Hi everybuddy! It's me, Patches! Remember when I told you that Mom and Aunt Wendy were taking me and Ezzy Rider to Athens, Georgia? Well, on Tuesday, we really went! Mom and Aunt Wendy went to meet Miss Barbara, who they say is the queen of the Airedale Rescue Group. As soon as we arrived, we found out there were FOUR other 'dales there! And we thought WE lived at Airedale Heaven!

It rained really hard when we were on our way there, so we all got really dirty and wet. It was sooooo fun! The picture, above, is me and one of Miss Barbara's 'dales. I think it was Bucky. He's the newest rescue boy to join the clan. We had a really hard time keeping Aunt Wendy from dognapping him!

This big, fuzzy guy is York. He belongs to a really great lady, named Del, who owns the house where Miss B and her 'dales are staying. York is 13 years old and he still likes to run and play like the rest of us! He also likes to sleep outside!

Here, we were having a group "sit" for treats! Only Luke, Bucky, Rocky and York participated. Ezzy and I were too busy surveying the great property they have, where we were able to run leash-free as much as we wanted! Woohoo!

Mom was trying to get all of us in the same picture, but you know how THAT is! All you can see of me, in this picture, is my banana tail!

See this cute little guy on the left? That's Luke! He is such a cutie...and very tiny for an Airedale! He makes me look like a giant! We think the guy in the middle is Bucky (or it might be Rocky) and Ezzy is on the right. When we were there, we didn't have any trouble knowing which doggie was which, but now that we are trying to post the pictures, it's a little harder to tell Bucky from Rocky! We sure hope we get all the names right!

In this picture, Aunt Wendy is about to remove my collar to take a link out of it. They found out that I could escape from my prong collar, so it had to be shortened a little. I know, I know...some peeps don't like to use prong collars, but a lot of Airedale peeps call it "power steering" for dogs. Ya know, we are VERY strong willed doggies and these collars keep us going in the right direction!

Here's Ezzy Rider showing off his wet and muddy beard. We all had a blast running through the wet bushes and reading everydoggie's pee-mail!

I was watching Luke and Rocky posing in the doorway!

Here's Bucky, Luke and Ezzy. I wonder what kind of a plan they were hatching!

This is Bucky (we think) and Ezzy. Oh yeah, and my banana tail again! Once I had inspected the entire property, I stuck pretty close to my mom. She said I was a very good girl all day. Okay, I did escape, once when we first got out of Aunt Wendy's car, but I came right back. And I did have to tell off Rocky a couple of times when he tried to hump me. I think he got the message pretty quickly! I was the only girl 'dale with 5 boyz!

This is Miss Barbara with one of the Aire-kids. She's talking to Aunt Wendy...probably about what else?...Airedales!

