Thank you soooooo much, Aunt Wendy! Mom couldn't have done it without YOU! Now, we have to get our toe nails cut again. Once Patches gets her Aire-cut, we will ALL be beautiful! Heeheehee! Patches is still a fuzzbutt (and fuzz face, and fuzz leggies and fuzz tail!) She looks ginormous compared to Penny and me! Sorry we don't have any new pictures of Penny, but she is still camera shy. I guess she's never going to get over that!
We are having another rainy day, today, after 3 days of dry weather. It rained for almost two weeks straight! I'm sure you all have seen the mess that a lot of people in Georgia are dealing with. Well, we consider ourselves lucky. We didn't have any flooding in our house except for a leak in our roof that sort of rained into our little bathroom. We had a new roof put on just over a year ago and they must not have put enough gunk around the flashing by one of the vents. The REALLY heavy rains came last Sunday night and on Monday morning, our mom called the roof peoples. On Monday evening, a crew came out and fixed the problem. It will probably be sometime next week when the painter comes to repaint the ceiling. Mom says it was a pain in the "you know what", but it was NOTHING compared to what a lot of peoples have had to deal with.
Well, every buddy, that's about it for today. We're going back outside, now, to see how much red Georgia clay we can track into the house.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
That does sound like a two person job all wrestling you gals in the tub and on the grooming table. I bet you smell good now, though.
P.S. We are sending our best thoughts your way.
Goodness we didnt know about all the rain you've been having. Hopefully it will go away soon.
Isn't Aunty Wendy the best!!!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy x
Brave Aunt Wendy - Smart Mom.....
Rain Rain GO AWAY come again another month - nobody likes too much rain...
Just enough to get the paws darker tan and enough for the WHOLE kitchen...
Enjoy your naps & rest up.....
hello airedales its dennis the vizsla dog hay leev a fyoo pawprints for me ok??? ok bye
We don't like rain. Bad Bad Bad rain. I don't like grooming either, but I do like being less fuzzy like y'all.
Sally Ann
We are so glad that you guys escaped those horrible floods!
Enjoy your last days of being a fuzzbutt, Patches!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Patches look grreat! But it won't last long with that nice red clay.
Stay dry!
Riley and Star.
Awwww yes...we heard about all the rain ya all are havin' fact Gram called 'er brother who lives outside of Augusta ta see if his house was floatin' away.....the horrid rain didn't make it ta his neck of the woods....try not ta track in a bunch of that red clay....'n pray fer the sun ta arrive....
Dewey Dewster here....
We wondered how you were doing with all the rain. How nice of Aunt Wendy to come help. Bet you all look great now. Give Mom some snooter kisses from us.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
We are glad to see woo didn't have as much rain as the other areas...
Paws khrossed fur all!
Yep, I drove home wet and I had Airehair even in my pants. I drove and danced all the way home. I had to stop at the store and hope no one thought I had bugs. It was fun and I am glad all smells wonderful.
We had been wondering about how you were doing and were concerned about the amount of rain in your area.
Getting an aire-cut makes you a different color!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
They should have soaped you up outside and then it would have been easier for them!! tee hee Love and
kisses A+A
You are beautiful. With or without airecut....or bath. I am 3 1/2 and I am still waiting for my second bath....hahahaha....
We haven't had rain for 10 days and this is sooooo good. I hate rain.
Have a nice week !
Kisses, Faya
I bet your mom and Aunt Wendy are quite the sight trying to bath and groom yall! hehe I always try to get mama just as wet I am during a bath!
Eeek. Didn't know you had so much rain that stinks. I mean why have a bath to get wet when you could of got wet outside? No logic the leggeds. Hope kind Aunty Wendy has recovered!
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxx
Hi triple P
Baths.. grooming... I'm exhausted thinking about Aunt Wendy and mom holding you down in the tub. And what's the point.. it's a rainy muddy mess outside. My mom says the rain just gets me clean... I'm with her on that one.
We were just thinking that the red Georgia clay (mud) probly doesn't show up as a stain you you three as much as it would us mostly white doggies. But it still tracks in the house... hmmm... that could spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E with as much rain as you've been having. We're glad you weren't hit as hard as some people - but feel bad for the damage you did have. We bet your beautiful selves takes everyone's thoughts away from the bad, and puts smiles on their faces. You sure made OUR tails wag.
Jake and Fergi
Just popped by to say thank you for your really kind comments on my last post for a while on Marvin's.
I also wanted you to know my thoughts are with you all and I won't forget you.
lotsaluv, and many sincere wishes.
Jeannie xxxxxxxxxx oh and Marvin xxxxxxx
I bet you 2 look georgeous with your new Aire-cut. I just had a cut and I look like a disaster. Sigh...
We are thinking of you and sending you love **muacks**
Long live the fuzz!
We hope the rain will stop soon!!
We had a leak in the ceiling when the Big Snow last year started melting. No fun! Glad you didn't have to face anything worse.
Hey Poppy, Penny, and Patches!Its Nugget from nashville You left a comment awhile ago and I tried to send one back but it didn't happen ;0( Hope you are well!Sending you lots of licks and love!keep in touch...
the nuggs
My rents and I are pretty close to hendersonville. Hope you all are having a fun fall! The leaves are starting to turn in nashville and my energy is up with the cooler out!
Love & Licks
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