Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Aire Care Fair was a success!

Hi, everydoggie, kittie, hamsterrier, bear and hooman! It's me, Patches. On Sunday, Mom and I went to the Aire Care Fair! The picture above is the tables where peoples could bid on Aire stuffs to benefit the Airedale Rescue Group. My mom donated 4 needle felted sculptures. Three of them were Airedales and one was a black Schnauzer on wheels. All 4 sold! Woohoo! Hollie and Janie are getting their very own Airedale wheelie!
Here's Janie! She looked soooooo pretty in her beautimous pink bow! We also got to meet her mama and Grandmama too! How cool is that?

Here's me and Sally Ann the Welsh Terrier! Isn't she just too cute? Sadly, she had to leave her big brother, Mack, at home, but we were soooooo glad to meet her and her mommy!

The Aire-kid in the back is Asta and we think it's Janie again in the foreground. There were so many Airedales there that we had a hard time keeping up with all the doggies' names.

See the blur on the left side of this picture? That's Sally Ann outrunning all the Airedales and other doggies! She's like a speeding bullett!
There were lots and lots of Airedales and we saw Dennis the Vizla, Chef the Boxer, Mango the relentlessly huge, Dexter the Labradude, a beautiful Weimeraner, a standard black Schnauzer and lots of other non-Aire-kids! Okay, so Dennis, Chef, Mango and Dexter weren't really there, but we saw doggies that looked just like them! The "Mango" doggie was just a puppy and no where near as large as the "relentlessly huge", but he will be a big boy when he grows up.
We all had a really great time running like mad fools in the off-leash area and some of us were busy playing bitey face with doggies we had never met before. The weather was pawfect, but it got a little warm in the afternoon! That was okay, we had lots of water buckets.
It was a really great day and we made loads of money for the Airedale Rescue Group!...which was the point of the whole thing in the first place! I was soooooo excited to get to meet two more of my doggie buddies from Dogs with Blogs! That meant there were 5 DWBers there! Jagger and Ezzy Rider, Janie, Sally Ann and of course, ME!
Patches (and Poppy and Penny too) (Poppy & Penny had fun with the DAD sitter while Mom and I were gone)


Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

Looks like you had a perfect day! Wish we could have been there- we love 'Faire's!

Duke said...

We wish we could have come too! That would have been such fun!
How cool that Janie and Hollie have their own AireWheelie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jake of Florida said...

We knew it would be a success!!! With all of you dales helping plan the Fair, it just had to be.

And in addition to the financial success, you all had so much fun -- we loved seeing all your new friends having such a ball!

Jake and Just Harry

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is so good that the Faire went so well. We are very happy for your mom with all the hard work she put into the preparations.

And how fun to meet all those DWBers and those who looked like a lot of others.

Woos, the OP Pack

Dexter said...

Miss Patches,

I saw you on Sally Ann's blog. Of course she ran fast with all you big old dates chasing her around.

What fun for everybody to get together and congrats on mom for selling all her stuffs.


Gus said...

woooooo.....we are glad you had a good time. wish we could've gone.

We love fairs. There is always lots of food that would go to waste if we didn't snatch it quickly.

Hope you got some of the goodies


Inky and Molly said...

Man, how much fun would that have been!! It was great that you could meet up with some of our pals from the blogsphere. We would have loved to be there!!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Mommy and I had a grant time. Thank you so much for inviting us. You are a very cute doggie Patches. I had the best time, and Mommy told me to tell your Mommy she loved meeting other DWB people. I hope I can come to your events in the future, as I really had a blast.
Sally Ann

Joe Stains said...

Looks like a fun fair! That is so cool your Mom sold some felties, now she can buy you more snacks!

Lorenza said...

Glad you had a pawesome and succesful day!
Congratulations to your mom!
Kisses and hugs

Niamh said...

Looks like it was a fun day! So nice to meet old friends and make new ones. Glad that the Faire went so well.

Your friend,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It is always great to meet our furiends!

AND when it raises green papers, it is PAWESOME!

Tank woo fur sharing!


TwoSpecialWires said...

What a pawtastic event! A great fund-raiser for an even greater cause, and fun with friends! DWB friends! That makes it even GREATER!

And we're sure that Poppy and Penny and Dad couldn't have felt too left out, since you came home tired and happy, with pictures and stories.

Thanks for sharing, and Congratulations!
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Asta said...

what a pawfect way to spend the day and meet so many aiwepals and bloggie fwiends! I wish I could have been thewe, but I guess since thewe was an aiwekid wif my name,I sowt of was, hehehe
Congwatulations to youw Mom fow getting sales to help the wescoo
I hope Penny and Poppy kept youw Dad good company
a win win fow all
smoochie kisses

Huskee and Hershey said...

How cool that you met Sally Ann!! It's always nice when you meet friends..
Very nice of Penny and Poppy to stay home and keep your dad company so that he's not too bored!

MidWest Mike said...

I'm not familiar with this breed. However, they seem to be great companions.

The Black and Tans. said...

What an excellent day you all had. Well done for raising all those $$$$ for Airedale rescue.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Eric said...

Patches your day looked a blast! Paws up to the smart leggeds who bought Mom's fabulous felties. To you too for helping raise lots of dosh for the Aire charity.Nice to see you meeting DWB buddies, even if they did outrun you, teehee!! Wiry loves to you three aires.keep looking after your Mom and Dad. Love Eric xx