Hi everybuddy! It's me, Poppy! I know, I know...I don't get to blog much anymore since that blond dog, aka Patches moved in with us! She's always hoggin' the 'puter! Anyway, I wanted to tell you all about our visit with Sally Ann. Yes, Sally Ann of Mack and Sally Ann! Oh, yeah, and Sally Ann's mommy came too! Well, someone had to drive! I don't think Sally Ann is old enough to get a driver's license.

Sally Ann and her mommy came to our house and gave us these really yummy dog cookies called Toggens! Oh my doG! They are soooooo yummy! They also brought each of us a toy and believe it or not, they have not yet been destroyed! We can't show you pictures of the toys, because, well...because Mom can't find any of them right now. Oh, they're still here, but they are probably under a bed or behind chairs or something. Anyway, they also brought our dad some really cool peppermint foot soak and our mom got a really cool Airedale pillow! Boy, that Sally Ann sure knows how to shop! Thank you soooooo much for all our great presents!
We sure wish they could have stayed longer, but our dad started having some problems so they had to leave. We wanted to go outside and play with Sally Ann in the back yard, but it was soooo cold, that day, and our wimpy mom didn't want to go out. Also, our mom was worried that we might think Sally Ann was some kind of prey. Well, we WERE bred to chase small furry critters! Patches and Penny were very nice to Sally Ann, but I, being the Alpha around here, kind of worried the peeps so Sally Ann stayed safely in her mommy's lap. I told them that I would be nice to her, but Mom wasn't so sure she could trust me! We sure hope they come back again someday when it's warmer!
Poppy (and Penny and Patches too)
My oh My...we think Sally Ann might have made your guys rething the prey thing...she seems full of molasses and vinegar to us. But we are glad you got to visit...she is one of our favorites, just like you guys.
gussie n teka
(who says, if I (Teka) were Furry, me and Sally Ann could be twins.)
One of us (ahem, I think he goes by the name JH) has a thing for small furry critters too -- so I appreciate your concern!!
The pillow is adorable -- and those cookies sound yummy. Not that we ever get cookies, sigh.
We hope your dad's incident wasn't too serious.
Wirey love,
Jake of Florida (until we hit the road!)
You guys are so lucky that you got to meet Sally Ann! She's such a snappy dresser!
What nice pressies she brought you! The pillow is just beautiful!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh how much fun!
We wish we would live closer to you guys so we could come and visit!
Enjoy the pressies...
I so glad the toys are still intact. I hope your daddy is feeling better, and I'm so glad your Mommy likes her pillow.
Sally Ann
Wasn't that such a nice thing for Sally Ann and her mom to do for all of you. We hope your Dad is doing OK.
Hugs, Phantom and Thunder
Hi, Poppy!
Sure it was pawesome to meet Sally Ann and her mom!
Too bad you could not play outside!
I hope your dad is doing well!
Kisses and hugs
I bet that was khwite the day fur evfurryone!
We hope your dad's incident has passed and things have khalmed a bit fur all -
You met Sally Ann??? Wow! She is totally a snappy dresser, right? Miss Poppy, I hope you weren't huffy because you were jealous of her outfit.
And she brought great presents too. What a fun visit for everybody. I hope your dad got to enjoy it a bit too.
We think it is pawsomely wonderful when blogging pals get to meet! It sounds like you had a good visit with Sally Ann and her moma. That's special by itself, and then you get pressies and treats as well. Perfectly picked ones, too! And, Poppy, we'd like to think that you were modeling good hostess behavior for Sally Ann. Not that she's not a good hostess. We're sure she is. But we are also confident that she respects and admires you, and was watching carefully to know what proper behavior looks like. And leads to. We're guessing there'll be a return visit someday!
Enjoy those treats, toys and memories.
Love to your family. We hope your dad is doing better by this reading.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
That was so nice of Sally Ann and her mum to visit you and bring so many lovely things.
Too bad you couldnt get to play outside.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
WOW!! that is so cool!! That pillow is lovely and we are glad you had such a lovely time.Hee hee we have a bit of a thing for "prey" as well..love A+A
Next time it's too cold to go outside and play, let your Momma borrow some of your fur from your coats! Sounds like you had a nice time!
How nice of Sally Ann ta stop by 'n visit......'n glad ya finally got ta blog, Poppy....hope ya Dad is doin' well...'n we sure wish the cold weather would go away...'n soon too....it's cold enuf here ta freeze yer paws solid....
Dewey Dewster here....
hi guys... hmmmm i bet sally ann could have taken care of herself.. she looks to be a feisty little gurlee.. we don't mess w/the feisty ones.. and we were bred as badger dogs. bunnies??now that's a different can of beans.
theBUSTER, MS.Persephone & ms. blue
So nice to heaw fwom you fow a change, hehe
That is so wondewful that you and Penny and Patches got such a faboolous visit. Sally Ann!!!!! Oh I'd love to meet hew she suwe is a cutie. How genewous of hew to do such gweat shopping fow all of you.
I'm sowwy youw Daddi stawted to be not so well and you could wun awound, but it still sounds tewwiewific!!!
I hope you get to see them again.
I'm sending all of you my love and smoochie kisses and extwa ones fow youw Daddi so he has mowe good days
Hi, Poppy! You guys sound like you're having as much fun as ever--guests, gifts, wow, who could ask for more?!
Sorry we haven't been around too much, but we've been thinking of you all. We hope things are good with our Aire-girls and their humans.
How cool was that!? Visiting, pressies and food! We hear ya on it has been ENTIRELY too cold in the south. BRRRRRR
Hope your Daddy is having some better days. This kind of weather can be so hard on COPD/emphysema folks. Mom helps the man next door when it's so cold because he has the same thing your Daddy does. So she gets his mail so he doesn't have to get outside in the deepfreeze!!
Hugs to all of you. Take good care of yourselves, all of you.
Sunny,Scooter,Shamus & Jamie
ps Thank you SO much for sending a card. You sure made our Christmas merry & bright!
Hey Poppy! What a wonderful visit from Sally Anne. She's a real cool square and a snappy dresser. Love the presents she bought you and your leggeds, very special.
Stay warm and dry P's! Wiry love Eric xx
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