Hello to all our furry and not-so-furry friends! It's me, Poppy! All of us doggies are in ginormous trouble! Our mom went and bought a professional grooming kit so she can give us
Aire-cuts without having to pay the equivalent of the national debt! Look at that box! It even has a picture of an Airedale on it!

And it gets even worse! A few weeks ago, our mom found a
Pedi Paws at a yard sale. It had been used once and then that
doggie left for the bridge. Mom was really excited. US...not so much! She can use it on me and Penny, but the blond dog (aka Patches) will still have to go to the groomer to have HER manicure. That is unless our mom decides to buy a muzzle! Patches does NOT like her
feets touched. She wrinkles up her lips and shows her
teefies when someone touches her
feets! Oh, yeah, she growls too. Since Mom would prefer to keep her fingers she will take
blondie to the groomer to be

Here's Patches' thinking about what's going to happen to all of us! Yes, our mom has groomed doggies before...just none as large as we are! For the past two days, our
pawrents have been in the basement a lot and we thought they were getting dad's tools ready to sell. Well, yeah, they were, but they also took the time to build a set of steps so we can get up on the grooming table without anyone having to lift us.
Woohoo for Mom! Not so
woohoo for US!

I, Poppy even turned on my scary eyes when I heard about these revolting developments!
In other news, it has been one year, today, that our mom lost her job and she still hasn't found another one...hence the "home" grooming! All I can say is it sure is a good thing she sells enough on that Ebay place to still buy us doggie foods and treats!
Oh, yeah, one more thing before I go. We found out, today, that Patches has magical powers! She has been doing a lot of excess barking, lately, so our pawrents put a barking collar on her. No, the collar doesn't bark...it's supposed to prevent barking! Well, yesterday, the collar didn't appear to be working, so this morning, Mom put in a new battery. After a few barking sessions, we figured out that Patches isn't fazed one bit by that nasty collar! She's got magical powers, I tell ya! When Penny or I put it on, it shocks the "you know what" out of US!
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to hide somewhere in case our mom decides to start our Aire-cuts this afternoon! Maybe she won't do it today...we think she might be too tired after all the work she did in the basement. She even learned how to use a power saw and a nail gun...and believe it or not, she still has all 10 fingers AND both eyes! Good job, Mom and thanks for not nailing Dad to anything!
Later, everydoggie! Wish us luck!
Poppy (and Penny and Patches too)
Oh your Mom is very courageous (or unconscious ???). VĂ©ronique now wonder if she will do like your Mom....oups....not a good idea...
Kisses, Faya
Yeah, we have one of those torture devices in my dawg house too. Not for me cause I'm a slick, short haired pup, but for my hairy brother Ziggy! It's quite a process but mom's pretty good at it. Can't wait to see pictures of all your new cuts. Pedipaws huh? How'd that work? Mom's curious.
All we can say to your Mom is -- good luck!!! Dogdad grooms us at home and we're a lot smaller so we just wind up on his lap.
But big guys like you three -- good luck!!
And be kind to her, ya hear?? -- (That's our mom talking, not us!!)
Your pals,
Jake and Just harry
Get under the bed really fast - that's our favorite hiding place. Then Dad gets out the laser light and that always lures us out - DUH!!
Best of luck with the grooming. It's a necessary evil and our humans seem to think we need it.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hello you beautiful people.
We know about them Airecuts at home. Mum's been doing ours from day one, however, we still don't like it one bit.
The other thinggy we dread is the Furminator. We run off and hide anywhere we can if she gets that out.
Oh yes, and nail clipping! Well, mum and dad wait till we are really exhausted and then sneak up on us. Initially it's a shock but usually we fall asleep within minutes while they clip away...
They say it's for our own benefit but we are not so sure about that...
Mum seems to be getting a little too much pleasure out of the grooming sessions, especially when harvesting fuzz. She says, she'll need it for one of her projects.
Isn't there a law to protect us???
I forgot to comment on the eyewatch.. Mom reads blogs.. shhh while at work.. and then forgets to comment when I'm blogging.
Well one good thing about home grooming.. practice makes perfect. Mom has a job and she still home grooms me. She had daycamp staff feeling sorry for me they gave me a free haircut... Ha.
How did the pedi paw work? Is it worth it?
Getting groomed at home is a whole lot better than spending half a day in a crate waiting your turn at the groomers! We don't mind being groomed by our mom - honest! Now about that evil pedi-paws thing! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Good lukhk!
I have a short window of tolerance fur Mom to brush me SOOOO she gets what she khan when she khan ;-)
Sorry about your mom's gotted-anniversary...those kind of days are both good and bad to rekhall...
I'll be looking furward to seeing some shots of the new woo's!
Hi, friends!
Sure your mom is going to be a pawesome job with your haircuts!
Show us pictures!
Kisses and hugs
One reason we are very glad we don't get haircuts. All that ever gets trimmed is the furries between our pads. And the vet does our nails and that only happens once or twice a year. Good luck with that new contraption.
woo, the OP Pack
