Hi everybuddy! It's me, Patches! I want to tell you all about my barkday presents, but first, I have to tell you about the Aire-transport that Mom and Aunt Wendy did yesterday. They drove to Chattanooga, Tennessee to take Amos (a 10 year old Aire-boy) to his new home and to pick up Claire-dale (and 8 year old Aire-girl). Amos is on the left, in the picture, and Claire is on the right. Mom is on the far right and the other two peoples are Amos' new family. Claire is going to be fostered by Aunt Wendy, Ezzy Rider and Jagger. When they introduced Claire to the boyz, Ezzy cleaned her ears and Jag wanted her to play. Aunt Wendy said Claire has been a very good girl and she slept all night! When Claire disappeared from her home, her peoples didn't even bother to try to find her. She ended up at a teenage rehab place where she lived for about a year. The teenagers must have given her lots of treats because she is waaaaaaaaay overweight! Now she is on a serious diet and she's concentrating on growing her furs back. She was so matted that she had to be shaved!
Now, on to my barkday presents! As you can see, I am loving one of them to death! He's a cool loofa doggie wearing a patriotic suit.
Here's a picture of ALL my presents!
My favorite was the one in the middle. It was some treats and the bone in the middle of the package said "Princess". I know they made it just for me because my name is really Princess Patches!
On Tuesday, this week, my mom and Aunt Wendy are going to Athens yet AGAIN! This time, they are going on a tour of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine small animal hospital. Ya see, when our mom and dad both go to the bridge, their will says that UGA gets all their stuffs. All the stuffs will be sold and there will be a scholarship for students that can't afford to go to vet school. They are also meeting up with a couple peoples from Airedale Rescue that will go on the tour with them.
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to play with my loofa dog some more and I have to make sure that Poppy and Penny don't get him!
Princess Patches (and Poppy & Penny too)
What a cool story about Amos and Claire!!
And we love your patriotic loofa toy.
Our human brother and sister-in-law were in Athens last week and found a house to rent. They'll be moving from Tampa next week -- so we'll have the start of our Athens connection!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Pwincess Patches
I hope you had a tewwific Biwfday. I'm sowwy I haven't been awound! Youw pwesents look divine!
Youw Mama and Ezzy's awe hewoines in my book!
That is such good news that two mowe dalekids wewe helped
smoochie kisses
Hi, Patches!
I am sure Amos and Clair will be happy at their new homes!
You got very nice and yummy presents!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Your mom is pawesome fur doing that!
That is what my mom did on Saturday...she enjoys it so much!
I'm so happy those two will get grrrrreat furever homes - they deserve them!
Woo did get some furry khool birfday pressies!
PeeEssWoo: That is INKHREDIBLY pawesome what your mom and dad are doing fur UGA!
What a handsome boy Amos is and how awesome that you guys helped him get to his forever home! ClaireDale looks so sweet! We wish the poor girlie didn't have to be on a diet but she's gotta do what she's gotta do!
What great pressies you got, Patches! The Princess treats look so yummy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
So good of your mom and aunt to help with rescuing those nice Airedales. Enjoy all of your presents.
Your friend,
Hi Patches!
Happy late barkday! It looks like you got some really great presents. Sorry I haven't visited you much lately! I hope you had a pawsome barkday!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
All hail, Princess Patches! Wow, you had a great day--awesome presents! And really awesome for Amos and Claire, too. Just happiness all around down there! :)
Those are some pawsome presents! That princess bone looks super yummy. I hope you didn't have to share with Poppy and Penny. He he! Yeah to your Mom and Aunt for helping transport 'dales in need. My Grandma & Grandpa's last three Airedales all came from Airedale Rescue, so a huge thank you to your family for helping!!
Your pal,
Those are great gifts! Princess suits you very well - your Mom is wonderful for helping those pups find their new homes!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
We are so thankful that your peeps helped out Amos and Claire. We'll go over to Ezzy and Jager's blog to see how they are faring with Claire.
Great birthday presents!!! The "Princess" treats look yummy.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Your mom and aunt wendy were so sweet to pick up those 'dales! we think transp"aire"tation is the best!
Your birthday goodies are awesome, princess patches!! hehe
So glad they found their forever home! Cool package, too.
We are so proud of your mom to take the time to do the transport. She is a very special lady..
Those treats really do look yummy..
Happy Barkday...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Belated Barkday Princess Patches! Hope you had a lovely celebration...
I think your pawrents are awesome... We are impressed abt their will. It's a great gesture and goes towards ensuring that there are more great vets in the future generations to come!
What great presents Princess Patches!
Give your parents a big kiss to thank them from me too for being such great rescuers to all.
Lick you all three lots,
Winnie Woo
Patches what a lovely birthday you had. Some super presents.
How wonderful that Amos and Claire-dale are settled into their new lives. Well done to your Mummy and Auntie Wendy.
MOlly and Taffy
Great presents ! I am realy happy for Amos and Claire. Your Mummy and Auntie are just fabulous !
Kisses, Faya
Such great presents...and your Mom and Aunt and Pop RULE..we love them..Love and kisses A+A
Happy birthday!!! Those treats look very yummy!
Gee Patches...
Happy Birthday ta ya and we hope ya enjoyed all yer pressies...
How nice of yer Mom 'n Dad ta will all their stuff ta the Vet College...they both must love doggies very much.....
Airdale rescue is very fortunate to have such dedicated helpers too....hope Amos and Claire enjoy their new homes....
Dewey Dewster here....
Ciao belle 3Ps!!
Awwwww, Patches! I'm so sorry to be so late in wishing you buon compleanno, dolce amica! I hope you had a fantastico day filled with lots of friends, love, pressies and of course, torta and gelato (mmmmmmm ... let's all pause for thoughts of sweet treats...)
Big pats and smoochies for the tremendous work you all do on behalf of 'dale rescue. You are the best!!
Tanti baci!
oh course you are a Princess, Patches, I can tell from your beautiful photos!
Your presents looked lovely and I enjoyed reading the rescue story!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx
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