Friday, December 19, 2008

DWB cards, award...and other impawtant stuffs!

Hi everybuddy! It's me, Patches! We are finally all done with our snail mail and e-cards. If we missed anybuddy, it wasn't intentional. Please accept this card from us to you! The three of us girls have received 82 cards and our pawrents have 3! Heeheehee! Maybe it's because we are so much cuter than they are!...or furrier...whatever!
Some time ago, we received this cool award from Kess and her mama. Thank you sooooo much! We will put it on our side bar and be very proud of it!

This is me and Poppy begging our dad for some date bar. Every year, Mom makes him one little pan of date bars. Mom doesn't eat them and they are way too hard to make in a large quantity.

This is a rare picture of Penny (with the scary eyes). She really wanted some date bar, but she was also trying to get away from the camera. What a camera chicken!

This is our teeny tiny ceramic Christmas tree. Mom puts it on an antique plant stand so Santa Paws can put all our presents under it, when he gets here. There are tiny lights on it, but we only turn it on at night time.

This is a crocheted Christmas tree that our mom made many, many years ago. Her grandma taught her to crochet when she was 9 years old. She used to crochet a lot, but since she started needle felting, she doesn't do it so much anymore. Just once in a while to make sure she still remembers how. Our mom is amazed that none of us doggies have messed with this tree. It has a styrofoam cone inside that is wrapped with polyfil. That's like a dog magnet for us! Since all our stuffies have polyfil inside them, we think anything that smells like polyfil must be for us!
I got in huge trouble on Wednesday. Mom had wrapped some Christmas presents and stacked them on a trunk at the end of the guest bed. Then, she left and went to spend the day with Aunt Wendy. Well, I guess I got bored or something and I cruised around the house looking for something to get into. Dad was in his workshop in the basement so he didn't know what we were up to. He only knew that we were quiet and we weren't making the thundering herd noises. Well, when he came upstairs, he found one of the presents unwrapped on the living room floor. I had a ripping good time with the paper, but he caught me before I destroyed the present. Lucky for me!

This is Poppy when Mom came home from the groomer's. She went to get a haircut and she got sheared like a sheep! Her hair is really short and she says she looks like a pinhead! You see, our Mom has bleached her hair for about 4 years and she has decided to let it go back to her natural color. She isn't too sure, right now, what her natural color is. It used to be blue-black, but not anymore. It's mostly gray and white, but right now, she looks like Chester Cheetah! The ends are still platinum blond, but the roots are a mixture of gray, black and white. Yep...Chester Cheetah for sure! She says she'll decide what to do with it once she finds out what color it really is!
Our Bluebirds have been coming to our deck everyday to eat! We are soooo excited! Yesterday, we had 5 of them all at one time! I, Patches, got so excited that I barked at them, but they only flew as far as the deck rail. I guess they must be used to us doggies by now!
Well, everybuddy, I'm going outside now to enjoy my poop-free back yard. Mom poopie-scooped this morning and she filled up the bucket twice! So...if you happen to be a trash collector in our town, be aware that there are 2 big bags of poop waiting for you in our trash barrell. Merry Christmas! Heeheehee! (Mom says that's not funny, but we think it's hysterical)!!
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too!)


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Anonymous said...

Hope all your poop is outside and frozen cause it could be inside and moistened.
Summer heat is nasty but winter is nicer, at least that's what Papa says. "It can wait!"

Lacy said...

w00f;s 3P's, we got a xmas tree like the 1st one..we gots no pressies under the tree, me not think my mama trust me..me cards r gonna b late..mama says her luck at christmas time is horrible, soo they gonna b late..

b safe,

wally said...

It was so nice of you to help open the presents! And early, to!

The apes are always so ungrateful.

wally t.

Mason Dixie said...

My mom remembers having a ceramic tree just like that, she loved to put all the little bulbs on and light it up. Have a happy Holiday season

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh wow you've got a ceramic tree too. D says it's going to be a breeze packing the tree away this year hee hee.
Hope you got some date slice.
Have a great Christmas. Hugs to all.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy x

Kess And Her Mama said...

What a cool tree. First time I've seen a crochet tree! Blessed Christmas all!

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
The crochet tree is beautiful! My mom used to crochet a lot but not any more!
I am sure Patches will be happy helping everybody opening their presents!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Bogart H. Devil said...

Aw Poppy, it looks like the groomer missed the class is Airedale :) But you still look LOVELY...

