Mom bought my barkday presents this morning, but she says I can't have them until Friday. What a buzz-kill! I had my snooter in the bag she brought home, but she snatched it away from me! On top of THAT, she told me that I have to share! Well, I guess I shouldn't complain too much...Penny and Patches have to share their barkday presents with ME! So, we actually get 3 barkdays a year!
Our dad will have a birthday in a couple of weeks too! Since he doesn't really need "stuff", our mom is going to make him a black bottom pie. It has crushed ginger snaps for the crust and then a layer of really dark chocolate pudding. On top of that, goes a combination of custard and meringue mixed with some rum. Our mom actually went to the liquor store the other day! She hadn't been in one in about 12 years or so. She said she felt kind of funny telling the guy that she needed 4 tablespoons of rum. She was hoping to get a couple of those tiny bottles like they serve on airplanes, but of course, the only thing they DIDN'T have in those tiny bottles was RUM! She ended up getting a little more than she needs so we are going to keep our eyes on her when she makes that pie! We don't want her getting tipsy! We sure hope she remembers how to make the pie...she hasn't made one in about 25 years!
Well, every buddy, we are off to bark at the painters that are going to fix our ceiling where we had the leak during those awful rain storms! They say they aren't afraid of dogs, but we'll SEE about that! They might change their minds when they hear the noise that the 3 of us can make!
Poppy (and Penny & Patches too)
Oh! It is good to hear from you all again. Your mom must really love your dad to actually go into the kitchen and do that baking routine. I don't think mine could turn on the oven!
I kind of like a scruffy looking gal. I would love to see fuzzy Patches.
Happy Birthday to you, Miss Poppy! And yes, you have to share.
And Happy Birthday to your dad.
Oh yeah, that contractor guy said he wasn't afraid of dogs, but he didn't mention anything about a pack of wild aire-gals. Hehehe.
Hello POppy
That is so exciting you are going to celebrate your birthday this week. Nine is a good mature age, we are sensible and all growned up!
Taffy. (Who has just turned 9)
Oh're nine AGAIN??? Now now...don't be too hard on your mom...Mumsie turned the same age again this year cuz she thought she had already turned it last year...she knows exactly what ya mean bout havin' a free year!!!! These dotty old hens (as Mango would say) need some math lessons...sheeshchssch!!!
Lotsa doggies are turnin' nine....Fergi, Taffy and I'm tryin' to think of another doggie who turned 9 recently....very sensible of ya Poppy!!!
Whenever we see our felties (which is every hour since they live by the kitchen sink...) we sending good vibes and terrier zen to you guys and your mom and dad....
Love ya lots!!!!!
We're so glad to hear from you again - that black bottom pie sounds pretty good to my Mom - of course she had been known to have a dram or two of rum in her spiced cider.
Take care of each other - and your folks. We look forward to hearing about the birthday festivities.
Piper, Carrleigh and Java
PS - In case you haven't heard, Lilly is on holiday with her new beau.
Hey, in dog years you get 14 years free!!! Or 7, our math isn't too swift, but good for you either way!
wags from the whippets
Happy early 9th barkday, take two! I'm afraid I probably could be Patches' twin these days. We are both blonde, wooley 'dales!! I need an airecut myself!
I can't wait to see your pressies!
PS. Mama had a blast at the UGA game, even if those dawgs didn't win... maybe if they were 'dales!
It's always nice to get an extra year, so we are very happy for you. Happy Birthday in case we miss you on Friday. We are certain that there are some pawesome gifts for you in that bag.
Your Mom is so sweet to make that special pie for your Dad. It sounds delicious - maybe she can make him one every week to use up that rum:)
Woos, the OP Pack
How exciting to get a whole yeaw to do ovew ! It's a bonus!!!
I think you'we going to be having a faboolous time wif youw Dad's biwfday and youws and yummie tweats and bakeables.
Mommi is going to be gone fow five days ,so if I don't get to a pootew pleeze let me wish you love and good health and lots of fun
smoochie kisses
Oh Poppy you are so young lookimg for your age!! Dales age well. Gonna say happy barkday to you early just in case we can't get to a wi-fi connection. HAPPY BARKDAY DEAR POPPY!! And many happy returns of the day.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyocketDog & Hootie
Mom burst out laughing when she read that your mom hadn't been in a liquor store in 12 years! Our mom needed brandy to pour over her fruitcake and well, you get the idea! I'm sure the folks in the liquor store are laughing at both of our moms! That black-bottomed pie sounds delicious!
We can't wait to see what you're getting for your 9th birthday, Poppy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Birthday. If your Mommy could send my Mommy your address, we might send you a bark day present.
Sally Ann
G'day Poppy,
Guess what, you and I are nearly exactly the same age. I turn 9 next month. We hope you have a good day and enjoy your pressie.
Please give your dad birthday licks from all of us. We hope he enjoys the pie.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hi, Poppy!
Happy Birthday! I am sure you are going to have a pawesome day!
And your Dad too tasting and enjoying that delicious black bottom pie!
Kisses and hugs
Ciao 3Ps!
I, Lucia, was so delighted to see your postie! Now if I could only get la mia ragazza to update MY bloggie, all would be right in my beautiful universe. Hmmphhh ....
Nine! Santa vacca, Poppygirl, you don't look a day over two! How do you do it!?!? Glad to hear some wonderful barkday pressies are in store for all of you, and that scrumptious-tasting black-bottom pie is in store for your papa. (BTW, la mia ragazza says your mama ought to sample that rum thoroughly before she uses it in the pie ... heeeeeeee!!!)
La mia ragazza and I are just a short trip up the street from you, darlingest friends, as we are visiting my Auntie Conni in Tennessee for a while. If your mama needs help with anything at all, la mia ragazza says just say the word and we will hop to it. (And she means it, too!!!)
Tanti baci!
What a khool date fur a barkday!
I'm sure your mom and dad will make it a furry special one fur woo!
The pie sounds furry yummy - but Mom tells me I khan't have any - she'll enjoy my piece!
PeeEssWoo: Your mom deserves to have a wee bit of the rum when she makes it!
Hi Poppy,
The same thing happened to me! I was supposed to be celebrating my 10th barkday in Aug and my mom thought I was 11!! Good thing someone with brains in the house corrected her... LOL!!
Hope you have a wonderful barkday celebration. Happy 9th Barkday...
The terriers end in three part harmony culminating in a group howling session in whick Lacie is dreadfully off key!!
Have a wonderful birthday!!!
Happy Coming-Up Birfday, Poppy! R Daddy's birfday is on Oct. 23rd.
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
Happy Birthday Poppy and Daddy! That pie sounds AMAZING!!!
Happy birthday, girlie. We hope you have been partying hard with the other Ps (Penny, Patches & Pinkies).
We'd love to come over and give you one but apparently it's too far away.
Maybe just keep celebrating the #9, sounds good to us.
Love, Inky and Molly
PS We hope you told those painters who's boss!!
Happy belated Birthday Poppy!!!
Sending you love and BIG AIRE KISSES!!!
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