Hello, peeps and pups and kitties,
hammies, bears and
hoomans! It's me,
PorkChop! I am reporting, today, from my new home. Some time ago, I told you that I was moving to a curio cabinet in the living room. I have a great view of the goings on in this house from my new home! Peaches even moved with me! We like it better, in here, than we did in the kitchen because we don't have to get so jealous everytime the peeps and pups are eating something!

We're really glad you could join us for
Wheely Wednesday! It has been
soooooo HOT here, in Georgia that those real doggies don't stay outside for very long. It seems like they run outside, do their
bidness and run right back inside. Penny is the only one who spends much time out there. A few days ago, our mom saw Penny rolling in something. She made Penny come inside and she didn't go out to see what she was rolling in. Well, yesterday, Penny was chewing something in the same area where she was rolling a few days ago. Mom decided to see what it was since there is no FOOD out there! It was a dead birdie! Mom took it away from Penny and threw it into the woods very close to a tree so the doggies wouldn't roll on it anymore. Well, that didn't work because Bird Breath, aka Penny, found it again. This time, Mom threw it over the fence! Good work, Mom! What took you so long to figure that one out?
Yesterday, Patches got a face trim. Our mom says it's kind of like trying to give a haircut to a
Piranha! Patches had so much hair on her face, that you couldn't see her eyes! Now, her eyebrows are shorter and Mom trimmed the hair on her nose, so you can actually see her eyes! Now, the next thing she's getting is a b-a-t-h! Shhhhh! Dont' tell her!
On Saturday, after our mom finishes her yard sale-ing, she and Patches are going to a Farmer's Market down in Roswell with Aunt Wendy and Claire-dale. They are going to be handing out flyers about the Airedale Rescue Group! We sure hope they find a lot of peeps who want to adopt some homeless 'dales!
Now that I've moved my home into the living room, I get to watch those real doggies do zoomies and play bitey face all the time! It's kind of funny, though. They almost always do it at the same time each day. The bitey face happens every time someone goes into the bathroom or one of the bedrooms and the zoomies happen every time the doggies come in from outside. They are sooooo predictable!
Patches and Poppy are snoopervising the mailing of packages of stuff that were sold on Ebay. I can't see into that room from my new home, but Patches told me what's going on. That room is where the 'puter is and Poppy likes to lay at Mom's feet and have her read everydoggie's blogs to her.
We're a little behind on reading bloggies, right now because we can't seem to keep the intersnet up an running for very long at a time. Thanks a LOT, Comcast! Yeah, the TV, phone and intersnet were all down again, this morning! This time is wasn't just us! They are having a problem in our area. We don't know what is going on, but they better get it all fixed soon! Our mom says she would switch to a satellite dish, but she's already had Dish Network and DirecTV and she doesn't like it when the signal goes out every time a mosquito flies by! So...I guess we are at the mercy of Comcast. Mom says she would rather take poison than have to call them! They advertise what great customer service they have, but they LIE! Their customer service SUCKS!
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to nap the day away in my nice aire-conditioned curio cabinet! I can nap in between the always entertaining bitey face sessions!
PorkChop (and Poppy, Penny & Patches too)