Hi everybody! I'm hijacking the girls' bloggy today to let you all know why we haven't been around as much as usual. We have mentioned, before, that the girls' dad is not well, but the time has come to tell you all what is really going on. He is entering the final stages of emphysema and is requiring more and more care.
This afternoon, we are going to be meeting with hospice. For now, he will be receiving palliative care until he gets worse. For those of you who may not know what palliative care is: it is doing whatever is necessary to make the patient comfortable without trying to cure a disease. It's very similar to hospice care, but the visits aren't quite as frequent.
I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but this has been very hard for both of us. I just wanted to let you all know why we aren't reading or commenting on your blogs as much as usual.

We will not be going to Grace's birthday party at UGA on the 20th because I don't want to leave my husband alone for that long. We hope everyone and everydog who goes has a really good time. Maybe we can go next year.
The dogs don't understand what's going on around here and I wish I didn't either. Penny is afraid to step on the oxygen tubes that are running all over the house and Poppy is constantly getting tangled in them. Patches is the only one who seems to ignore them. By the way, her hot spot is getting better, but it isn't totally gone yet.
Well, the girls and I will try to read your blogs when we can, but in the mean time, just know that we haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
Aire-hugs to all of you!
Lana (mom to the 3 P's)
My mom and I are sorry to read the news...
And we REALLY appreciate your sharing it with us...
It has to be difficult to do so BUT please know all of you will be in our thoughts...
Khyra and Her Mom Phyll
Auntie Lana
Mommi and I awe vewy sad to heaw youw tewwible news.
You and youw husband will be in ouw thoughts and pwayews.Thank you so much fow telling us..It must be the most difficult thing on eawf.
We hope you can keep the pain away and make him comfowtable
ouw love and sad smoochie kisses
to all of you
Asta and Mommi
Dear Lana,
We're sorry your husband's emphysema has worsened -- a friend of ours has it, and we know it's a difficult disease to manage.
We appreciate your letting us know how things are so we can send you love and support and those irrepressible terrier vibes to help you through these challenging times.
You and your husband -- and of course Penny, Poppy, and Patches -- will be in our thoughts!! (We think of you every time we look at our wheelie-lookalikes.
Lots of wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry and Joan
We are so very sorry to hear your news. It must be very hard for you to watch your beloved suffer. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we hope that what time you have left together is happy and peaceful. Please don't worry about visiting our blogs but do try to keep us all updated on how things are going. Even if you can't visit us, we would all love to be able to send you our good thoughts to help brighten your days.
Hugs to all, the OP Pack and Mom
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Our Mom says she wished we lived closer to you so that we could help you out. Don't forget to take care of yourself too - that's the most important thing you can do as a caregiver.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Oh our hearts are breaking. Thank you for sharing. We will send our thoughts your way.
Mango, Dexter, and Momma
I am sorry for you. I am so afraid to use the wrong words in english. But you will be in our prayers.
Kisses, Faya
I am really sorry to hear this news. I am sending lots of good husky vibes your way so that this can be a peaceful time.
Oh NO. My heart breaks for you. You know mom had that too. It is soo hard to watch. I will keep y'all in my prayers.
I know there aren't words that I can say to take away the pain. I can only pray for a miracle that whatever happens, that y'all can find comfort in the time that is left. You have the chance to say all the things you want to say. That is a gift. (But it is so hard to go through this. To watch.)
I will hold y'all in my heart. All my prayers are with you.
The kids will howl to the heavens tonight and everynight that you need it.
BIG HUGS ((((((( )))))))))
God Bless You.
Jamie and the sundogs
pee ess don't worry about the blogs. If you feel like updating, fine. I can only tell you the support I got and the venting helped me. But then I tend to spill my personal guts! Not everyone is the same. Do what is best for you and do not forget to take care of yourself. You need to stay healthy and rested so you can do what you need to do. People kept telling me that and they were right.
HUGS AND MORE HUGS and God Bless again Jamie
Hey, Lana, just seen your post.
No worries about the blogs, they can look after themselves.
Just look after yourself and your family, this is all that matters.
Our thoughts are with you at this time.
