Hello to all of our furry and not-so-furry friends! It's me, Poppy! As some of you may know, this coming Friday will be my 8th barkday. Well, I was informed, yesterday, that my barkday present will be a new Aire-cut. As Joe Stains would say, "WTF"! I was expecting toys and treats or at the very least...a ginormous CAKE! Who wants a crappy old Aire-cut for their barkday? I think this stinks! Mom told me that I am going to a new place, though. Well, it's not really new...I just haven't been there in a really loooooong time. I'm going back to the very first place I ever got groomed. My original groomer sold the place and moved over to PetSmart, so we went with her. A few years later, she got sick and died, so we have been going to all different groomers and our mom doesn't really like any of them. The last one made me get up on the table and off the table about 50 times while she groomed me and I had really bad arfritis problems for several days after I got home. My new, old place told Mom that they won't do that to me...I will be the first dog in and the first dog out. Yay!
Patches is doing much better, now, after her fix-it surgery. For a few days, she would cry when she jumped up on the big bed, but not anymore!
Now, she thinks she is the supreme ruler looking down on me and Penny! Ha! I am the only supreme ruler around here and everydog KNOWS that! Just in case they aren't aware of it, I make sure they KNOW it!

Now that it has cooled off, here in Georgia, we wanted to show you some of our beautimous plants. This is a Bougainvilla that our mom has had for many years. She brings it inside in the winter time and puts it out on the deck when it's warm outside. Our dad has been giving it Miracle Grow and it must be working!

This is one of our ornamental potato plants. They don't grow any flowers, but the leaves are about as big as a hooman's head. It is planted under the deck and it reaches all the way up to the top of the deck. It will grow ugly, little potatoes that you can't eat. Mom picks them and stores them over the winter and then plants new ones in the spring.

Our dad's mom gave our mom some of the potatoes about 15 years ago and she has been growing them every year since. She used to plant them around our mailbox and it made it easy for people to find our house. Well, she doesn't do that anymore because it's hard to tell when the mailman has been here and besides, in the dark, it looked like a gigantic man standing at the end of the driveway. Whenever Mom had to go somewhere in the dark, it scared the "you-know-what" out of her! Heehee! WE thought it was pretty funny, but I guess Mom got tired of getting scared all the time.
We hope you are all having as gorgeous of a day as we are! It's kind of cool outside and our leaves are just starting to turn a little bit. It makes it really nice for when we go out to patrol the perimeter of our back yard. We have to make sure there are no intruders (like squirrels) and keep watch over all the neighbor dogs! Have a great week, everydoggie!
Poppy (and Penny & Patches too)