everybuddy! It's me, Patches! I just wanted to let everyone know that we are still around. Poppy was really sick, one night this week, and our mom was REALLY freaked out. She (Poppy...not Mom) kept acting like she was going to throw up, but she never did. She would NOT lie down! She just kept standing around with her head hung down. She looked
sooooo pitiful! Finally, by the time we all went to bed, Poppy decided to lie down. By the next morning, she was fine so we don't know what the problem was, but we sure are glad it's gone!
She's fine now and back to playing our usual bitey face and bitey leggies!

Last week, our mom went to that new doggie place to see if she could get a job there. The owner took Mom on a tour of the place and gave her an application to fill out. There were about 20 doggies there when Mom went and not one bit of doggie smell. She said that if she hadn't seen the doggies, she would never have guessed there were any doggies there. The place was VERY clean and all the doggies were having a blast running around and getting in the doggie pools. As far as working there, Mom just isn't sure it will work for her. Right now, they only have two shifts...one starts at 6 a.m. and the other is from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Even though she gets up really early, she doesn't think she could get there by 6 a.m. You see, our dad is not well and he needs the most care in the early morning and the evening. Our mom is going to take her application back up there in case they ever decide to put on a mid-day shift. The owner says that is a possibility. In the mean time, we get to keep her at home with us!
Well, everydoggie, that's all for today!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
It's good to see you... it's been a while for all of us! Sorry to hear about your daddy. We hope he's getting exactly the care he needs. We're sure you are good helpers. We're glad your mommy can be there for him, but hope it works out that she can work at the doggie place.
We didn't make it north to Georgia while we were in north Florida, but we thought about you. Moma even tried making her first felted wires. Did you see them? They are getting their wheels, but are still asleep in the fuzzy box of wool right now.
We're glad to be back.... we'll try to stay in better touch.
Healing wishes,
Jake and Fergi
I'm glad Poppy is ok..
~ Bae
Bummer about your mom's possibly job. We're glad she gets to stay home with you guys for a bit longer and we're really glad that Poppy is okay!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Good to see you, sorry about that scare from Poppy, so glad she is OK. The right job will come along for Mom. Maybe some one of the vet clinics around could use her help too.
Woos, the OP Pack
Poor Poppy!
I hope she won't do that to all of woo again!
Paws khrossed fur something to work fur your mom - especially given the khare your dad needs from her.
Poppy, I'm glad your feeling better. If you ever need a doggie nurse, I can come to nurse you. Your Mommy will find a good job.
Sally Ann
Poor Poppy, glad to hear she's ok. Shame about the job but sounds as if your Dad needs your Mom's help more. Paws are crossed she'll find something suitable very very soon.
Wiry loves and kissies Eric xxx
What a scare Poppy gave everybody. I am glad she is better.
That sounds like a good job, but taking care of dad is really important. He would have to pretend that his day started early (like 4AM which is really nighttime I think) to make that work. Oh dear. We will think good thoughts that there is a positive outcome.
Sorry to hear about the job, but maybe its for the best. AND it is good to have her home with you!
Hi, friends!
Glad to know Poppy is well!
I hope everything goes well for your mom too!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Phew! We are so glad Poppy is better - our Mom agrees - she too would get freaked out if that continued! We hope there is a later shift available at the doggie place - give your mom a big lick and a cuddle from us - she has a lot of people she cares for.
Sally and Paddy
We're glad that Poppy is feeling better. Sometimes Java acts like that too and it always worries Mom.
We hope things work out for your Mom to get the job. It sounds like a good one and your Mom would be great with the dogs. But your Dad needs her now and it's wonderful that she can be there for him and be with you.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Glad Poppy is okay. Mom hates when we get sick and she can't help us or figure out what is wrong.
Good luck to your mom fnding a job. My mom still hasn't found anything either. Her self-esteem is going down a little because she keep sapplying for jobs and she qualifies to take the test, but they never call her in for an interview. I'm hoping the business she's getting ready to start will keep her busy enough she won't have to get an outside the house job. I really like having her home with me so I can keep an eye on her.
Oh no we're sorry to hear your dad is unwell. We hope he is ok.
Hopefully something will work out for your mum. Paws crossed they'll put on a midday shift.
Well we are glad that Poppy is better...whew that sounded scary...and we are keeping paws crossed that maybe they can find a better shift for your Mom..Love and kisses A+A
We hope some other job that's more suited to your Mom's schedule works out -- and that your Dad is doing OK. These are tough times!!
As for Poppy's standing there and looking as though something is wrong -- I do that sometimes. Mom asks, Jakey, are you just going to stand there looking like a dog??? And I never know how to respond. Then things clear up.
We're glad Poppy is OK!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
I hope poppy is feeling better! You had me so worried reading this.
Hope you all have a fabulous playful weekend.
I am BACK!!! Poppy, glad you are okay. I had that incident recently but it was due to chocking with a piece of rawhide in my throat. I too looked pitiful with lots of tears coming out of my eyes. Maybe something was stuck in your throat & you were just really uncomfortable & probably was hurting a little. I am just glad to know it's gone. It's like me, it went off the next day but my throat was kinda scratched by the rawhide.
Saggy Gold Dancer
Must have been a passing case of TNNUGS (Transient, Nondescript, Nonspecific, Undiagnosable, Gastrointestinal Stuff). Buster gets it every time he swallows a chipmunk without chewing. Seems to be a terrier thing...
The dog place sounds really cool! Maybe they'll eventually need someone on a mid-day shift.
Persephone & Bailey
Oh, our Mom used to work in a place like that, and it was pure heaven to see all the doggies so healthy and taken care of so well. Kiddie pools, ceiling fans, television, doggy-doors, couches for lounging pups, BIG yards for running...It was the perfect job, but sadly, the owner passed away and the kennel is no more.
Sorry about your Dad feeling bad. Being at home with him is a top priority for your Mom, though. Maybe for now your Mom could just fill in as relief if someone needed a day or two off? I know she would love it.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
hi guys, geesh a rough summer for ya!glad the bitey faces resumed.. and give your pops some kisses so he feels better too.
toodles, tula
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