Hands across the Ocean Paws Across the Sea.......
and as the Aussies say, No worries. We will be here for you.
Much love, much light, and just thinking of you.
Jeannie, Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxx
In your time of need, you are worried about us and not attending parties and not commenting....hush now! We are here and are not very far away...when you reach out, we will be there to grab you, and hug you, or jump on you, or lick you...just know that you are not alone, you have angels amoung you...Penny Poppy and Patches to name a few....
We love you
Sending our best thoughts of comfort for you and your husband and your sweet dogs.
Patience and the whippets
w00fs, its hard to watch someone u love suffer so much...i have COPD and sometimes fight for air soo bad...i know it kills hubby, when he has to help me even make it to the bathroom sometimes..or to my nebulizor...but we do what we need to to help our loved ones..blogs and commenting can wait, we will always b here..take care of the things u need to take care of..u will b in my thoughts and prayers...
~rocky and mama~
Oh Lana, I am truly sorry to hear about your husband. I didn't realise he was so ill.
We will always be here for you. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Denise Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Dear Lana, we think you have done a great job by telling everybloggie. We are all here for you to help you get through this.
We have just lost a dear family member to an incurable disease and know the toll the journey takes on every one concerned. We know you are brave and strong! You can do this, and no matter what happens, it's going to be ok. Life deals a harsh fate at times but it gives us the most wonderful memories, too.
Sending you lots of warm fuzzy Airelove,
Elfi and the girls
oh we are sorry to hear this news. we are going to send you lots of B-power and some poodle hugs too. hang in there, be strong, and let us know if we can do anything to help.
Blogging should be the last thing on your mind unless it can help as therapy for your state of mind. We are praying and sending Aire-zen to you, your husband and the girls from Texas.
Karen and Bentley
Our hearts go out to you, Lana! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers! We wish we lived closer so we could help you out!
Love ya lots
Sue, Maggie and Mitch
Dear Lana,
I am very sorry to hear about your husband's illness. I will keep him and you and the pups in my prayers.
Thank goodness for sweet dogs. They will be there for you when you really need them the most. I guess you probably already know that by now.
We look forward to hearing from you when the timing is right.
God bless and take care.
Riley and Star's Mom.
Hello there!
We are sorry to hear about your mom's dad. He is lucky to have your mom to take wonderful care of him and your family to surround him with love. That is so very important at this stage of his life.
We will be praying for you and your family.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
Hi, Lana!
We are so sorry to know about your husband.
We are far away but our heart is right there with you.
We are praying for you and your husband.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I am so very sorry to hear this news. I'm sending up purrayers for you all.
Nothing you can say will be whining. Some days you will feel strong and others you will feel full of despair. (I've been through this.)
Whether you're posting or not, know that your friends in the world of dogs think of you and feel for you because we truly know love and grief and going on.
Alanis & Miro
Sending you all SO MUCH LOVE and BIG AIRE KISSES...
Bogart & Lulu
We are really sorry to hear this and we are sending lots of hugs and strength to you guys.
Oh Girls...we know this is a really tough time in your mom and dad's lives and also in your lives...we've been worryin' bout your dad for a while now cuz it's a tough thing to treat; we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers and will be sending buckets of airezen for your dad. Our dad is a pulmonolgist at Univ. of Pittsburgh...if you have any questions peemail Mumsie at kreitm@gmail.com and she can certainly pick his brain, ok??? The nurses in palliative care are usually amazingly wonderful...mumsie had them for her dad when he was sick with end stage cardiac disease. The didn't just treat the patient...they treat the family...ie the caregivers. It was wonderful.
Hooge kisses to you girls and to your peeps too, kay??
We love you buckets...
Scruffy, Lac, Babystan and Mumsie
We wish we could do something for you. Just know that there are lots of us out here who care and will be here for you if and when you want us. We wish comfort for him during this difficult time.
Mary, Roxie, Sammy & Andy
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Painter pack
Sorry to hear your news. We understand completely and will always be here when you are ready to come back.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. You'll be in our thoughts.
~ Bae
Dear Lana
Although we don't know you, we have experienced some of what you are going through not so long ago. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
There is a time to draw together...and it is now!
