Our Bluebird puppies are still here, but we haven't seen them since the day they left the nest. We know they are here, because the mama and daddy birdies are taking 5 or 6 meal wormies, at a time, and flying towards the front of the house. They come back really quick to get some more, so we know they are still feeding the babies. The book says that the parents continue to feed the babies for about 12 days. Dad put up a new Bluebird box for them and both parents have done a close inspection of it. The book also says it can be anywhere from two days to a month before they start on a new batch of babies. We sure hope they decide to have their next "litter" here, at our house!
Our mom is feeling a little better, but not great, yet. She's less sore than she was after her tumble down the steps. She's finding out that the older she gets, the longer it takes to recover!
Well, everyone, that's all for today...I need to go see if I can score some more treats before Mom goes to that work place. I get to stay home and watch Dad run saws and stuff like that. I'm sure I'll take some Aire-naps and get some more treats whenever he eats.
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too!)