The life and times of Patches the Airedale Terrier, with comments, from time to time, by or about Angel Poppy and Angel Penny. Come on in and visit with us!
And then, they put up some wooden posts and some steel posts and attached the fence. All of this gave me a flashback to my puppyhood. You see, I lived inside a fenced area for the first year of my life. I was a hunting dog and my main prey were bears and wild hogs.
I had my teefies on a hog, once, but when the guns fired to bring down a hog or a bear, I was terrified! I guess that's why I'm still afraid of thunder! I just don't like loud noises! Since I wasn't a very good gun dog, my breeder decided to sell me. That fence also reminded me of when my mom and dad came to pick me out of my litter. I pranced around inside of the fence and tried to look as cute as I could. I kept saying, "Pick ME". They finally did pick ME because I was so cute and I have a white blaze on my chest just like the original Pockets! I was soooooo happy! That was the day my life changed forever. All my brothers and sisters are still hunting bears and hogs, while I live in a nice house where I get all the treats I want and when it's hot outside, my house is nice and cool and when it's cold outside, I am nice and warm. I get petted a million times a day and I get lots of food and water whenever I want it! So, you see, I was also the SMARTEST dog in my litter! By acting like I was afraid of guns, I get to live the good life! I'm pretty sure all my litter mates would be jealous! Oh, yeah, and I also never saw a dog toy for the first year of my life. Now I have way too many (according to Mom) and I like the squeaky ones best! I have to share them with Poppy, but that's okay since she is such a good sister!
The guys only got the fence about 3/4 of the way done, yesterday. They will be back today if it doesn't rain or tomorrow if it does. Then we will be all ready for our new Aire-sister when Airedale Rescue finds her for us! We can't wait!
Penny (and Poppy)
It was soooooo fun! While I had my evening training session, Mom threw the Wubba into the living room so Penny and Poppy could play with it. Well, that didn't work out so well...with all the squeaking they were doing, I couldn't stay focused on my training. Mom won't try THAT again! Right now, my Wubba is resting on top of the 'fridge because I will have to be snoopervised when I play with it, now, due to the exposed tennis ball! So not fair!!!!!
Hi everydog! It's me, Poppy. My eyes are a little better this morning, but they are still pretty bloodshot. Mom keeps wiping them with distilled water and sterile saline. That sure feels good! Mom and Dad are trying to keep the big fuzzy boy away from me, but sometimes I just have to get right in his face! How else am I going to show him what he did to me and tell him not to do it again? He's such a big doofus that I'm not sure he's getting the picture. Every time he sees me, he wants to play bitey-face! When my eyes get better, Mom says we can play while being snoopervised. I guess that's better than no bitey-face at all!
Hi everyone! It's me, Penny! I am really enjoying my new senior dog food and having Mom and Dad keep the big furry beast from biting my back legs! I like to chase him, but I am not too excited about the leggie biting thing! I wanted to let everyone know that the three wheelies you saw in a previous post are on their way to Scruffy, Lacie and BabyStan's house. They will be transported as soon as Mom gets their adoption certificate and crate ready for them. We are hoping they arrive before Opal's wheelie pawty! They wouldn't want to miss out on that!
Poppy and I are going to have a nap now until Stacey gets here. Once she arrives, we have to have a major playing session with her. Also, she has to meet Captain High Pockets and we are sure he will have to join in the play session, too. Oh, yeah, Mom wanted us to tell you that she did NOT fall down yesterday (or so far, today)! She is getting slightly less sore in her muscles, but fuzzy boy bit her hand, this morning and caused her to smack her forehead into the back of a chair. So...the abuse continues! We sure hope he grow up fast!
Poppy, Penny & Pockets
Hi everydog, kitty, hammie and hooman! Our wild brother, Pockets, is now sporting about a 6 foot long rope so Mom and Dad can step on it and catch the crazy critter when he refuses to come. Since he has already shortened his rope from the 8 feet he started with, it has now been soaked in hot sauce. That stops him from chewing it for several hours, but then, it has to have more put on it. He either decides that he likes to have a really hot tongue or the stuff wears off. If you click on the second picture, you can see the wild-eyed look he gets when he gets a taste of the hot sauce. Sorry it's so dark!
I, Poppy am still limping and the big boy is to blame. He t-bones me and knocks me off balance. My petite 46 pounds are no match for his 65+ pounds and his 34 inch height. I have sunk my teefies into him more than once, but he just comes back for more! When he went for a bath, on Saturday, Penny and I thought he had finally left for good. No such luck, he came back home a few hours later. *Sigh*! He IS fun to play with when we feel like it! We just wish he would settle down a little!
Yesterday, Aunt Wendy came over to give Pockets his first real training session. He attacked and jumped all over her when she came through the door so Mom grabbed him by the collar and tried to get him settled down. That was a big mistake! Mom ended up being slammed to the wooden floor in the kitchen and now she is hurting all over! Beastie boy grabbed a packet of Kleenex from Aunt Wendy and she had to pry it out of his jaws of death. Funny thing though...once he got his prong collar on, he was the perfect boy! He walked nicely, sat on command and paid no attention to stuff when told to "leave it". They even took the big doofus for a walk around the neighborhood and he was really good. However, as soon as Aunt Wendy went home to Ezzy and Jagger, the wild boy was back! He ran through the living room and knocked over a lamp and almost knocked over an end table with a glass top! Mom was able to grab the end table before it hit the floor! He had to go in his crate after that little escapade so Penny and I sat outside his crate and snickered at him!
See that patch of mud? If you click on it, you can see large 'dale toenail marks in it! That is from when Pockets kicks his back legs every time he does poopies. Mom calls them "burn outs". He does it EVERY time he finishes his poopies. The really bad thing is that he brings the mud inside under his toenails and even worse...he kicks the poopies about 6 feet behind himself so some of that comes in too! We sure are glad Penny and I don't do that! Mom doesn't even want to think about what it would be like with all 3 of us dragging mud and poopies into the house!
We should have the fence up by Wednesday or Thursday so beastie boy will be able to run off some of his energy. Maybe, then, he will be nicer and a little more gentle with the bitey-face stuff. We like playing bitey-face with him, but he's just a little too rough! Right now, he's in his crate again because he was trying to eat the computer cords under Mom's desk! We aren't sure, but we think he might be "possessed"! Of course, Mom thought Penny and I were, too, when we first came to live here, but we finally outgrew it! I wonder how long it is going take for the wild child to outgrow it! And we wonder if Mom and Dad will live through it!
Poppy, Penny and Pockets (the burn-out kid!)