Hi everybuddy! It's me, Patches! Some time ago, we were given this Honest Scrap award by our Kerry Blue friends Persephone, Buster and Bailey and also Awfully Big Digsby MacFeegle. Thank you soooo much!
Here are the official Honest Scrap rules:"When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Scrap" weblog. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!"
Each of us will do 4...that actually totals 12, but it says AT LEAST 10.
I, Patches will go first:
1. I have finally given up sleeping all over the house, at night. Now, I spend most of my nights in my very own bed!
2. I am a very kissie doggie! I just looooove to give Mom kisses on her face!
3. I would escape everytime I get a chance! It's not that I don't like it, here at Airedale Heaven, I just want to experience the WHOLE world!
4. Recently, I have learned how to carry on a conversation with Mom (and ONLY Mom). She tells me to sit and then she whispers to me. I answer in very soft, quiet woofies.
Ok, now it's Poppy's turn:
1. I love my Mom more than anything! When she goes outside to work in the yard, I cry until she comes back in. (That's if I'm not out there too)
2. My favorite sleeping postion in upside down on my back.
3. Our mom can't go into the bathroom without me. Oh, she THINKS she can, but I am always right there to go with her!
4. My greatest skill is sneaking stuffies outside when no one is looking. Of course, I NEVER bring them back.
Now for Penny's turn:
1. Now that I am 10 years old, I find it undignified to play with stuffies...most of the time. I do, however, use them as pillows.
2. I am Dad's dog! I talk to him all the time. He knows whether I am asking for water, to go outside, or just to be petted.
3. I am the announcer of this house. I announce the mailman, the UPS man and any time one of our neighbors leaves their driveway.
4. It is my opinion that no person, dog, cat or other living being should be able to walk on the street in front of MY house. I let them all know about it too!
There you have it, folks! Honest facts about all 3 P's!

About a week or so ago, Penny received this really cool award from Maggie and Mitch! They gave it to her for her 10th barkday! Thank you sooooo much, M & M!

We don't remember how long ago we got this award, but we do know that it came from Samantha the beautimous Golden Retriever! Thank you so much, Samantha. And thanks for being our friend!
We know that we are supposed to pass these awards on to other bloggers, but since it took our personal secretary soooooo long to post them, we figure most of you have already received them. If you have not and would like one or all of them, please feel free to claim them. We are very sorry we took so long. Our mom has been really busy with the antique booth, selling on Ebay and job hunting! The job hunting part isn't going so well...most places won't even take her application.
That's it for today, everybuddy! I have to go and attack the wand to the vacuum cleaner, now. Mom says the Aire-hair is getting too deep again!
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too)