Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good news! Happy Passover and Happy Easter!

Hey everydoggie! It's me, Penny! Again! Can you believe it? The doggie in the picture is ME! I'm a little hard of hearing now, so my mom was able to sneak up on me with the camera. Actually, she didn't sneak...she had the camera on the table next to her chair so she was ready whenever she could see my beautimous face!

I have some good news to share! It looks like I had an infection instead of kidney disease! Woohoo! Mom is still thinking about putting me on some kind of kidney diet, but it's kind of tricky since I have skin cancer. It seems that some kidney diets can actually aggrevate skin cancer. Mom will be doing lots of research before she changes my diet.

The second picture, above, is our guest bedroom. Do you think any guests would want to stay in there? I don't think so! It seems that our mom's eBay activities have spread out from the garage and the computer room to the guest bedroom! In fact, it's worse now, than it was when she took this picture! Unfortunately, right now, she's buying more than she's selling. I don't think it's supposed to work that way! We're hoping that changes soon!

We would like to say Happy Passover to all of our friends who celebrate it and Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates Easter! All you doggies...stay away from the chocolate bunnies and eggs! Uh oh! Now my mom has an overwhelming urge to go to the grocery store! I guess I'll let her go, but she better come home with something good for US!

Patches says, "Hi". She's totally jealous that I have done the last two posts! Neener, neener, neener! Besides, our mom says that anydoggie who barks at the birdies chirping, doesn't deserve to do any posts! Ha!

Penny (& Patches too)


Gus said...

WooooHOOOO..we can't even get the muzzer to post for us, and you got to do TWO.

Ah well, you are better looking than Gussie

kisses from
Teka Toy

tula monstah said...

neener neener is right? woo snooze patches woo lose! wishing woo a happy passover or easter too!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Happy Passover and Happy Easter to you too!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and The Sweet Babes

Hollie and Janie said...

I hope you all have a Happy Easter and thank goodness for plain ole infections!! Those we can handle!!

Kari in Alaska said...

Happy Easter and Passover :)


Duke said...

Hiya, Penny! We're glad to hear that it's not kidney disease although the diet part of it is pretty darn good. We know your mom will do the absolute right thing for you!
Happy Easter and Passover!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

That is great news all around for sure. Looks like a big sale is coming up on eBay, right? Happy holidays.


Jake of Florida said...

We appeciate the Passover and the Easter wishes since we are You Ke Men I Cal -- and celebrate both holidays!!!!

Our dining room looks like your guest room becaus our Dogdad has taken it over when he works from home. But you know what? As our Dogdad likes to say, "we can do whatever we want to do."

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry and Mom

Wyatt said...

Happy Easter, Penny and Patches!
Hope you get some hard boiled eggs!

Wyatt and Stanzie

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Penny and Patches, wow that is alot of stuff in the guest bedroom. I guess you're not allowed on the bed for now. Maybe your mom could have a garage sale and BBQ (your mom could sell stuff and you guys could eat).

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

My mommy has posted a special promotion code on my bloggy to the Small Dog Mall as a special thank you for for sending us warm wishes and Power of the Paw during my surgery and recovery.

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,

Coco The Princess

Kess And Her Mama said...

Hey Penny, good to hear that it's just an infection. Get well soon dearie. Happy Easter to all of you!

Sherry said...

Penny, how sweet of you to mention Passover. I sure hope your mom can find the right kind of food for you. Maybe there are people on the Airedale lists who'll have suggestions?

violett said...

Hello Penny and patches
Both of you and your mother a happy Easter.
Lots of love

Pedro said...

Happy Easter & Passover to you two too! So good to see you both. I promise to not be such a stranger. Mom is doing better at helping me visit my friends!


TwoSpecialWires said...

We're a little late in getting here, but nonetheless happy to read about your improved healthy, Penny! And we're so happy to see that beautiful face (that we remember oh so well)

Stay safe. You didn't get hit by the recent storms, did you? We feel so badly for all the people who did.

Jake and Fergi

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Darlings! We hope yours was a good one. Ours was. Sorry we're so late. Using the library computer to try to catch up now!
BabyRD & Hootie

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Would y'all ask your Mommy if she would like to come to my Barkday party on June 5th at 1:30 in the afternoon? They'll be some flat bloggie doggies, and of course I'll be there with my sister. Please I ever so much hope your Mommy can come? Oh, if your kind friend who runs the Airdale rescue could come that would be great, also.