And Patches, I think you were just practicing for the BIG DAY of opening presents, right?

And Penny... step into the limelight baby, you're gorgeous!


Asta said...

Poppy Penny and Patches

I think wipping the papew is the funnest pawt of pwesents(mostly), hehehglad you didn't get into twouble..Youw Mom is now an official WFT is sounds like....we'we all twicolow , hehehe..Mommi's haiw is wed and white and ????she doesn't weally know eithew....Say hello to youw bluebiwds fow me, and get Penny to be less shy so we can see hew bootiful face
smoochie kisses

Stanley said...

Hey, Poppy Girl!

I hate getting groomed, but love that sleek svelte feeling I get after I'm shorn and all nekkid. You're looking very nekkid there. Stay warm, girlie!

Patches, I think that you are on your way to becoming a master unwrapper. It's a skill you should add to your resume. (That and bluebird barking.)

I'm with Bogart, Penny Girl! Come on out so we can see your pretty face!

Goober love,

Faya said...

Yes sometimes we are doing strange things when we are bored...
By reading your blog, VĂ©ronique told me that maybe she should also go and clean the garden...for Christmas.
Have a nice week-end my friends !
Kisses, Faya

Duke said...

We can't believe that both our moms were making date nut bars at the same time! We think you all should have gotten to lick the batter spoon!
Your crocheted tree is just gorgeous!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ha ha ha ha! I loved the last bit of your post, the poopy tales!

Your Mama is sure brave to get her hair cut.......my J can hardly see out of her fringe at the moment - I am very late replying to comments, and posting for that matter, my Editor In Chief has been fully occupied with something called Christmas shopping and parcel wrapping. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a good new year!

love and Christmas Licks, Marvin xxxxx Who has a lazy Editor In Chief!!

Agatha and Archie said...

We love your crocheted tree!! SO pretty! W
We think you were doing a good job checking out the present. What if it were the wrong paper?? We hope you and your family have a lovely holiday! Love A+A

River said...

Thank you for coming by my blog and for your words of support. I would love to tear up a present, too, but they're out of reach of we beagles.

love & wags,

Eric said...

Bet you thought the present was yours right? Those leggededs should have put a tag on the present then you would have known it wasn't yours to open. But a present tester seems like a very interesting job.

Wags, Eric xx

Unknown said...

Hello! Did we hear that you have all been bickering? What's that all about? A little holiday stress, maybe ... watch for those bluejays. They are fiesty birds and will PECK you on the head it you bother them too much. When H-Mom was little, a bluejay dive-bombed out of the sky and pecked her little sister on the head very very hard! It was very scary but also very funny.

Amber-Mae said...

Both your trees are nice!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

hee hee. I got a ton of cards too and my mom also got 3! Merry Christmas!

Dexter said...

I hope your mom didn't scare you too much with her crazy hair! My mom decided to go natural a couple of years back. Its got all grey and stuff, but it looks fine to me.

Stay out of the presents!


Dewey Dewster said...

Ya all sound like us at times....we love ta open up presents and feel everyone on the floor must be fer us.....so Gram has ta keep all the gifts up on the furniture so we don't open 'em before Christmas....Yer ceramic tree looks nice 'n so does the crocheted one....Gram crochets but never made a tree....it looks cool....hope ya have a great holiday and get lots of goodies...

Dewey Dewster here....

Pedro said...

Wow! 81 cards? I've gotten alot but not that many. I have gotten tons more than my humans though!!


The Black and Tans. said...

Your trees are very pretty, thank you for showing them to us.

Hope you all receive loads of nice pressies and have the best ever Christmas.

Molly and Taffy

The Black and Tans. said...

Your trees are very pretty, thank you for showing them to us.

Hope you all receive loads of nice pressies and have the best ever Christmas.

Molly and Taffy

Deetz said...

Hi everyone
I am back and I sure missed you all. My mum said her mum used to have one of those ceramic chrismas trees and they are really pretty.
We wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Hope you are all well and healthy and happy

George the Pup said...

Sometimes there are bad airecuts - but don't worry, it'll grow back fast!

You are so luck to help open the packages - that looks like some serious fun, I've never tried that!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

Fenway said...

Remember: that crocheted Christmas tree is NOT a stuffie!

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Happy Holidays, ladies! We hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Your trees are very cute and unique. My mom made a tree like that top one decades ago. It was fun seeing one like it again.

Merry Christmas, Levi's mom

The Musketeers said...

We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,

xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & Family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce

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