This is the gate that we had to go through to get to the house. Luke is watching as our mom, Aunt Wendy, Miss Barbara and Miss Del left us to go have lunch. Yes, we all stayed at Del's house and had the run of the property while all the peeps ate lunch. Nobody knows what we did while they were gone and we aren't telling! All they know is that Ezzy and I met them, at the gate, when they came back.
We all had such a pawsome day! My mom and Aunt Wendy were sooooo happy to get to meet Barbara and Del face to face. They talk to people, in the Airedale Rescue Group, on the phone and in pee-mails, but it sure was nice to see a couple of them in person!
Ezzy Rider and I were so worn out after our visit, that we slept almost all the way home!
Well, everybuddy, I have a secret to tell you! This will probably be our last post for a while because our personal secretary (aka Mom) is going to visit her family again. She will be back on April 28th and we will resume our regularly scheduled blog postings as soon as she gets settled! (Okay, we know there's no real schedule!) No, she's not leaving right this minute, but she will be VERY busy from now until she actually leaves. She's got a zillion things to do before she leaves and right in the middle of getting ready to go, she has our neighborhood yard sale on Saturday. She wasn't going to pawticipate, but since most of the stuff is already priced and still in boxes from the sale they had at the antique mall, she figures maybe she can get rid of some more stuffs!
We hope nodoggie forgets us! We'll see you all around the end of April!
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too)
My head is spinning from all those 'dales in the posts!
I bet woo had such fun!
Tank woo fur sharing it with us!
PeeEssWoo: my breed is known fur their love of pulling the humans as well!
Loved the photos of you all! It's such a blast to get to be with Airedales...Hootie (Welshie) enjoys going to the Dales & Friends meetups maybe more than I do. Dales are just fun to be with! Thanks for all the pictures of muddy,wet faces and your banana tail. Pawsome!
Smooches, BabyRocketDog & Hootie
We'll miss you!
Jake and Just Harry
That is a lot of dales. So much fuzziness, so many banananas. You had a blast, huh? Thanks for telling us about your mom's trip so we don't worry about you too much. I hope you are helpful with the packing.
OOhhhh so many dales!!!Have a lovley time and we will miss you!! Love A+A PS we have to be powered steered as well!!
Hi, Patches!
Yes, it looks like Airedale Heaven!
Sure you had a pawesome time with all of them!
I will be waiting for you all!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Wow! It wooks wike a TOTALLY fun twip!! We iz happee dat woo had such a gud time!
We will miss woo wen woo iz away! Hurree back to da bloggie wurld!
Gus and Waldo
You're so lucky that you got to hang around with 5 AireBoys, Patches! We wish we could have joined you!
Mitch wants to know how you slip you prong collar! He wears one too and he hasn't figured that out yet, thank doG!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow what a great day out. I bet your mum & Aunty Wendy were in their element. It's so nice to see you all getting along.
Hope your mum has a good visit with her family.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy x
Would you please drop by my blog. I have a award for you.
Love Ya
Yall are so lucky to have met Miss Barbara and all those great 'dales! It looks like soooo much fun!!! I think ARG folks and 'dales are the best!!
Looks like you had a lot of fun! Hope your Mom has a blast and we can't wait for her to get back so you guys can get back to blogging.
That looked like so much fun Patches! And you had all those boys at your beck and call. Hope your mom has a good trip.
Your friend,
Wow, all those curly Dales! What a great day out you had Patches! Hope your mum has a good trip.
See you later!
OMD...what an adorable postie!!! So many dales, so little time!!! And what a fabbers place to run around in!!!
We're hopin' you mom has a safe trippie and we'll miss you girls...hope ur getting nice and muddy and enjoyin' spring!!!!!
Love ya lots...Lacie et al!!!!!
What a load of Dales!!! he he. looks like you guys had a great time. See you in a couple weeks. =)
Looks like you all had a great time.
Just to let you know I put a new story of one of my cases on my blog.Check it out.
Love Ya
Hello all,
It looks like you had a great trip. There were so many 'dales there I bet you had a blast!!! Can't wait till your dog mom comes back to help you with posting.
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
Well you left us with lots of great photos to enjoy while your Mom is gone! Looks like you had a great time for sure!
What a great day full of dale goodness! Nothing is better than hanging out with lots of other Airedales! Can't wait to hear what you've been up to while your Mom was away!!
Your pal,
Dale, Dales and more Dales.....wow we're sure ya musta had a great time visitin' with all those look-a-likes.....
Dewey Dewster here....
That is alot of Airedales in one place and you were the only girl! You must have been very popular. Tell your mom we hope she has a wonderful time on her trip!
We're gonna come back and look at all those photos while your mum is gone... how much fun you must've had, with all those 'dales and all that space!
Thanks for the birthday wishes today, and we'll miss you!
OH! Mom found directions for needle felting. Now she has a goal with all that wirey hair she's been collecting over the years!
Penny and Poppy ! What cute names! I love this blog and I love your dogs! I will be adding this blog to my blog list. I would appreciate it if you would add my blog to your link list.
That's a lot of dales! Wow, it looks like you had so much fun.
love & wags,
It was nice to see you, and see what a cool visit you had! We hope your mom's visit to her family goes well, and we'll see you when you get back!
Your pals,
Joey and Zeke
Ooh that looked like double Airedale Heaven all your cute square cousins together!! Sounds like you had a wagging day. See you when you get back. Hope Mom gets a good break with her family.
Wiry wags, Eric xx
So many fuzz doggies! Looks like you kids had a soooper fun time. I can see that because you all look so happy!
Solid Gold Dancer
Party! Party! Wish we'd been at that beautiful place with all those Airedales. Remember, mud baths are good for your skin.
Alanis & Miro
patches, poppy and penny,
it is so nice to meet you guys! bunch of airedales! me like! you know my girlfriend is part airedale.
anyways, athens georgia sounds like a nice place. (anywhere but here idaho. still snowing!!!!)
come visit me blog again!
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