Hello to all our furry and not-so-furry friends! I, Patches was tagged by Gaia the beautimous Aire-girl to answer the following questions:
1. What were you doing 10 years ago? I guess I hadn't decided to come down from heaven yet, since I'm only 5 years old.
2. What are 5 things on your to-do list today? Let's see...I have to check the basement and make sure it's safe for Dad to go down there. Rid the yard of evil squirrels. Check the neighbor dogs to make sure everydog is still in his or her own yard. Knaw on my marrow bone, in my crate, for a while. Take plenty of naps so I will be ready to terrorize Mom when she comes home from work.
3. Which snacks do you enjoy? Oh, this one is hard...I enjoy ALL of them! So far, I've had Bark Bars, marrow bone stuffed with peanut butter, Canine Cuts, Jerky Treats and melon! They are all pawsome!
4. What would you do if you became a billionaire? I would buy Mom and Dad a ginormous place to live so they could rescue all the doggies that are in shelters or abusive situations. I would also make sure we all had an endless supply of treats forever.
5. What are three of your bad habits? Counter surfing would have to top the list. I wake Mom up in the middle of the night for no good reason. Some times I bark just to hear my own voice.
6. Where are 5 places you have lived? Well, I lived with my breeder in Alpharetta, Georgia, then I moved in with someone who didn't feed me enough and now I live in Airedale Heaven with Poppy and Penny. I guess I've only lived 3 places and I'm staying here furever!
7. What are 5 jobs you have? Letting everyone know when someone is at the front door. Being the "town clown". Making sure Mom gets up to go to that work place. Searching the floor to make sure no crumbs are left there. Patroling the back yard to make sure there are no other living critters out there, except Penny and Poppy, of course.
I'm not going to tag anyone because I think everydog else has already been tagged. If you haven't and want to play, consider yourself tagged!

I just LOVE this pawsome duckie that Pedro sent us. We have developed a very close, personal relationship. I carry him all over the living room and sometimes even into the kitchen. I also like to shake the "you know what" out of him. He doesn't seem to mind, though! He just sits there and asks for more.

On Saturday, Mom and Dad brought home this pawsome cow dog for all of us. As usual, Poppy grabbed it right away so Penny and I had to chase her so we could taste it too. We barely got our lips on it, when Poppy told us to back off. I guess she thinks it is only hers!

This is what the cow dog looked like before it got all full of Aire-slobber. Isn't she cute? So far, she's still got her eyes! She's actually big enough for Poppy to hump so I'm sure she will just LOVE Miss Cow Dog to death soon.

Remember our Bluebird puppies? Well, this is one of the babies being fed by his mom. He sits on the deck rail and opens his mouth really wide so his mama can stick meal worms into it. The babies are big enough to fly to the table where the wormies are, but they still make their mom and dad feed them. They are over two weeks old now, so we think they are just lazy.

Sometimes, one of the babies stays in a tree and makes the mama and daddy deliver the wormies to it. We think one is a female and the other is a male, but we aren't sure yet. They haven't developed any coloring except a little bit on their tail feathers. They also have a teenage brother that is helping to feed them. Mom and Dad think he's from a previous litter. Since the mama and daddy are named Mena and Mason, Dad named the teenager Mitch. He hasn't named the two babies yet. This baby is kind of hard to see in the tree. He's just about in the center of the picture. If you click on it to biggyfy it, we think you can see him or her. Mena has already built a nest in the new nesting box, but we have been having some trouble from some House Sparrows. One of them keeps going into the nest when Mason and Mena aren't around. We have read that they can kill Bluebirds so Mom and Dad are trying to figure out a way to get rid of the little brown pests.
Well, everyone, I'm going to check out the basement, now to make sure it's safe for Dad to go down there and do his woodworking.
Patches (and Penny & Poppy too)