Rocky is resting, right now, with Mickey, Minnie and the ginormous bear. That's only because we wore ourselves out welcoming him to Airedale Heaven. I plan to perform my secret ritual on him, later today!
I've heard a rumor that I get to go bye-byes in the car, tomorrow, with Mom! We are going down to Aunt Wendy's house and then to a park to have our pictures taken for the K-9 walk for the cure. It takes place on Sunday, March 22, but we are going to have our pictures in the Roswell, Georgia newspaper before that. I'm sooooo excited! I get to go in the Aire-mobile all by myself. Okay, not TOTALLY by myself...Mom will have to drive it!
We have some awards to post, but our mom has been too busy and too sad to do it, so we will get to them in a few days. We hope you all understand!
Note from the 3 P's: When our mom posted this, yesterday, she said Rocky is a skwerrel. Now, we know she has cat-a-rats in both eyes, but come on, Mom! He's got a STRIPED tail! Even WE know that Rocky is really a raccoon! Sorry for our Mom's "senior moment"...or brain fart...or whatever!
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too)
Ciao bella, 3Ps!
Wow, 3Ps!!! That is one incredibile scoiattolo! I'll bet he's lots and lots of fun to play with. And those pumpkin treats ... mmmmm! Deelish!
Tanti baci!
Man, your new pal looks like FUN! Oh to destuff that.....
OMG, Rocky is HUGE! We want to know if any secret rituals have been performed on him yet?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
He looks like lots of FUN!
Have fun with your photoshoot!
Wowza!!! That is the biggest stuffie I have ever seen!!! I hope you have fun with him.
Wowza!!! That is the biggest stuffie I have ever seen!!! I hope you have fun with him.
WWHOO WAH! I can't believe the size of Rocky! You have quite the collection. HAPPY BARKDAY! I hope you can post your picture from your K9 pre walk article. That's really neat .
Hi, Patches!
Rocky is huge! Does your mom has enough plastic bags to keep all his... stuff??
Glad you all have fun playing with him!
I want to see your special pictures!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Waouw ! Waouw ! Great that you have fun with Rocky !
Kisses, Faya & Dyos
Penny ,Poppy and Patches
Of couwse we undewstand..sometimes the sadness is ovewhelming..we feel it too..
I'm so glad you got such a vfaboolous new fwiend to play wif..he looks like tons of fun
smoochie kisses
Pals, that is the biggest stuffie we've ever seen.
Hope you have a fun day at the K-9 walk. Say g'day to Auntie Wendy for us.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
That coon is HUGE! hope it takes you guys a while to rip it apart. =)
Wait until Khyra sees that stuffy. She will freak out. Your mom is nice to bring you such awesome toys.
Good luck on your photo shoot.
At first i thought Rocky was a mascot! He's a big one-- you'll probably have to triple team him.
Be sure to smile pretty for you pic!
have fun,
It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time on the K-9 walk. It is great to get out on your own for a change. I always have those deaf reds with me!!!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
omdog he is HUGE! He is like 5 times the size of us! I'd love to wrestle him!!
Oh my dog! That is one BIG stuffie!!! I wonder it I could move him an inch??? How long do you think he'll last???
hi Patches and Ps! you girls really do get the biggest and bestest stuffies. Rocky looks like he is really playful, especially when you are shaking him around. we love huge stuffies like that too. your mom is smart to buy him for you at a garage sale. have fun.
We love Rocky! Now Mum will be on the lookout for a toy that big for us!
Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
Rocky Racoon looks like a ton of fun! Any doggy out there care to place any bets on how long Rocky stays intact?! I'll be in charge of the money. hehehehe. XO-Hootie
My brother is such a dodo.He can't even count! Cool new toy friends!
Airekisses, BabyRocketDog
Go for it, guys. Raccoons are baaaad news around here, so do your wurst to him!
Alanis & Sherry
Rocky is relentlessly HOOGE!! Oh dog, I wonder how many squeakers are in him that you need to kill?Bark for me if you need help!
Wiry wags, Eric x
Pee s- hope the model shoot goes well!
Boy oh boy! You all sure did a great job overpowering Rocky...That poor fella didn't stand a chance against the mighty 3Ps!
Are you gonna kick the crap out of that nasty squirrel? Ooooops! That's only a play squirrel, right?
Sorry. I hate squirrels.
Woah, that's a HUG chipmunk stuffie! Chloe would freakin LOVEEEE to shake that one to death!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
What an amazing stuffie!! He's wonderful!! I am sure your pictures will be fabulous as you are all adorable 'dales!!
I love Pumpkin Squares! Man you guys are so luck over there. happy Barkday Penny.
Wow! Rocky look sliek he'd be a lot of fun to play with!!!!
Fun! Tear 'em up!
What an amazing stuffie. I can see why you wore yourselves out. Good luck on your walk.
Your friend,
That squirrel is huuugeee!! I mean I never seen as big as he is! Be careful there my friends!
he he he! I have made some amputations recently to my Kangaroo, he is in poor shape at the moment.
It all looked the best fun!
lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxxx
Now are you the fellow that "had" the blind froggie?
Not to bring that up again, but your living room looks familiar. And not to say that this ritual doesn't go on apon the said writer. The racoon deserves it! Rock ON!
Smooch kisses
Sally G
Hi girls,
My Mommy has senior moments all the time too. Thanks for the info on the Brdfor pear three. I wish we had one in our back yard. Then Mommy could sit outside & look at it all the time like she does our hibiscus and that means we could stay outside lots more. I have to stay inside while she is a work allday long.
Whatever Rocky is he will be fun gutting...heehee.
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