Yikes! That grooming kit looks like serious business! We thought y'all just naturally looked that good. ;) Kidding, we know our humans sometimes like us to look a litte different from what nature orders...
Good luck with it!
You guys will be fine, I get clipped at home all the time. It doesn't hurt a bit. I used to really, really hate having my nails clipped, so we got a Dremel - that is much more tolerable. I get mine done every week or so - just a little each time.
I find that you get a lot more petting and attention when you have just been groomed, so it probably worth it! Have fun.
Hello P, P and P
Now being groomed at home is so much better.
You don't have to worry about the car journey, getting stuck in traffic etc etc etc.
You get loads of treats while beng groomed, tons if you are good.....
It really isn't that bad.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Good luck with that grooming. It is not easy to get Aire-dogs looking right. Don't worry, I will love you all no matter how it looks.
P.S. Momma just had the good fortune to actually hire somebody, but it made her very sad interviewing all the qualified peoples that have been out of work for so long. Hang in there.
Crikey gals, D was all ambitious to groom us. She only managed me and Willow before giving up. Maybe your mum will give up too hehe. Paws crossed ay.
We're very impressed that there is an airedale on the front of that grooming kit box.
Good luck and try not to freak out too much.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
It'll be fine. Sometimes the Bentman comes out looking like a cross between a poodle-Aire-schnauzer something and sometimes he looks great. You'll be adorable and loved anyway! Just be patient with your Ma. It always makes for some great pictures to share!
Oh! No! I feel your pain! Grandmama groomed me the last time and mama took it upon herself to trim me up the other night, then I got a bath!! The horror! Paws crossed the the cord is broken! hehe
I live in fear that Old Girl will do something like this.
hey kiddos! our mom grooms us too and at first we hated it, but now we decided to like it better than the groomers because at least we don't have to go away from home now and hang out in a strange place with strange dogs. your mom is smart to make steps up to the grooming table for you. our mom lifts us and we all hate that.
good luck!
Holy crap, an at home torture kit!! RUN AND HIDE!! I hate getting my nails cut too but they double team me and I don't get growly. Sorry your Mom is still looking for a job, that stinks :(
We too have the PediPaws & we HATE it! Mommy was thinking of getting a shaver too. I hope not.
Solid Gold Momma
P, P & P
I wish you all good luck. Dre soooooo glad I don't have to go through such torture.
We're starting to feel like real odd-balls. We LIKE to get groomed at home. Ummmm. Is something wrong with us? Nobody ever told us we ought to think of it as torture.
Mom says she wants us to keep it that way, so we need to stop writing before we start getting other ideas.
Maybe you'll get lucky. Maybe you'll like it okay. Maybe you'll get treats when it's over!
Crossing our paws for you,
Jake and Fergi
Good luck fellas! You have to admit your mum is pretty creative. I think that it's great that she's doing all she can for you. Be good, yah!
I'm sure having Mom wait on you paw and paw will be wicked. Let her practise on you ..might develop into a new job. Tell her sorry bout the anniversary, that's hard. Thank dog for ebay. My paws are tighly crossed for new fortune around the corner.
Wiry wags n kisses, Eric xxxxx
Oh I'm sure you will feel much better once you get cut. Mom gave me my second cut of the season, and although I might not like the process, the after effects are very nice! Tell your mom good luck!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
OK here is what you do with that pedipaws thing....evreytime they turn it on..FLY out of the room.Or when they go to get near your feet keep lifting them up in the air..Works every time and it has never touched our feet..Love A+A
Oh my. I'm not fond of that grooming stuff. Good thing I am so naturally stunning. (Or at least have a low-maintenance coat, sez the ape.) We have one of those pedi-paws things but the ape has not yet wored up the courage to use it. We run from her when she gets out the furminator!
Good luck! And I hope your mom get a new job. Make sure she asks for all benefits in the form of dog snacks.
wally t.
Oh my! I tried a Pedi-Paws and took it back to the store. Hope you have better luck with it.
Uh oh, that looks like trouble!
Ciao 3Ps!
La mia ragazza says she has great and tremendous airedmaration for your mama because grooming just one airedale -- ME! -- would be too much for her. She can handle giving me baths, but because I have more energy than a nuclear reactor, I do not like to hold still for her for anything else. (Although I behave very nicely for my groomer... go figure!!!)
We hope the job situation turns around for your mama soon and will keep her in our thoughts, we promise! I'm sending her a big smoochie of encouragement! Muahhh!
Tanti baci!
How you guys making out with the grooming contraptions? The human's thinking Rousseau could use a little bit of that! Yikes!
Please come over to my blog & vote for the short film I acted in called FLASHES!!!! Thank you!
"Famous" Solid Gold Actress
OH NO! Look out! That's EXACTLY what happened around these parts, and now we get attacked by the buzzy thing on a whim! Mom says it saves TONS and tons of cheese money every year, and if we want to continue to feast on real meat we must have it this way. But I hate it!
My manly beard isn't safe in my own home. Oh my dale friends... what are we to do?
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