Hi everybuddy! It's me, Princess Patches! Yesterday, our mom and Aunt Wendy got this bright idea that we should have Aire-cuts and b-a-t-h-s! Aunt Wendy brought over her grooming table and they made ME the first victim. Most of the time, they were both working on me, but my mom just HAD to take time out to go get the camera so you all could see my humiliation! The birdies are going to have lots of Aire-hair for their nests. Oh yeah, and stoopid Penny and Poppy escaped the torture because Mom and Aunt Wendy ran out of energy.
Too bad they still had enough energy, after my Aire-cut, to give all 3 of us baths! One end of our deck has a door that closes so we were held hostage, in there, until we were all done. Our mom even tried to give Aunt Wendy a bath! Heeheehee! Oh, sorry Aunt Wendy. And we're sorry you had to drive home with a wet tushie!
After our baths, we had very large Aire-naps until it was time to go to bed. Here's Poppy imitating a stuffie! She thinks that rug was put there just for HER! Ha! It was actually put there because I, Patches ate part of the carpet!

For some strange reason, Blogger is giving us problems, this morning! Stoopid blogger! The picture above is my eyewatch Friday picture for
It wasn't bad enough that our mom had to take my picture during my humiliating experience on the grooming table, but Penny gets to be humiliated too! See her green bandage? Well, in real life, it's really bright green! Penny's cyst still hasn't 'sploded, but it's getting bigger, so Mom put some zinc oxide on it and covered it with a bandage so she can't rub it off on the carpet! The Icthammol she was using wasn't working fast enough so we switched to zinc oxide. At least it's white instead of black and it doesn't smell like tar!
Well, every buddy, I'm going outside now to see if I can get some stinky stuff on me so I can get rid of the shampoo smell. I think there must be a reason that the word shampoo ends in poo! I would much rather smell kind of "doggie"!
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too)