We don't know what's up with this picture of Patches. She is foaming at the mouth and we have no idea what that thing is that's stuck to her big marshmallow nose! It must be a weed of some sort!
Here's our final installment of Mom's Peony pictures. This plant had at least a dozen blooms all at one time. It was, definitely, the prettiest of all our Peonys!
Unfortunately, our mom thought she was doing a good thing by putting stakes in the ground to hold up the blossoms. Wrong! As soon as she put the stakes in, the wind blew the Peonys over so each stem was bent right at the top of the stakes. Wouldn't you think she would have remembered that from last year? Obviously not, since she did it AGAIN!

And finally, for your viewing pleasure, we have a very rare, full face picture of Penny! When our mom went out to get the picture of the Peony, Penny was laying down on the living room floor. Mom came through the door, from the garage, and surprised Penny! Of course, by the time the stoopid flash delay thingy worked, Penny was already up and trying to run away, but Mom got her face anyway! Heeheehee!
Well, everybuddy, I am heading back into my china cabinet so I can pack up everything for my big move! Oh, yeah, and I need to rest up for Patches' big Gotcha Day and Barkday celebrations! I have heard that the pawty is at Ezzy Rider and Jagger's house on Monday (Memorial Day)! We hope to have lots of pictures!

And finally, for your viewing pleasure, we have a very rare, full face picture of Penny! When our mom went out to get the picture of the Peony, Penny was laying down on the living room floor. Mom came through the door, from the garage, and surprised Penny! Of course, by the time the stoopid flash delay thingy worked, Penny was already up and trying to run away, but Mom got her face anyway! Heeheehee!
PorkChop (and Poppy, Penny & Patches too)
Pork Chop
It's gweat to see you! Mywna is still not back fwom hew honeymooning. Can you imagine?
Youw move sounds gweat. it's always nice to stawt fwesh..and get a change of scenewy. Mommi moves ouw fuwnitoowe awound cause she gets bowed wif ouw place.
I'm happy tha Patches got a good checkup! and love finally seeing the eloosive Penny, hehehe
smoochie kisses
The peonies were beaWOOOOtiful!
Woo gotta love the time delay on the flashie beast! Mom misses SOOOO many pikhs that way ;-)
I'm glad the vet visit went well!
That's a big move!!! Our two wheelie look-alikes, who haven't been very communicative, may be looking for better digs too. We'll see!!
Glad Patches is OK and loved seeing Penny head-on!!
Jake and Just Harry
Good luck with the move! Those peonys are beeeyooootiful!
That flashy thingy ruins a lot of Mom's pictures - we're off and running as soon as we see it. HEHE
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Porkchop! Autumn recently got moved to our family room and she now has her own spot on the trunk where she can watch TV! She's very happy about that!
Mitch gets all foamy mouth like that too! He drools bigtime about anything and everything!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Well its nice to move around!!! Your Mom's flowers are so PRETTY!!! Love A+A
Hi, Pork Chop!
A change is always good!
Glad the Vet visit went well!
Kisses and hugs
Penny must be as camera-shy as Dennis -- as soon as he hears the motor on the lens work, he gets up and runs! (Of course, after some of the stuff I've posted, you can't really blame him ...)
Hi! New location.. good for you. Does mom have everything with a "P"- peonies too??? new plate and you guys! Ha.
Good job at the vet. Surprise fuzzbutt attacks are not fun but at least you got a treat out of it.
What beautiful flowies! Happy early Gotcha Day and sixth Barkday, Patches!
See ya!
Thanks for the update pork-chop! That peony sure is pretty; one of ours also fell over in the wind and so I had to clean it up, removed stem leaves and all. The rest aren't blooming yet though, hopefully they look half so good as yours.
Winnie Woo
Your mom is very sneaky, huh? But it is nice to see Penny's pretty face.
Patches looks a bit fierce with her foaming mouth.
Pork Chop. It's nice to meet you. We're new enough here that we don't remember making your acquaintance until now. We are very impressed with your picture and it sounds as if your move is going to be a pleasant one.
Mom's got a question.... where'd you get your wheels?
Your wirey friends,
Jake and (just as camera shy as Penny) Fergi
Moving to the living room sounds like a great move. Thanks for sharing the pic of Penny, its nice to see her!
Hello Airedales! I'm afraid I tagged you in my blog. Feel free to participate if you want to, but don't worry if you don't ! Just wanted to say hello and I love your pictures!
Kasha and Africa
Those vet visits can be tricky things. Unfortunately we don't have the willpower to hold back the treats from the vet's from Boomer and Daisy. They are in a doggie cookie jar that "barks" when you lift off the lid! Irrestible!
Really enjoy your blog!
The WoofGang
hi my dale friends!
my mom says peony is her favourite flower and she had one of those round wire thingy usually used for tomato plants to keep the flower up.
Dr. Dre
Hey P's! Hope you enjoy your new Home Sweet Home. And the Peonies - are lovely, but not nearly as pretty as Miss Penny.
Wiry wags Eric xxxx
Hiya PorkChop! We hope you're going to a nice loving home. Hee! Penny, are you camera shy or something? Perhaps maybe your hoomans can cover the camera with a towel but there must be two holes big enough for the flash & the lens. That way, she may not find it too scawie.
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
OMD a picture of Penny! Good job with the camera Mom!!!
Please stop by our bloggie - we have an award for you. If we have awarded it to you before, please feel doubly creative.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Penny, you are so lovely, you really should let your mum take more facial photos of you.....Everyone has pretty flowers in there yards.
Hope you had a glorious memorial weeekend.
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