Hello to all our furry and not-so-furry friends! It's me, Poppy! Well,
everybuddy, Penny and I are going to get our spring
Aire-cuts pretty soon. Penny's appointment is on April 6
th and mine is on April 7
th. We can't wait! Our weather has turned warm and we have had lots of rain, so every time we go outside, we soak up lots of red Georgia clay in our paws and bring it in the house! We don't really have a problem with that, but Mom freaks out every time we come in. Last evening, she REALLY freaked! All 3 of us were out for a very long time and no one could see us from the back door. Finally, Mom walked down to the other end of the deck where she can see the side fence and the neighbor's yard. All 3 of us were huddled together, right in the corner of the yard and we were digging a hole to China! She kept calling us, but being Airedales and intent on what we were doing, we ignored her completely! She was not nearly as amused by that as WE were! To make a long story short...she walked down the steps and all the way to where we were. What she found was a ginormous hole with some little pellets that we were eating. At first, she thought the little pellets were either deer or rabbit
poopies, but upon closer inspection, she found out it was little pieces of
doggie food. She rushed all 3 of us into the house and found out that all of our beards were dripping with red mud! We had to have our faces and front paws washed with wet paper towels! We don't know how that
doggie food got there, but our mom suspects that the neighbor dog threw up and some of it came over on our side of the fence. Now, she has to go fill up the hole so we don't make it any bigger and try to escape into Maggie and Sasha's yard. What a buzz kill!
Patches wants me to tell you all that she still has her blind
froggie. Our mom threatened to throw the frog away when we got Rocky the raccoon, but Patches cried so hard that Mom let her keep him. He has no eyes, his red heart has been torn out of one of his paws and he has a gaping hole under one arm. Mom says one more explosion from his arm pit and he's out of here whether Patches likes it or not!
This coming Sunday is the K-9 for the Cure Dog Walk and Patches has been practicing for it. Mostly, she practices by prancing around the house because she thinks she looks
beautimous with her new
Aire-cut! Our mom is going to register all the
pawticipants and Patches will be right by her side, so she's also practicing her
bitey-face games.
Yesterday, our mom and Aunt Wendy went to do a home visit for the Airedale Rescue Group and we had to stay home with Dad. They met a very nice family that has a 7 year old Aire-boy. He has lost his pack and he's very lonely, so they want to get him a playmate. Their 5 year old Aire-girl died about a year ago and their almost 15 year old Aire-boy died about 2 weeks ago. Mom says that whatever doggie goes to live with them will be very lucky. They have a 5 acre fenced yard for the Aire-kids to run and play in. We wish we could have met Chips, but at least we got to smell him on Mom. He gave her lots of kisses and smiled at her a lot! He's going to be a great brother for some lucky Aire-pup!
Well, everybuddy, that's about it for today. Right now, we're all headed back outside to see if there's anymore dog food left and maybe make the hole a little deeper. Uh oh! Maybe not...I just heard our mom say she was going to get the shovel and go out there. Bye, bye muddy hole!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hee hee.
Why are there no photos of your lovely beards and footies all covered with red clay? I would like to see that.
Three fenced acres? WOW! That would be hard to patrol.
I love digging holes.....It is glorious
Grrrrreat work!
I've only recently started dabbling in digging...woo make it sound FURRY interesting!
I khan't wait to see your warmer weather do's!
Digging to China is the most fun!! I love how clay really gets in your beard and stays!!
Patches, you look so beautiful with your aire-cut... keep on prancin'!!
Ciao belle 3Ps!
What fantastico luck to be able to dig a hole (fun, fun, fun!) and THEN find kibble treats! I am always on the lookout for eccellente diggers to assist with the re-enactment of the excavation of Pompeii that's underway in my yard, and you three are welcome to join my crew ANY time!
I sure hope your buddy, Chips, finds a wonderful new pal and soon! He sounds like a sweetie-pie!
Tanti baci, ragazze!
I haven't dug a whole in a long time but if I knew there was free kibble in our back yard I'd be digging away too! You girls are so lucky!
We can't wait to see your summer hairedos!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
There is nothing more divine than Aire-ing out the backyard by digging holes! Lola Belle here to remind you that digging is divine! Whoot! Whoot! I mean it's pawesome! My mumsie doesn't like it either and yep, she fills up little works of art with poop so I won't dig there again.....and well...I don't dig poop so...you guessed it! I dig a NEW hole!
Way to go!
Love ~
The Griffindale Girl - Lola Belle!
wow, you found a serious treasure digging in your yard! I am so jealous! I can't wait to hear about the lucky dog that gets to live with your friends.
You did not go to China but found yummy kibble! I don't have a yard to dig.... hmmm.... digging the bed counts??
Kisses and hugs
Sounds like you had the best time digging your hole to China. ANd discovering kibble to boot. What luck! We haven't been able to dig since coming to Phoenix---our only yard play is at the dog park. Sad. In fact Hootie was trying to dig a hole in his bed to bury his chewie today.Poor fellow.Momma took him for a leash walk then and he carried his chewie with him in search of a good place to deposit it. No luck. Only gravel and mean HOA people don't allow digging. Smooches, Baby Rocket Dog
ps-I got my hairs cut 2day & it looks weird.The groomer apparently doesn't know what an Airedale is supposed to look like. ;>(
Oh, the joy of digging to China. Now, I want to dig a big hole and search for buried treasure! My Mommy gets a little concerned when I get wet, clay covered, large gray feet. She keeps a blanket over the backseat but I keep moving it around (while she is driving).
Hugs, Miley
Don't worry. I'm sure your paws are way more efficient than a shovel anyway, and you'll have that hole back in working order in now time!
Thanks for dropping by, we love to dig. Wait till the snow goes, then we'll post a pic to shock the world. THEY say time for a landscaper, what the hay is that, we are doing a fine job. Momma says our RIP sister and RIP brother never accomplished this level of digging. Now she should be proud of us. But three terriers would be better.
Once again we will discuss adoption at dinner tonight. I want a sister and Rufus wants a girlfriend ;)
Sally G
Sasha is much happier after she got her haircut a couple weeks ago. mom was tired of cleaning up grass in the house since Sasha likes to go outside and roll in the grass. Have a fun weekend!!!
Hi ladies,
I don't dig much but I sure do love to roach & roaching in the mud is super fun. Mommy is not amused but she says I am so cute when I do it that she doesn;t scold me to much.
Last year somebody stole one of Mommy's checks she had written for a bill out of the mailbox and had his own check written up with the Mommy's bank info. She got taken for over $2000. She got it all back from the bank but not after it messed her credit up. I took almost 6 months to get it cleared up. Turns out this person did it to a bunch of folks and he still hasn't been caught. Mommy was really pissed.
Have a good weekend. Me and Mommy are leaving for the country tomorrow after her dentist apointment.
I like the summer cuts. It's better to fit into holes right? Nothing wrong with a red beard..oh..guess not.
good luck on the walk.
Thanks fur stopping by my blog. Its furry nice to meet you. I have added you to my firends list so I can stop by more often, I hope thats ok?
Big licks to you
Penny, Poppy & Patches,
Your big muddy hole sounds like it was way over my head! I don't really think I'd eat some other dawgs chucked up food though! Yuck! That family sounds like a great place for an Aire dawg to live! Well, I hope you had a great weekend!
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