Lots of love
From MAXDOG's mom - Caryl
Sending all the Love & hold you & your family tight in our prayers in hopes of a little comfort -
I wish I knew some special words that could ease your pain if not just for a moment.
Wish we could be there just to give you a big hug & kisses...
Your family will be in our thoughts as you wade in to these difficult waters. We hope only for the best possible outcome, and that you will eventually adjust to this incredibly difficult change.
Please be well...
We are sorry to hear about your Dad, and hope that he can be kept comfortable at home. Sending good wirey vibes and JRT toughness your way
gussie n teka
Miss Lana,
I am so sorry that you are going through such a difficult time! Your bloggie family loves you! You will be in mine and mama's prayers!
We love you!
We are leaving woofie kisses and puppy snuggies for you, those make anyone feel better. The support staff will be adding prayers for comfort and strength.
Bonnie, Puffers and their support staff
We are thinking of you during this difficult time. We are sending lots of love your way.
Love Ruby & Penny
My mom and I are so sorry! We will be thinking of you and praying that the girls will be a great comfort for you.
We are so sorry to hear your news. Know that we are thinking of you and sending you lots of love and hugs and kisses A+A+PL2
Dear Penny, Poppy and Patches (and Lana too!!)
We are so so so sorry to hear the news. You have the right to whine all you want and we will be here for you. Don't know what else we can say.. except that we will be keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. (((hugs to your daddy too)))
2 H's and their mom, Shane
3Ps and Mom,
We're sorry to hear your sad news about your dad. We hope the additional caregiver will help take some of the stress off your mom. You are in our thoughts, ok?
wally t & family
Just found your blog from Mango and wanted to express our sorrow for your situation. I have some idea of what a caregiver goes through when you have to make this step towards hospice care and know how difficult it can be. We wish you all the strength in the world to get through this and that there is comfort to be found for you and your husband (and the pups).
Please take care,
Dana + Moose
We are so sorry to hear the news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thank you for letting us know. My mom and I are so sorry to hear the news. We will be thinking of you--and have appreciated your comments and friendship over the past year.
love & wags,
River & mom
We are sorry to hear the news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Lana, we are so sorry to read your news. It's very sad and we wish there was something we could do beyond words to support you and your husband. Know that we'll be thinking of you, sending love your way. We're all under the same sky - sharing this life on earth together. We hope you can feel the love that surrounds you - with your girls, with your family, with your friends all over the world, and know we care. Look up at the sun today, and know that we look at the same one, right now, wishing its warmth to shine down on you all.
Jake, Fergi, Moma and the Girl
Lana, please know we will be thinking of you all. Big {{{{{ }}}}} to you all.
Molly, Taffy and MOnty
We love, love love you and Stan and of coarse the kids..We will be there for you 24/7 when needed.....
Wendy and Bill
Just stopping by and givin' you girls some scritchies and send our love and prayers to your mom and dad!!!!
Love you lots and know that we are thinking of you all the time!!!
Kisses and hugs,
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny
Oh Lana, how tragic, our hearts go out to you all. Please know we will be thinking of you and your husband, not forgetting your 3 lovely girls and are sending you comforting hugs and much love.
Eric and B xxx
We know how hard this is. We send comforting licks your way. We send you Collie strength to help you through all the way from Key West.
Essex & Deacon
Hey girls, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. We are thinking about you. Please take care & hugs.
Saggy Gold Dancer
We are so sorry to hear this news. Purrs and hugs to you and your family from all of us.
--JB, Chester, CocoBean, Armani and mom
Lana....this is Dewey's Gram...so sorry to hear about your husband and his emphysema .....my husband's Father had the same disease and succumbed to it but the doctors kept him going for a lot longer than anyone thought possible. You have our thoughts and prayers that there isn't any suffering....and we are sure that while the dogs don't know what is going on, they know something is not quite right.
May God bless you all.......
Nancy, Dewey Dewster's Gram
BIG BIG BIG hugs to all of you. Don't worry about us, you take care of yourself and your family first. Update when you can.
Kaos & Hilary
So sorry to hear about your Dad.
We're sending you lots of nibbles and licks and head rubs.
Nelly & Finni xx
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