Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's here! It's here! Our new Lilly and Abbie dogbed has arrived!

Hey, every buddy! It's me, Patches! We told you, way back in January, that we had won a Lilly and Abbie custom dog bed! Well, it arrived late yesterday afternoon! We are soooooo excited!

We got to pick our own 3 fabrics for the WASHABLE cover! Okay, our mom picked them, but we think she did a great job!

As soon as our mom put the cover on, she put the new bed on the living room floor. We are going to leave it there until Mom figures out which one of us is going to "claim" it. So far, I'm in the lead!

Penny has sniffed it, but she hasn't gotten on it yet. That COULD be because I chase her away if she gets too close! Yeah, I'm the alpha! So Penny can't get on the bed until I say so!

This bed is soooooo cool! It is plenty big enough for either one of us (mainly ME) and it sure is comfy!

We would like to thank Neil, Nigel, Sola, Truffles and everyone over at Life With Dogs for the opportunity to enter this cool contest! We are very LUCKY to have won this! (We don't often win ANYthing, especially anything as great as THIS!

If you would like to buy a dog bed of your very own, head on over to: http://www.lillyandabbiedogbeds.com They have a really great selection of fabrics and the quality of the beds can't be beat! The workmanship is amazing! (Sorry, stupid Vista won't let us put in a link).

Now, on to other stuffs. This has been a pretty hard month on all of us. On Feb. 12, we made it through a whole year since our dad passed away and then on the 21st, it was one year since Poppy went to the Rainbow Bridge! Yes, we know they are together, but that doesn't make it any easier for US! We still miss them both a LOT! Our mom says she has made it through her year of "firsts" (first birthday, first anniversary, first EVERYTHING!) She's pretty proud of the way she has handled everything and would like to thank every doggie and every hooman who prayed for us. We KNOW that's why we have come as far as we have!

Uh oh! I hear Penny moving around in the living room while I'm in here barking instructions on what to type to Mom! Gotta go chase her off MY new bed!

Patches & Penny


Diana Chiew said...

That bed is big and it looks soft. It must be comfy too...you're so lucky.

It must be hard for your Mom to have gone through so much. Please know that we have you in our thoughts.

The Black and Tans. said...

That is a seriously large and snuggly bed. Well done for winning it.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Jake of Florida said...

That's a very cool -- and large -- bed. Have you thought of sharing? We sometimes do -- but not at the same time.

We know you two have given your mom lots of love and help during this first year of missing your dad and Poppy. It's been tough on all of you,and you've held together.

Wirey love!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Amber-Mae said...

Wow! That bed is big! You lucky pooches!!!

Hollie and Janie said...

Your new bed is so adorable!! I just love it!!

tula monstah said...

that is a seriously cool bed! hey, have a sleepovah and see how many pals can fit on it! OR just invite me:)


Wyatt said...

We just Luv your new bed :)
We are going over to that site to check em out!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Gus said...

that is a GREAT bed!!!

And we think you and your Mom have been troupers this year, and admire your strength.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a great looking bed!!

We know it has been hard for you and your Mom, but you are strong ladies and we admire you.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Duke said...

What a beautiful bed! Hey, we both got new beds!
We can only imagine how hard this first year has been for your mom. Give her extra hugs from us please.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kari in Alaska said...

That sure is a great bed!

We found you on the Dogs With Blogs group and are now following you. We would love if you would stop by and follow us too!


Inky and Molly said...

We know it has been a tough year for you! So you all hop on that bed now and enjoy and look forward to a rosier future :)

Asta said...

I think you and Penny and especially youw Mom awe unbelievably bwave and admiwabull.
Ihope each moment gets a little easiew and youw heawts huwt less and less.we will continoo to pawy and cwoss paws to help you along the way.

Youw new bed is bootimous and I hope in time you can bof twy it out and shawe it
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Your new bed is pawesome!
Be nice and share it with Penny, ok?
I can't believe it has been a year!
You must be very proud of your mom. She has done it sooo well!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs said...

that's a nice looking bed. it's a great size.

congrats on winning that fantastic contest!


Sally said...

Great Bed! If it causes problems in your house -you could send it to us! Both of us would fit on it and there would be no fighting (honest!)

I find a good way to claim a bed is to pee on it - just a suggestion ;-)

Sally and Paddy

Unknown said...

Love the polka dots on the bed. Great bed, nice and big and comfy looking.

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Fred said...

Great bed!!!

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Hey there, Aire-girls! You're looking as great as ever! Sorry we haven't been around in a while, but we've been thinking of you. Glad you and your mom managed the year okay; we're sure it musta been almost impossible. But we know you have special angels watching over you. They must've had a hand (and paw) in your winning that awesome bed! :)

Be well, have fun!


The Thuglets said...

Wow..that is a wicked new bed!

We can only imagine how dreadfully hard the last 12 months have been. Stay strong, we are all here with you.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Dexter said...

That bedcover made me a little dizzy, but since your eyes will be shut whenever you are on it, no worries, right? I am sending all my relentlessly huge hugs and kisses because I know that this year has been hard on your mom's mentals. Just keep being yourselves and making her smile.


G Dumaguing said...

nice bed there Buddy! Congratulations for winning the contest...

my babies Kiara and Chowder envy you....

happy sleeping!

Carol's Critter Corner said...

Congrats on winning the bed! I saw your comments on Life With Dogs Facebook site. May your dogs enjoy it, it looks pretty comfy!

Kristin G. said...

What a bed!! Sleep well and congratulations!

Duke said...

Our calendar says that today is your birthday, Penny! Happy 12th birthday to you! We hope that you and Patches get cake and ice cream!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

TwoSpecialWires said...

We've been thinkin' aboutcha ... remembering about all your firsts. We remember, 'cause it was in February that Moma lost her Molly ... and she paid closer attention to other losses that month. Anyhow. We're super proud that you've made it through this year ... and that you are the FIRST to have a LIllie and Abbie dogbed AND that we are among the FIRST to wish Penny a happy birthday! Right????

Happy days. Happier days!
Jake and Fergi

Agatha and Archie said...

Your new bed is spectacular!! You guys are very lucky! And we are giving your Mom extra hugs and kisses for her year of firsts and for doing so well with it... as well as one can do..Love A+A

Huskee and Hershey said...

That new bed looks awesome and I am sure there's more than enough room for two beautiful Aire-girls! You girls are really lucky to have won it.. maybe it's a sign that more good things are on the way :)

Sorry that we are late, but please give your mommy a big hug and kiss from us. I know February must've been a really tough month for her since she lost two of her nearest and dearest in this month. Sending all you girls lots of love..

Rudy said...

hope you've been enjoying that bad. It's so big and pretty!! I imagine the past year has been hard on you all. Paws crossed this next year is easier.


Sherry said...

Wow, that bed looks big enough for everybody!