Hey, everybuddy! It's me, Penny! I wanted to be blogging doggie, today, because it is Angel Poppy's birthday. We were the bestest of friends for a long, long time! We protected each other from the evil squirrels, in the back yard and we played bitey face almost constantly when we were younger.
Patches really misses you, too. She tries to play with me, but usually, I'm too dignified for such silliness. Once in a while, we have a good game of bitey face or bitey leggie, but not like you and Patches did! You two were unmerciful with each other!
And we think our mom misses you most of all! After all, you were HER doggie like I was always DAD'S doggie! We hope you are celebrating your barkday at the Rainbow Bridge with all of our pals who are there with you! And we hope you take Dad for a really long walk today! Okay, now Mom is getting tears in her eyes, so we are going to have to let her quit typing!
Penny & Patches (who really, really, really misses you!)
Happy Birthday to you Angel Poppy, you may not be here but you are in spirit.George and Jan xx
You are so sweet, Penny. We are sure that Poppy and Dad are having a wonderful time walking together and celebrating a special birthday. We know how much all of you miss both of them.
Hugs and Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We think it is great that you are celebrating Poppy's birthday by remembering how much fun you had together. We are sorry your mom is sad, but think that is to be expected in the two leggeds, we have observed similar behaviour here.
Enjoy the time with your mom, and see if you can't get a good game of bitey face going.
Angel Poppy would have been 10, right?
We miss her too. We hope that she and her dad are enjoying a nice big piece of cake!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Birthday to Angel Poppy!
I am sure she is having a great time with your Dad!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We join in whishing Angel Poppy a Happy Birthday -- we know how much you all loved her. But be happy thinking she is there with your dad looking down on all of us and helping us cope with those bittersweet moments.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Yes, Maggie and Mitch...Poppy would have been 10. I guess we forgot to mention that!
Penny & Patches
w00fs, happy barkday angel Poppy...take care of your daddy...
b safe,
Awwwww....Happy Barkday to Angel Poppy. I'm sorry she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Last time I visited she was still with us. I am sorry to hear she is not.
Thanks for the kind post during my surgery.
Happy Barkday to Angel Poppy! Maybe she is playing with our Angel 'Leo'.
Wyatt and Stanzie
Happy Barkday Angel Poppy!
I'm sure woo had one pawesome pawty since there have been so many newbies hit The Rainbow Bridge in recent days -
Thinking of Angel Poppy..we think they will be havin a great party over the Rainbow Bridge.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Happy Birthday Angel Poppy, we do hope had a lovely time celebrating with all our pals up there with you.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Angel Poppy,
we are in thoughts with you and hope, you have celebrated your birthday together with your dad and a lot of cake.
Mischka and violett
Angel Poppy! We all miss you, but you have Dad to play with now. That was a very good post even if it made me cry a little.
We are hoping Angel Poppy will do us a favor ...
Moma was just thinking about her daddy. He died, suddenly, nine years ago tomorrow. She's missing him. But it makes her feel a little better with the idea that maybe he can help make tomorrow special ... even if it is a little late. We're hoping that Angel Poppy can look for our grampa. He's the one (one of the ones) who LOVES doggies. And he'd be a great one to wish Angel Poppy a belated birthday.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
We send Aire&WelshieKisses into the air for Angel Poppy's barkday. We know your mama really misses Poppy and we send her love too.
BabyRD & Hootie
My mom's all teary eyed now too. Happy birthday Angel Poppy!!
I know that sweet Poppy is in heaven keeping everyone entertained and brining smiles to everyone... like we 'dales do best!! You all are in my heart and mama's heart today!!
We love yall!!
Happy birthday Angel Poppy:)
Belated though..
Penny, please tell your mummy not to be sad. You know, Daddy n Poppy must be having a good time together...happy, carefree..in a land of love and all beautiful things.
love n wags, ginger n Buddy
Oh Angel Poppy....we can just see you wrassling in Dale fashion with Penny girlie...that's how Stan and I playfight...we like to spit at eachother!!
Give kisses to your Dad for us...we know he's giving you pats and hugs as we type this!!
Love you lots,
Lacie Girlie
Aww... that wsa a very sweet note... You gurrrrls are good sisters. It's good that Poppy is up there keeping your dad company. Maybe they are bonding so she's becoming a DAD'S dog too...hehe.. Maybe you have to become MOM'S dog Patches??
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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