance and I am the alpha in this house! Penny won't let me hump her so I had to resort to humping all my large stuffies. I used to have a bear that was 3 feet tall and believe me, HE knew who was the boss! He finally had to go to stuffie heaven because his fur was still and filthy and he wouldn't fit in the washing machine. Oh, well, he was loads of fun before I humped him to death! It was so fun to make Mom laugh so hard she almost cried. I get so engrossed in my humping that I almost fall on my face and Mom just can't stop laughing!
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
Poppy & Penny
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Award, Mom's new camera, lazy dogs.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
How we got our names...and Mom is outraged!

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Caught in the act...and what a "ham" Pockets was!