Hi, every buddy! It's me, Patches! We just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I know, I know, it's been almost a month since our personal secretary has posted anything for us! I would have done it myself, but my extra large paws make it really difficult to find the right keys. My typing usually looks like this: hfihsfdcuijer8erj!
We just wanted to let you know that we are still here. We haven't been around to your bloggies much and we haven't even been of Facebook very much. We are having some 'puter problems, but thank doG, this morning, they seem to be okay! Yippee!
Our mom's sales on that Ebay kennel have really taken off, over the last couple of weeks, so she stays busy all day long! It's the first Christmas season that she's had to handle everything by herself, so it takes up even more time than usual. Fortunately, for us, it is making enough green papers to pay our bills and buy lots of yummy treats and foodables!
Our puggie friends next door told us, through the fence, that their pawrents are really overwhelmed with the 2 new hooman pups! So, our mom is making foodables for them whenever she can. On Monday, Mom took them some stuffed peppers and it reminded her of why she doesn't make them very often. There's a whole LOT of work involved!
We hope all of you have a really great Turkey Day! Our mom is going out to dinner with Aunt Wendy, Unkle Bill and Aunt Wendy's mom! Then she might go over to visit the puggie's pawrents and hooman pups. It will be a strange holiday, for her, but she's trying to stay positive and not feel sorry for herself!
Patches (and Penny too)
We understand how it is. We, too, stopped blogging for a while just like you. We are sure you are taking good care of your mom like how we are over here with our Aunty Diana.
Happy Thanksgiving!
It is sure good to hear from you guys, and we are most glad your mom is having good success with her business.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
gussie n teka
That is wonderful that mom's eBay is generating the kibbles money. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I miss you, but I understand.
We are happy to hear that your mom's ebay sales are picking up!
We wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Thanksgiving Day Patches and Penny. We hope your Mum has a lovely day with Auntie Wendy, Uncle Bill and Auntie Wendy's Mummy. Please say hello to them all from us.
Molly, Taffy and MOnty
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Sounds like you've got lots of good stuff going on--keep having fun and take good care of your mom!
Thanks fur all the pupdates AND momdate as well!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanks giving to you! we hope you have a fabulous day.
Please say hello to Auntie Wendy and her family.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
I am happy to know your mom's Ebay kennel is going so well!
Money worries are not funny, right?
Happy Thanksgiving Patches, Penny and Mom!
Kisses and hugs
hi pups! we're happy to see you! that's good news that your mom's ebay kennel is busy. we know about not blogging enough. we have the same problem with our human.
we hope you get some turkey left overs today.
Happy Thanksgiving to you!!
Glad your puter is working good today, we missed our Airedale pals!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Hi Penny and Patches,
Great to hear from u. We are very glad your mum's sales are doing good.
Hope u had a nice Thanksgiving and got some special treat too.
Wags n hugs
ginger, buddy, Shadow n Mummy too
pee ess: donot worry about not being able to blog frequently. we are always there when u make acome back:)
Hey pals
We missed you guys (not that we've been around much either). Glad you had a great thanksgiving with Aunty Wendy & Uncle Bill.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Glad to see all of you online again!
Dawling Patches and Penny
I've missed you, but I suwe undewstand. I'm so glad youw Mom's Ebay is wowking well and some gween papews awe coming in..that's a lot of wowk and takes tons of time..I hope you had a most wondewful Thanksgiving! and know that you awe always in my heawt and thoughts. I know angel Poppy and youw Dad wewe wif you too on this day
smoochie kisses
Great to hear that your mum's business has kicked off. It's important to keep those treats coming. You be good now!
We hope your day was as good as it seemed promising to be! Lots to be thankful and joyful for.
Thinking aboutcha with love
Jake and Fergi
Good to see you back dear buddies. We hope that having friends, family and pooches around will help your mama get through this difficult holiday season. We love you. Hoping your computer stays working.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
I'm late, but that's fashionable, right? ;)
I hope you had a wonderful holiday! ♥
Hope that your compooter problems get resolved soon.. we haven't been around much too, but you girls and your mom are never far from our minds!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday (with lots of turkey!!)..
I hope y'all had a wonderful thanksgiving!! I'm still enjoying turkey leftovers!!
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