Hey, every buddy! It's me, Patches! I just couldn't wait to show you what our mom bought for us! Okay, he's not REALLY for US! His name is Digger Dog and he's very talented! When you press a button, he barks, wags his tail, kicks one back foot and then he farts up a storm! It is just tooooo funny! Sorry there's no video, but our mom's 32 bit camera won't upload to our 6 bit computer! What a rip off! It's probably a good thing she can't do a video because all you pooches out there would probably try to tear the speakers out of your pawrent's 'puters! We go absolutely nutso when she presses that white button!
Mom bought Digger from a lady at a yardsale. The lady was from Ukrain and she told Mom that she and her husband bought Digger in some other country. They actually bought 2 of them and when they brought them through customs, the customs peeps didn't want to let them go. Not because the Diggers were suspicious or anything. They were just having too much fun playin' with them! Our mom promised not to list him until Aunt Wendy gets to see him.

I sure hope the rest of you are having better weather than we are! Right now, it's up to a whopping 21 degrees with a wind chill factor of 3! Mom wants to go out for a little while, but I don't think she's gonna make it! We have snow flurries in the aire and we feel like hibernating!

And THAT'S not even the worst of it! Tonight, it is supposed to go down to 13 degrees F! I thought this was supposed to be the SOUTH!!!!!! Even those of us wearing fur coats don't want to go outside for very long! Mom is talking about buying me a coat or sweater or something. I just had my latest Aire-cut last week, so although I am very beautimous and aire-o-dynamic, I come in shivering every time we go out! I might get that coat and keep it on all the time! Due to the shock that our mom got from our last gas bill, she has dropped the thermostat down one more degree! I know it doesn't seem like much, but we have a pretty big house so she's doin' whatever she can to keep the bills lower than the national debt! Holy moly, it's only 66 degrees in here! We can't even have a fire in the fireplace 'cause our mom had the fireplace replaced by a big box window. Hey, maybe we can start a fire in the window!...or NOT!
Well, every buddy, that's it for today. I'm going to go snooze with my nose covered up!
Patches (and Penny who has a lot more hair to keep warm!)
Digger Dog is too funny! We can only imagine how nutty it gets at your house when Digger is barking and going through his antics!
Your temps are much colder than ours right now. It's supposed to get colder here later on today.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi girls, it's pretty cold here in the UK too. Mum's bought us some jumpers to go out in.
Keep warm
Nelly & Finni xx
That DD is something else!
Our temps are kind of like that too with LOTS of wind!
Feels like below zero SO it is time to head bakhk out to my tree!
Stay warm!
That sounds vewy cold, I hope you find a nice wawm spot to cuddle and keep wawm..won't Penny snuggle you wawm?
That diggew guy weminds me of someone, ummmmm, I know , gussie's sissie Teka. Looks just like that
smoochie kisses
That is the funniest toy ever!! Mom would probably have to keep it in very safe place...meaning away from me.
Hope you all stay warm! It's been mighty cold here too.
Yuh, my cheap-o mom turns our thermostat way down too to conserve the energies. I am freezing, but our outside is not as cold as yours. You poor dears. You need to grow your fuzz back to survive the winter.
As for that dog bottom. Well, a bit disturbing, eh?
It has been so cold and dreary in the South, hasn't it! It makes mama miss the summer humidity!!
We're not quite as cold as you are -- but it's stil pretty brisk!!! We kind of like it -- for a short while. But Mom is a wimp and gets all bundled up.
Love that digger dog -- how clever!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Thank you so much for your lovely message and words on our sad loss of Dorcus.
Our dogs are so special to us all. We have learnt NEVER put off saying or doing what you can with them today, until tomorrow. Cos sometimes tomorrow never comes!
Do you think Diggy Dog shoulb be black & tan?
Karen & Alan Dorcus's Mum & Dad
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Mom used quilt patterns as her stencils. She can't draw for beans!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my that cold??? It is pretty cold here too, but I do prefer the cold. That Digger dog sure is a treasure!!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
OOO nooo, if Digger is going away, that means there's no chance for somebody with a different camera to record him in action. We were all ready for Digger to have his own Facebook page and everything....
Alanis & Miro
Hi Girls,
Ho Ho Ho!! Your Digger Dog is a treasure that your mom found!
Stay warm girls.. and keep your mom warm by cuddling up to her ok?
Thinking of you and wishing you wonderful Christmas and fantastic New Year!!
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