Hello to all our furry and not-so-furry friends! It's us, Patches and Penny! We sneaked the picture above when our mom was down in the basement in our dad's workshop! He always said he could tell when she was down there! She never has figured out HOW he knew, but he DID!
On Christmas Day, we had the first White Christmas in 125 years! Even our mom had to agree that it was beautimous! That's only because she didn't have to drive in it! In the afternoon, she went to our neighbor's with the Puggy guys and the 2 new hooman pups. (They have doubled their weight since birth). She ate dinner with them and then went across the street for dessert with our other neighbors. We thought it was really nice of all of them to invite our mom! Unfortunately, no one invited US! I guess that's okay 'cause we had loads of presents to unwrap and play with on Christmas morning! We had so much fun that we slept all afternoon!
Our other neighbors came home last night, so our mom is done taking care of their animals. They even moved the froggies back to their own home! We sniffed them, but we couldn't get near them at all!
Sunday will be our 3rd Bloggaversary! Woohoo! Three whole years since we started our blog! And we're still a loooong way from 300 posts! You can blame that on our lame personal secretary! For some strange reason, she seems to think that blogging isn't the MOST impawtant thing to do! How are we supposed to keep up with all our buddies?
Happy New Year to everyone! We know a lot of our pals have already celebrated the new year, and a lot of us will be celebrating later tonight. Let's all stay safe and don't shoot off any fireworks! I'm just sayin'....
Penny & Patches (and Lana too)
Happy New Year, ladies! Hope you've been having a wonderful holiday season. We wish you all the best for the coming year! And Happy Bloggaversary, too!!
Be well, have fun!!
Congrats on your blogaversary - we are sending you wishes for 2011 to be a very good year for all of you.
Happy New Year.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and the Momster
Congrats on your bolgaversary!
a happy new new year for You everybody!
Your mummy should soon laugh again properly.
Lots of love
Mischka, his littele brother Hoover and violett
Happy 3rd blogaversary and Happy New Year to the three of you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy New Year to all of you! We hope the coming year is very good to y'all.
Here's to a great 2011!
Khongrats on the upkhoming blog-a-versary!
How pawesome woo Southern pups had a White Khristmas!
I vote next time your mom gets invited some place, woo get to go too!
Happy New Year Patches, Penny and Lana!
I wish you the best!
Happy Blogoversary!
Kisses and hugs
Happy New Year, Penny, Patches and Lana!
We wish you a peaceful and very special 2011.
Much love
Jake and Fergi
Sally and Nina
Happy 3rd Blogversary!
Happy New Year Penny Patches and Lana. We hope 2011 is special for you.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed the snow and were able to stay warm.
We wish for u bright sunshine, happy , fun -filled, joyous days, heaps of love, closeness of friends, contentment, health and peace this NEW YEAR.
Congratulations on your bloggoversary! And glad u had a lovely Christmas.
We love u,
Ginger, Buddy n Shadow
Happy New Year! How lovely to have a white Christmas. No chance of that in sunny Malaysia!
Happy New Year my friends ! And happy bloganniversary !
Kisses, Faya
Happy New Year to you, and happy Blogoversary too!
Nelly x
Happy New Year......and Happy 3rd Blogaversary!
Happy New Year - it looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas along with some neat snow to play in. All of our snow melted in the city but the human weatherperson said that there will be flurries this weekend :)
Happy New Year to you and Happy Blogaversary! How cool it that!
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