Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Y-Aire to all our bloggin' buddies!

Greetings, fur buddies! It's me, Patches! As we are preparing to say "Goodbye" to 2008, we are kind of looking back at this year. It has been one heck of a year for ME! In May, my mom and Aunt Wendy rescued me from a stinky motel room where I was living with a bunch of c-a-t-s and some hooman who hardly ever fed me. I was sent to see a v-e-t. He gave me all my shots and found out that I did NOT have heartworm. Woohoo! The next day, my new mom and Aunt Wendy picked me up and I came home to meet Poppy and Penny.
We had a bit of a rough start since I had never lived with other doggies before. Once I figured out that Poppy is the Alpha, things have been much better. In September, I had my fix-it surgery even though I didn't know I was broken! I healed up very quickly and was back to bitey-face in no time at all!

Now that I have entered the witness protection program and I have lived here at Airedale Heaven for about 7 months and one week, I am doing great! I have gained about 14 pounds so none of my bones stick out anymore. And boy, have I learned a LOT since I've been here! I have learned that I can't get near Penny when she's eating and when we beg at the table, there is a "pecking" order...first Penny, then Poppy and them ME! I even make sure to get out of the way so the other girls can get their treats first.

Yesterday, I even taught Mom and Aunt Wendy something. I taught them that NO ONE is going to cut my toenails! Not without a helmet and maybe some welding gloves! Actually, full body armour would be better! Mom was holding me and Aunt Wendy was trying to cut my nails, but every time she got a good grip on one of my toenails, I thrashed my head around and threatened to bite. That made Aunt Wendy lose the grip on my nail and Mom jumped out of the way. You see, my mom has dental implants in her lower jaw and she is always afraid somedoggie is going to throw their head back and break her jaw. We wouldn't do it on purpose, but you just never know!

Poppy and Penny each got all their toenails cut and then smoothed out with the Pedi Paws. They were good girls, but I am going to have to go to the vet to get my front ones done.
Poppy has an absess, on her fuzzbutt, and Mom has been doctoring it. We didn't know what it was, but since Aunt Wendy was a vet tech for many years, Mom had her look at it, yesterday. She said it was an absess, but it is draining and getting better, so Mom has decided to doctor it with hot compresses and Neosporin three times a day. It's looks quite a bit better today! If it isn't better yet, by tomorrow, Poppy will be going to the v-e-t on Friday.

Friday will be our first blogaversary and we would like to thank everyone for being our friends! It has been sooooo cool to meet other furry critters from all over the world. It's the first time in our lives when we all got barkday greetings from all different parts of the world. We have laughed with all of you and cried with all of you and we hope that 2009 only brings laughter to everydoggie, kitty, hammie, bear and hooman!
We would really like to stay up for the chat pawty, tonight, but since we get up sooooo early, and the pawty doesn't start until 10 p.m., here in Georgia, we will have to miss it. Our personal secretary will probably be sleeping by 9:30 or 10:00, so we will just lie in our beds and keep our paws crossed for Maggie. We just heard that her dad and Mitch went out in a blinding snow storm to get her some ice cream. We sure hope they made it home safely and we hope Maggie really enjoyed her ice cream. We know that ice cream fixes EVERYTHING! Here's to ice cream for EVERYDOGGIE!
Happy New Y-aire and we'll see you all in 2009!
Poppy, Penny & Patches


Hollie and Janie said...

I hope you have a wonderful new year, too!! Isn't so wonderful to be rescued and to be in a loving home now!! What a wonderful year for us all!!

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Patches, you've had a turn-around year and the next one will be even better. Happy New Year to you and the whole family!

Levi's mom

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Hi-Woo Patches,

Have a Happy Furry New Year to you & yur family!
Happy 1-yr. Blog-aversary, too!
And, we are so very glad U were taken out of that nasty place & found yur furever home.

Talks to you next year, hawoo hawoo!!

-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Isn't it khool to be loved and wanted?

AND not wanted as on one of those post office wanted signs?

Khan't woo get your sekhretary to just leave the 'puter on fur woo so you khan pawticipate in the DWB NYE Pawty?

Khongrats on evfurrything!

Happy New Years too!


Lady Kaos said...

WOOHOO for icecream!! I can't believe you guys have been blogging for only a year. It seems like I've known you guys for a lot ltonger than that. I love being your friend and I'm very happy your Mom and Aunt Wendy found you!!
Happy New Year!!

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi pals
Happy New Year to you all. We hope it's a wonderful year for you.
We're so glad you got to live with Poppy and Penny Patches.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx

River said...

Happy New Year! It's great to be in a warm and loving home. This year will be even better.

love & wags,

Pedro said...

Penny, Poppy & Patches,

Hope you pups have a Happy New Year!


Faya said...

Hello friends ! We are already in 2009 here in Switzerland. Happy New Year !
Kisses, Faya & Dyos !

Lorenza said...

Hi, Patches!
Sure this has been a great year for you!
I hope Poppy gets better soon!
I wish you all the best today and always!
Happy New Year!
Kisses and hugs

Par said...

Wishing your family, friends and you a sweet 2009!

Amber-Mae said...

Heya Patches! Man, what a rough life you had before you were rescued. We are hoping that your new year will be better. HAP HAP NEW YEAR!

Having a pawty hangover,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

awwwwwwww, you girls have mom all teary-eyed! Dad and Mitch did make it home just fine with COFFEE ice cream! yummmmmmm
We are so glad that you are our friends!
Happy blogaversary (a day early) and Happy New Year!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Yeah, my peoples went to bed early too. Just another night, ho hum.

I'm with you on all that nail trimming. The last time momma tried to do it I had to muzzle butt her to warn her off and it bruised her hand really badly. Next thing I know, I'm at the V-E-T getting the works. Sigh.

Hey! We have almost the exact same bloggy-versary (mine is today). Happy bloggy-versary and Happy New Year.


Roots said...

Happy New Years from Japan!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Happy blogaversary! And a Happy New Year to all of you!! Love A+A+PL2

Agatha and Archie said...

Happy blogaversary! And a Happy New Year to all of you!! Love A+A+PL2

Mason Dixie said...

Happy New Year

Bogart H. Devil said...

Happy New Yaire PPP!!! Here's to a GREAT 2009 with no abcesses or fix-it surgeries, and all of the lovin' that livin' in Airedale Heaven can bring!!!

Big Aire Kisses,


The Black and Tans. said...

Happy New Year to you all. It has been fun to meet you all via your blog. Here is to the next year of blogging and a good year for all of us.

Molly and Taffy

Chef said...

Patches, you couldn't have found a better home, or better sisters! And we're glad to have found you, Penny and Poppy to blog with. Happy New Year to you all!


Dewey Dewster said...

Happy New Year ta the 3 Ps....

we finally got the snow everyone else has been gettin' fer weeks....Patches ya sure are one lucky gal there and the peckin' order stuff is really good advice...ya would think my Mom would be the boss around here but since I came around....I want ta be the Alpha and my Mom caves in all the time....she just loves me....

Hope ya all have a great day and congrats on yer blogaversity too....hope yer warm and thinkin' kind thoughts fer all of us up here in the cold 'n snow....

Hope 2009 brings ya good health and happiness and a job fer yer Mom if she wants one....

Dewey Dewster here....

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary! Yey! What a big year it has been for you! What wonderful humans you have to take care of you and fun sisters!

Happy New Year!

Love, Herc

Joe Stains said...

Nothing could be better than being rescued into a loving home! What a great 2008!!