Hello everydoggie, everykitty, hammie, bear and hooman! It's me, Patches! My mom is making me wear this silly collar because I have a hot spot from hell! It's on my left hip or as mom says, the top of my butt!

I am definitely an unhappy camper. For about an hour after I got the collar on, I refused to lay down. Finally, I decided it wasn't so bad...except for the fact that I can't bite my hot spot any more! Mom is spraying stuffs on me every few hours and now that I have to leave it alone, maybe it will actually start healing! It isn't actually MY collar. It's my dad's from when he had surgery on his upper spine about 8 years ago. This is one of those rare times when Mom is glad Dad keeps EVERYTHING!

THIS is why I have to wear the collar. It started to heal, but I started biting it again so I will be wearing the collar for the foreseeable future. Mom says I need to heal up fast so I can get an Aire-cut before we go to Grace's birthday pawty on the campus of the University of Georgia...at least I THINK it's on the campus. It's on Sept. 20th this year. Grace was an Airedale that has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, but every year, they still have a birthday pawty for her and I think it benefits Airedale Rescue. At some time in the past year, Grace's dad went to meet her at the bridge so I'm sure they are playing together again. I can't wait to go to the pawty! Last year, there were about 300 doggies and 400 hoomans. Woohoo! Maybe we can beat that THIS year! Aunt Wendy is going with us and taking one of her Aire-kids and some other peoples and doggies will be there from the Airedale Rescue Group.

A few days ago, we got this really cool award from Nelly and Finni, two of our Aire-buddies. Thank you soooooo much!

