Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Hi, everybuddy. It's me, Patches! I know, I know! My mom hasn't let me blog in a whole MONTH! As usual, she says she's busy and I say she's lazy! Although, I do have to admit that she's been spending a lot of time outside and a lot of time in front of 'puter doing stuff besides blogging!

Mom says she's going to put up a Christmas tree, this year, for the first time since 1981! It won't be real, but it WILL be 6 feet tall. Whoa...Mom! From a 1 foot tall ceramic tree to a 6 foot fake tree? Well, baby steps...I guess! Unfortunately, for ME, she bought all shatter-proof ornaments! I was looking forward to breaking the glass balls!

We want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends and anyone else who celebrates it!

Patches (who can hardly wait for some TURKEY!)


Gus said...

Hoping you get some turkey and maybe even a touch of gravy.

gussie n teka

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Patches, Happy Thanksgiving from your Canadian friends. We already had our Thanksgiving back on October 10th and we had some turkey too. I hope that you gets lots of food.

Duke said...

Thanx Patches! I'll eat an extra helping of turkey in your honor!

Duke said...

That's awesome that you're getting a tree this year, Patches! We hope to see you posin' in front of it!
Happy Thanksgiving and we hope you get a bite of pumpkin pie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Miss Patches. My momma actually wishes we had one of those trees that you can reuse. Makes life much easier.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Turkey Day to all of WOO!


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Happy Happy Turkey day!
Your Welsh neighbor,
Sally Ann

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

You'll have so much fun with a big tree. Ornaments are so much fun to decorate the floor with!!
BRD & Hootie

tula monstah said...

Hope woo had a woooonderful Thanksgiving --can't believe Xmas is almost here! Good luck with the tree:)


Jake of Florida said...

Hey Patches,

That sounds like a lot of fun, having a 6-foot tall tree. See, your mom isn;t all that lazy if she's doing that!

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Wyatt said...

Hope you had a wonderful Turkey Day, Patches. We are still working on the leftovers....Stanzie LOVES turkey!


Shane Kent Louis said...

Hello Patches! Did you enjoy the turkey with luscious gravy on the thanksgiving day? :D

Dog Fence