Hello to all our furry and not so furry friends! It's me, Patches! We interrupt our regularly scheduled Wheelie Wednesday because today is my 6th barkday and the first one that I really get to celebrate! Yeah, I had my 5th barkday here, at Airedale Heaven, last year, but I had only been in the witness protection program for 3 days then. I was so nervous being in my new home, that my barkday wasn't really that big of a deal.
This year, I'm REALLY celebrating! My blind frog decided to celebrate with me by 'sploding right in front of my face. Wasn't that nice of him? He shot stuffing right out of his arm pit just for ME!

My mom says he should really go in the trash, but since he's the stuffie that I love the most, she says I can keep him a while longer. Yay! As you can see, our squirrel/racoon still lives! Sometimes, Poppy performs her secret ritual on him, but none of us have bitten into him enough to make him 'splode. Mom says it's a good thing since he's filled with tiny styrofoam pellets like Pokey the lion was. Mom used Pokey's stuffing to ship some stuffs she sold on Ebay and some lady got mad. We don't know why...her glass stuff arrived without being broken and our mom put a note on the outside of the box for her to open it outside. Maybe she didn't read the note!
As some of you know, last Sunday was my Gotcha Day! I had ice cream and some special treats! Woohoo! Mom said I can't have too many treats though, since I need to lose 3 to 5 pounds. Boo! We were supposed to have my big pawty on Monday, over at Ezzy Rider and Jagger's house, but it rained most of the day, so I just celebrated at home with Poppy and Penny. Today, our mom is running away with Aunt Wendy, so maybe she'll bring me back a really cool present! Yeah, they run away at least one day a week, but they always come back! They call it their mental health day...whatever THAT means!
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to enjoy my special day!
Patches (and Poppy and Penny too)
Happy Barkday, Patches!!! I hope you have a pawsome day!!
Happy Barkday Patches!!! We hope you enjoy your specil day and get lots of special scritches and moire 'splodin' toys!
Jake and Just Harry
Happy Happy Barkday!
May all your stuffies behave themselves!
I'll khross my paws woo get some pawesome pressies!
Happy Barkday!!!
Hope it's wonderful
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Happy Barkday!!
Sending you lots of love from down under..
Wishing you the bestest ever 6th birthday. I hopeou get lots of pressies and lots and lots of treats! Maybe then you could share one with Penny and Poppy. He he!
Your pal,
Happy Birthday Patches! It is my birthday too. I am 4 years old today. Hope you get some good treats and toys to celebrate.
Your friend,
Happy 6th Barkday Patches!!!! Woohoo....celebrations are the best. That was very kind of your froggie to xplode right there for your special day. Maybe your mum is going out to get you another froggie or something.
My mum needs a mental health day ,,,,everyday!
Happy birthday, Patches!
You sure have the biggest stuffies!
We can't believe that you're on a diet! You were underweight a year ago! What happened??!! hehehehe
No dieting on your birthday - that's a law that is written somewhere mom says!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Barkday Patches!
You are in the prime of your life!!
I took all the stuffing out of my Kanga, and in the end it was taken away from me 'cos my Jeannie was sick of Dysoning up the remains!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxx
Happy birthday! We are the same age!
Hey Patches
Happy 6th barkday and we're glad you have a great family to celebrate with.
You are the same age as my sissie Tess.
Enjoy your special day.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
w00fs, happy barkdayyyy toooo uuu...me hopes u gits lots of belly rubs and ear scratchies...and have many many more..
b safe,
To Our Buddy Patches.
You have come a long way baby! Our Mom's went shopping and we saw some of your cool B'day gifts...
Happy Barkday !
Ezzy and Jagger
Happy Gotcha Day and Birthday!!
Twice the reason to celebrate!
Just one big old party after another at your place. Six years old, huh? You are looking very fit for a middle aged gal.
Happy B-day from all of us!
R, J, B and D
we certainly hope you enjoyed today... and everyday you're in your forever home!!! congrats..
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue
omdog HAPPY BARKDAY!!! That is so cool that you can really enjoy your birthday AND that your froggy sploded!!!
Happy birthday, Patches!
Happy Birthday, Patches!
Glad you had a pawesome day!
Kisses and hugs
Happy 6th barkday Patches. What a special day it was and so close to your Gotcha Day too. Double celebration!
Come by and collect an award.
Happy Barkday !!!!!!!!!!!! That was very thoughtful of your frog to 'spold like that - I have a lamb very similar to your frog!
Hope you get to have a party with your friends soon.
Lots of birthday licks
Sally and paddy
Happy Barkday Patches!!!!! We haven't been able to visit much..Mom says she hopes we get to where we can soon. Hey, we are happy to hear you are "a little" overwt, because we remember when you first came you were so underwt. Your witness protection program has been a wonderful thing for you and your peeps and pup sibs!!
YAY PATCHES!! Happy, happy day to you!
ohhh nooooo sorry for being late....Joyeux anniversaire (happy birthday) !
Kisses, Faya
Happy Barkday AND Happy Gotcha Day. Great reasons to celebrate!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Happy Barkday Patches! I love your stuffies. You always have the best. BTW- who's on the header? It's a bit scary... hee hee
Happy Belated 6th Bakday to you Patches!!!! Aww isn't Mr Froggy nice. I like your big raccoon stuffie! Chloe would LOVE to kill that one!
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
Happy Barkday, Patches!!! Glad you're able to enjoy this one--and it sure looks like you're doin it right! :) Stuffies and ice cream, way to go!
And many, many more!
Hope you had a happy barkday patches!
your mom's story about using Pokey as packing was so funny.
Happy, happy Barkday Patches!! Sorry we're late. Hope your day was as sweet as you are!
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
We arr sorree to be barking this soo late, but we hope woo had a pawsome birfday!
Gus and Waldo
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