We also got this really sweet award from our new friends Mack and Sally Ann. They live in Georgia just like we do! We hope to meet them in dogson someday, since they don't live a really long ways away from us...maybe around 30 miles.
Remember the emergency project our mom was working on? (If you don't know about it, scroll down to our last post). Well, it's ALL done now! She says it's a good thing she doesn't drink because she would probably have gotten drunk when she finished! Instead of having a drink, she had a Dove ice cream bar to celebrate. No, she didn't give us any. It was dark chocolate with vanilla ice cream. We tried to get her to eat the chocolate and save the ice cream for us, but NO. She ate every last drop and even licked the chocolate off the stick. What a meany!
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to my 423,297,539th trip outside for the day. Since we have had rain for about the last 5 days, our red clay is really squishy and it feels soooooo good under our feets! We get it all soaked up into our large furry feets and bring as much of it as possible into the house! Of course, Mom is not amused because the steps, deck and kitchen floor are ALL Georgia Clay Red! Heeheehee!
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too!)
Ouchie, that looks like a very nasty hot spot. Don't worry, your mom is doing the right thing and it will be all better soon. That pawty sounds like a blast - have a wonderful time and take lots of pics.
Woos, the OP Pack
Ya'll have fun at that party- it sounds like a blast and being a type of benefit to boot! Be patient with the satellite dish on your head- it'll come off soon!
Eeek that hotspot looks painful Patches hope it heals soon. Grace's barkday party sounds such a wagging idea-300+ airedales alltogether what a lovely sight! have a fun time all.
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xx
You look like my mommi when she weaws that collaw fow hew sowe necks..she hates it too.
I hope youw poow bumbum will heal quickly and you don't have to weaw it fow too long.
My love to all of you and healing smoochie kisses
Oh, that's a nasty hot spot indeed. Monga just had one recently and it seemed like she was possessed by the devil, that's how itchy it was.
We actually ended up going to the vets for a shot of antibiotics plus a course of antibiotic tablets. She also got shorn to help air the wound.
There is also antibacterial shampoo that helps clear it up. Molly uses that all the time now as a preventative method.
Congrats on the awards.
Our paws are crossed that your hotspot goes away asap, Patches! Gracie's pawty sounds like tons of fun!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Patches!
That hotspot looks painful! I hope you get better soon!
Kisses and hugs
Your hot spot looks really icky. When is the doggie party? Perhaps Mommy and I can come. Mack had to wear the e-collar for about 3 or 4 months because he had a monster hot spot.
Sally Ann
Hey Y'all,
You have been nominated for the 7 reason for awesomeness award. Please come to my blog to pick it up when you have time.
You definitely deserved a Dove chocolate bar! Good job! I love the 423,297,539th trip outside. Are you sure it wasn't more?
Kasha and Africa
That is khwite an oucher!
I'm sure rubbing some RED khlay on it will help!
I hope woo get to meet Sally and Makhk!
Oh Patches,
I hope you will feel better soon. Wearing this collar doesn't look fun... I am so sorry for you.
Kisses, Faya
those hot spots are a big OOUCHIE! make sure you wear your collar so you in tip top bday party shape. great event to help more airedales:) wroo wroo...
red clay. on your toe toes..hmm, maybe i'll try that.
Mom's last dog got hot spots bad too. Ouchy.. ouchy.. please leave it alone. You have a big party to go too
Oh Patches! Those hot spots are no fun. When my grandpa angus used to get them, momma would shave all his furs off around it to help it aire out and heal better.
If mom finished her project does that mean more time with you?
Our Mom thinks your Mom is doing what is best for that hot spot, but we know that collar is uncomfortable!! She puts Bacatracin on Java when he gets a hot spot. Our cousin puts castor oil on her dogs.
Pawsome job on getting the mud into the house.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hot spots and collars are the worst! I hope yours is off soon!
Ohhh that looks fore..tell your MOm to mix aloe Vera gel, lavendoar oil( just a drop) and witch hazel....Very soothing and dries it right up....Stanislaw told us about it and it rules...Love and healing kisses A+A
Hi triple Ps,
and a big wink wink to mom and a upside down flip. I'm ready for my belly rub.
Dear Patches......
I have exactly the same problem at the moment, a horrible hot spot, which has driven me crazy.
I am on some medication for it, plus I have had two Auntie Bio Tick injections, and two lots of something called Stronghold, which is kinda stronger version of Frontline.
I have a bald patch where I have licked it so much.....
Let us hope we both get better real soon.
I hope you have fun at the party, it is sad Grace has left for the Rainbow Bridge and her Dad, but a wonderful good cause too.
Your friend, Marvin xxxxx
hope your tushies feels better soon
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Good Grrrief!
What did ya do, sit on a hot stove??? Man, that's some Momma Jamma!
Have you tried sitting in a bucket of ice? Oh never mind, if you're like me and Star, you would probably just eat the ice cubes.
Hope you feel better soon, there's nothing worse then a pain in the butt! I know, I live with one!
Riley, I'm gonna kick your's!!!
Riley and Star.
Aw, sorry about the hot spot, girlfriend, looks painful. Hope it gets better soon. Sounds like you're still havin fun, though! Hey, you guys gonna meet UGA?!
Tell your mom we're all really impressed with the home fix! Our human has many, many unfinished jobs around!
Owww. That hotspot looks sore. Hope the collar helps.
Kinda cool that Grace is remembered each year even though she's at the R.B.
Congrats on the awards! Mommy is ashamed that she hasn't posted all of ours. Babd Mommy.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie
We hope you're well on the mend by now. Hot spots are bad. Bad bad bad.
Alanis & Miro (Did somebody say bad?)
Is that why yer name is Patches? Cuz you got a patchy on yer hiney? Puffers gets hot spots too, especially in the summer if a flea bites him or his undercoat gets a mat and then gets wet from the monsoons we seem to be having lately. He has some steroid spray stuff that fixes it up in 3 days. The itchy bit, not the 'I chewed a chunk outta my butt' bit. I hope you gets to looking good by party time, nothing worse than going to a gala event with a crappy aire-cut. Have fun!
toodles, Bonnie
Ouch-that hot spot looks sore! Sorry7 we have been mia soo long. But Mom said we are going to blog, comment and catch up(that could take some time) We have missed you guys. But I had a long talk with mom and let her know it's time to get back to the world and particularly DWB!! I'll keep an eye on her. What would she do without moi!!
Sunny (&Scooter)
Hi triple P
Patches I hope your buttocks has healed. Can u post a fuzzbutt shot so we know??? Happy Labor day!
Patches. I'm writing from a far corner in the bedroom. I'm afraid you may have given Moma an idea to keep me from biting at my hips. She didn't know about hot spots before (maybe our Colorado climate doesn't grow them too well), but now she's thinking I may have two. She groomed me nearly naked yesterday and keeps a close eye on me, growling at me whenever I turn my head to look at my bum. I'm hoping one of those thick foamy collars isn't the next thing she threatens me with!
Moma smiled when she read about your red Georgia clay. She tells us she had two white bunnies when she was a girl. They lived outside and soon were two red bunnies. Who had spotted babies. We're wondering if any of their relatives are still hopping about.
Have a nice rest of your Labor Day!
Wags of love,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
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Anyway, finding a great Search engine optimization analysis tool is the way to go. There are many good ones. And there at least one particular that does both the keyword analysis and the Search engine marketing analysis and does them properly. soon immediately after all, UGG boots are genuinely created from sheepskin. It may be the internal lining, that is designed of wool. persons adore to put on them all through winter, thinking about that these boots keep their ft incredibly warm
I am tired of the identical message from Conservatives and that is that Liberals like Barack and Joe Biden are not American. That is bull, all bull! Joe Biden is a Patriot to this Nation, a 35 year track record! His son and myself serve in the exact same organization, the Army National Guard, I trust him and his son Beau. Barack Obama is not only a class act, but a true America.
Because Obama desires to win but doesn't really want to "win it" with no going all the way to genuinely "win it, Ask your self, is that appropriate? It is just indicative of these youthful times exactly where most lack the patience and perseverance or interest span to continue on to the finish line. So drop out so the other can win? Race speak tends to make white America uncomfortable is rhetoric. White America is like African America we all want to know more about it, we all want to understand it, but sadly there is no 1 to effectively open up the dialogue without having getting our head cut off or becoming referred to as a racist, or worse told to "shut up,
Waterproofing will help hold the porous sheepskin from being damaged or stained by the very first puddle you take place to encounter. Spot clean the spot by initial moistening it with cold water and then gently applying a cleaning agent created for use on delicate leather. Tamp, rather than scrub, the surface -- friction could harm the nap.
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