Hi everybuddy! It's me, PorkChop! I know, I know it's been a while since I posted anything for Wheelie Wednesday! You can blame Mom for that. She has been so busy that she doesn't know whether she's coming or going! She even put up a picture of me in my old home instead of my new one. She couldn't find the picture of my new home in a timely manner, so she just used the old one!
Mom and Dad have been spending lots of time in the basement. They are still getting Dad's tools ready to sell. A few have already been sold, but they have lots more! While Dad is going through his tools, our mom has been doing this:

Yep, the grooming station for the real doggies is all ready to go! Mom and Dad built the steps because Mom can't lift the doggies onto the table and they extended the size of the table top so nodoggie falls over the edge. They even put foam padding on the top so the doggies won't slip!

They even have a shelf with a power strip right above the grooming table. Now, if Mom just had the time to actually groom somedoggie!

Here's the first victim! Patches has no problem going to the basement, but she isn't too thrilled about going up the steps to the grooming table. I guess it's because she knows what goes on up there...especially since she doesn't have a bit of trouble going up and down the stairs outside! She can navigate THOSE stairs at warp speed!

Mom was ready to start on the first victim, this morning, but she couldn't get victim number one and victim number two (Poppy) to stop playing bitey face. She may have to do victim number 3 (Penny) during a thunderstorm. That's usually the only time Penny goes to the basement!
Since Mom can't get anydoggie to go to the basement, this morning, she's going out to do yard work. It's finally cool enough to do something outside for a change! While she's outside, Poppy and Patches will stand by the door and cry. Penny gets to go out first, with Mom and then we switch doggies. Penny comes in and Poppy and Patches go out. Ya see, all 3 doggies can't be in the back yard at the same time when Mom is out there. If Patches, Penny and Mom are out there together, Penny tries to attach Patches and take her down like a lion takes down a wildebeast! She only does it when Mom is out in the yard with them! She used to do it to Poppy when Poppy was young, but now that Poppy's old, Penny doesn't do it to her anymore. We think Penny is just trying to let everydoggie know that she is the Alpha when she's outside. When they're inside, Poppy is the Alpha. We never have been able to figure why it's that way, but it is!
Well, everybuddy, I'm going back into my new home in the curio cabinet so I can watch the comings and goings of all of us who live in this zoo!
PorkChop (and Poppy, Penny & Patches too)
Hi Porkchop, We are so glad to hear from you again. And Mom says that grooming station looks super - she likes the steps.
Lilly is always alpha at our house whether we are inside or out - we think that Penny and Poppy are so nice to share the alpha role.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Well we have been trying to figure out Google reader and left a note that we thought would come here...but it didn't!! So somewhere there is a note for you guys!! We are glad you figured out how to eveade the dreaded grooming tools!! Love A+A
An entire dog grooming torture station in your basement! How awful for the girls! I feel so sorry for all of you. We have the same type of dog torture clippers. Avoid the basement at all costs.
Your friend,
We don't know much about grooming...and it shows! :)
Lots of doggie pack order rules around your house. Inside rules, outside rules, basement rules, oh man! The Mango would get very confused.
I am somehow not envisioning any dales going down into the torture dungeon soon.
Mom loves your grooming station! It's the right height and your mom has a power strip and it's in the basement! Mom is so impressed!
We use nanny's old trunk and it's low to the ground so mom has that to deal with!
We just got groomed and we feel so much better!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hiya Porkchop
It's all happening in your house! The grooming chamber looks, erm, efficient, hope P, P and P manage to evade the scissors!
Molly, Taffy and Monty
The grooming station looks like your humans have been very busy. But we will tell you that you would never get us to go to the basement. We don't like baths, and doesn't grooming usually mean a bath too? No way!!!
Dakota was our alpha, mostly for food, but now neither of the boys seems to want to be in charge. Maybe Mom needs to think about getting us another girl.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Oh dear, we fear the torture chamber...
I hate to say it but it looks like a torture chamber from Silence of the lambs... run run run
Tank woo fur sharing the dirt on the OTHER three!
Pork Chop! It's great to see you! Are you glad YOU don't have to be groomed? That's a true wheelie advantage!
Slip the others some confidence. They know they'll feel great when it's all over! If anyone can convince them, it'd be you.
Enjoy the cooler weather.
Jake and Fergi
That grooming station looks great. I am sure that even though getting groomed stinks, it must be nicer to have your own Mom do it. Interesting about the yard dominance, Tanner and I just ignore each other.
I don't have to get groomed, but Mom says she is okay paying the nice lady at Glmour Paws off Broadway to groom Sasha because she's such a pain in the butt. Mom's tried doing it herself, but it ended with Dad ahving to help and Sasha not looking very good. Sasha stands still for the Glamour Paws lady though. Mom says it's a case of your kids behaving better for other people than for their own parents. I think it's another way for Sasha to mess with Mom's head.
hi Pork Chop and the 3Ps! that grooming station looks excellent. we love those steps that go up to the table. we sure wish we had a set of those. our mom lifts us up to the table and we don't know if she hates it more or if we hate it more.
that's funny about your rivalry in the back yard. don't get in a fight, okay?
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