Sunday, October 19, 2008

Greetings, all you furry and not so furry critters! It's me, Patches! I'm all fixed up now from my fix-it surgery and back to my wild and crazy ways. Remember poor Rudolph the feltie from our last post? Well, he's all back together now and pulling a sled with two Aire-pups. If you want to see him, you will have to go over to Ezzy and Jagger's bloggy . Aunt Wendy bought him from our mom so he is living with Ezzy and Jagger now.
The 3 of us girls have been watching our mom very closley these days. She has emptied one whole curio cabinet of all her bears. She cleaned the inside and outside of it and now she is trying to put some of the bears back, but there always seems to be some jaws of death lurking nearby. She sneaked all those bears into boxes when we were outside. Now they are sitting up high on one of the dressers so we can't get to them. So not fair! She's hoping to sell some of them on Ebay because she has waaaaaaaaaay too many. Besides, since she still hasn't found a job, she really needs the money to buy treats for us!

Remember when we showed you our Roomba that magically vacuums our floors? Well, our mom keeps saying she wished there was one that would wash the floor. She found it! I don't think we will be getting one, anytime soon though, since they cost $500. She will have to keep on washing the floors the old fashioned way!
Well, everybudy, I'm off to try and get the closet door open where I know there is another box of bears!
Patches (and Poppy and Penny too)


Welcome To The Life Of Ezzy Rider And Jagger said...

Rudolph is happy with his buddies living in Roswell, Ga. It is amazing how Aunt Lana put him back together again..Mom will see you Dales tomorrow and will bring some treats for you.

Ezzy and Jag

Lorenza said...

Hi, Patches!
Glad to hear you are doing so well and that Rudolph was fixed too!
I hope you all are having a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Stanislaw said...

I bet those robot floor washers are super fun to bark at.

Good luck feasting on those bears!

Agatha and Archie said...

We are glad you are doing so well!! PL2 ha salways wanted a washing rhumba but now that she knows the price she knowd she will never have one!!!!(we can not even IMAGINE what we would do with it!!!) Love A+A

Eduardo said...

Maybe the scooba price will go down soon! I would attack that thing! Mommy wants to know if the Roomba works good?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Joe Stains said...

Mom wants one of those crazy scooba things too! Glad you are feeling 100% again Patches!

Dandy Duke said...

We saw Rudolph over at your Aunt Wendy's! Your mom is a brilliant surgeon! Now all Rudolph needs is snow and off he'll fly on his Christmas mission!
We're glad you're back to your old lovable self, Patches!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Rambo said...

Glad you are feeling well Patches.
Maybe your Mom can sell the bears and buy the floor washer. That would be fun to chase around!

Dewey Dewster said...

We saw Rudolph in his new home and he looks happy pullin' that sled...what a cute guy he is....now you all better not be chewin' up yer Mom's bears....they're fer sellin' not fer eatin'.....hope she hid 'em well.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Noah the Airedale said...

We've been over to Ezzy's blog and can't believe how clever your mum is. Rudolph is amazing. He looks really big...how big is the sleigh?

Noah xx

Faya said...

Hello Patches !
I am happy you are feeling great again ! You can play again with Penny and Poppy and this is the best !
Kisses, Faya

Lady Kaos said...

It's good to hear that Rudolph is doing good.

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Glad you're all well now, Patches. You sure look mahvelous! (Rudolph looks pretty good, too--glad he's happy in his new home.)

Good luck with the bears, but bears sold for treats sounds like a better deal to us! :)


Charlie Daniels said...

Great stuff Patches. You are feeling good again :-)

Re the Scooba: Do you mean humans pay money for something to roam around the room peeing everywhere!



Pedro said...

My mom says she wants one of those floor steamer cleaners. It supposedly does hard wood floors and carpet. That's pretty much our whole dawg house. She says we're getting rid of the carpets cause they're shot. I didn't see any bullet holes in them so I think she's seeing things...


Anonymous said...

I have the Scooba on my wish list too. My mom and sister recently moved into an apt. so they gave me their Roomba and it's getting a lot use what with Irish Setter hair everywhere.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We are glad you are feeling better! Why does your Mom need one of those?? Y'all will lick up pretty much any food messes. Hmmmm...

Bogart H. Devil said...

So happy to hear that you're doing well!!!!

Big Aire Kisses

Niamh said...

Glad to hear that you are recovered. I would like to get a box of bears too. Sounds like you could have a lot of fun with them.

Your friend,