Hi everydoggie, kittie, hammie and hooman! It's me, Penny! I know...I don't post very often because those other 2 doggies are always hogging the 'puter! Yesterday, I went to the spa and got a spiffy new Aire-cut! Now, Patches and I look very much alike except for I wear a blue collar and Patches' is bright red. Sorry there are no pictures of my new Aire-cut...I'm still camera shy and by the time the stoopid delay thingy finally takes the picture, all Mom sees is an empty screen without me in it! I'm still pretty quick for 10 years old! I'm sure our mom will keep trying though. She says I look beautimous! While I was at the spa, I also got my yearly vaccinations and check-up. I passed with flying colors except for I seem to have 3 small tumors on my back. They kind of look like that thingy that Tanner had on his face, but one of mine is quite a bit bigger and I'm no longer a pimply faced teenager! The largest one is about the size of a dime and it is raised up about 1/4 of an inch and it's very red. It seems that with all the Aire-hair I had, no one knew I had these ugly growths! The v-e-t aspirated two of them and sent them off to the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine to be checked out. We should have the results by Friday and I sure am hoping it's nothing to worry about. Of course, our mom has been FREAKING out since the v-e-t first called her. They don't itch or hurt and even I didn't know they were there!
Patches is still performing her secret ritual on her frog, but she just got done trying to de-stuff Poppy's white teddy bear. Mr. Bear went into the washing machine, this morning and when he came out of the dryer, Poppy and Patches played tug-of-war with him. It was quite a sight since Poppy grabbed the bear from the back, between Mom's legs and Patches grabbed him from the front, between Mom's legs. Mom was stuck in front of the dryer with one dog behind her and one in front of her...both pulling on Mr. Bear! Somedoggie finally let go, just long enough for Mom to make her escape!
We haven't blogged in over a week because our personal secretary has been VERY busy! The antique mall, where she has her booth, is having a big yard sale this weekend. All the stuff she's taking, is stuff we still have here at home, so it all had to be priced! Our mom just hates it when she goes to a yard sale and there are no prices on stuff. She just gets back into the Aire-mobile and leaves! She has already started loading the back of the Aire-mobile so she has more room in the garage. On Thursday, Mom's BFF, Aunt Wendy will come over and help her price and load up the rest of the stuff. We sure hope it doesn't rain!
Next Tuesday, Poppy goes to the spa to get her spring Aire-cut and her vaccinations. I sure hope she looks as good as Patches and I do! I'm pretty sure she will! Cindy does a pawsome job on all of us! Sorry we had to use re-cycled pictures this time! Our mom has been too lazy ( I mean...to BUSY) to take any new ones. She even mowed the grass, yesterday, for the first time this year! Then, this morning, she weed eated (0r is it weed ATE?) Whatever it is... she used the weed eater for about an hour and now she can hardly move. She says she will be getting into the Advil as soon as she's done typing what I'm barking!
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to have yet another nap! I sure would appreciate it if all of you would cross your paws for me to have good results from the tests that the v-e-t sent away!
Penny (and Poppy and Patches too!)
It is spring ! Véronique will also do some gardening tomorrow. She will buy flowers ! I love flowers ! I love to help in the garden but Véronique doesn't like when I help...I wonder why ...
Kisses, Faya
I sure hope your dots turn out to be nothing, its not surprising your dots are bigger because you are bigger. They are probably just nothing. Tanner's got very red and disgusting before it finally went away.
The 3 Ps, you always look great.
Patches are you wanting puppies, are ya fixed? Cause my bro Barnie needs a fembod. Lordly be, that guy needs to focus some energy on a good lady friend. Come visit and enlarge Last Tango.
I do think cutting grass is a waste of time, but we still have snow and no grass below, just big holes....
Big Smile,
Rufus Hobson(Son of Robert)
Tank woo fur the thorough 'Dale Report!
Paws khrossed fur good news AND fur your sekhtretary to understand her priorities!
Our paws are crossed for you, Penny! I'm getting more lumps and bumps under my fur as I get older too! Mom says I'm aging gracefully! We hope the same holds true for you! We hope your mom cleans up at her yard sale this weekend!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Penny. I have my paws criss crossed for you that those dots are nothing to worry about. It was good to read your update and imagine how beautiful you look with your new aire cut.Hope your Mom does well with her yard sale and makes lots of treat money for the pretty P's!!
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Hey Penny
Ezzy and I Jagger have our paws crossed that your red bumps are nothing but red bumps. Mom is hoping for good weather Friday so Aunt Lana can sell all those things that are cluttering up her garage (We know a lot of it is our Mom's, LOL.)
Hi Penny,
We're hoping for good results from the test and no rain! Take care!
Hi, Penny!
Paws crossed for you! I am sure everything is going to be ok with them!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Please Penny, We would like you to stand still for your momma to take a pic of your new haircut. We will keep our paws crossed for good test results on your bumps. I (Baby) have a few strange bumps & I'm only 2 yrs! The vet had one biopsied last year and it was just fatty tissue or something like that. I hope yours is too.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
Thanks for the update! Hope your tests are A-OK!
Enjoy those spring 'dos! There's nothing better than a nice breeze in the ol' aire pits.
Good luck on those test results! We're sure you're healthy and going strong.
hey Penny, we are crossing all of our 16 paws for good results from your bump thingie tests. that's always worrysome stuff for humans, our mom is the same way.
we're glad you got a nice spring aire-cut and are looking all spiffy now. we bet you feel like a new girl!
Penny, I hope your tests come back great and those bumps can be taken care of right away. We'll be waiting to hear how it turns out.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Hi, Penny! We can just imagine how spiffy you look in your new Aire-do! You gals sure glam it up well!
We're thinking good thoughts for you and your family about those bumps! We hope they're nothing to worry about.
Take care!
Hey Aire-dudes! Thanks for visiting us, you probably know by now that we LOVE Terriers :D So we're followin ya....that ok?
We hope your bump turns out to be nothin more than just a bump Penny....and don't be shy...show us your new Aire-cut, come on!
So ummm, that was a pretty busy post, we're sleepy now....off for a nap...we're pretty behind, this will only be our 6th one today, hrmph!!
Slobbers xx
Hi P3,
Good luck on with the test results! Next work on the frog. I can help with the bear if you need assistance .
Our paws are crossed that your test results were negative. Lilly has a knot/cyst on the top of her head that our dogtor tried to aspirate at her last visit, but it was too hard - he thinks she might have inflammation from running into the wall.
Have a booouteful Saturday.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I will definitely keep my paws crossed for you. Your tumore WILL be nothing to worry about. That's the power of pawsative thinking! My brother Ziggy has huge fatty tumors all over his body. He chewed one open once and we had 2 removed. The vet was sure they were bad but they weren't. His biggest is just below the center of his rib cage now and it's the size of a golf ball and real squishy. The humans are talking about taking him in to get it checked out cause it's so big. He probably has 10 of them. Ziggy says they're nothing and just add character to his furry body - you can't see them cause he's sooooo furry. Be sure to let us know the results!
My Grandpa Angus got those old dale bumpies on hisself too, but they didn't hurt him so I hope yours are bee-nine too.
I am sorry you are so shy. I bet you look great with your airecut, but those flashy boxes are hard to use on a moving target.
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