Hello to all of our furry and not-so-furry friends! It's me, Patches! A long time ago, right before our mom abandoned us to go to Oh-Hi-Oh, we got 2 very cool awards! The Kreativ Blogger Award was bestowed upon us by Falcon the Airedale as well as Persephone, Buster and Ms. Blue, the gorgeous Kerry Blues! Thank you all very much!

This lovely blog award comes to us from our new friends, the Rocky Creek Scotties and Java! Thank you very much! We think your blog is lovely too!

Now, I have to tell you all about our second trip to Athens, Georgia. We went over there so our mom and Aunt Wendy could meet even more peoples from the Airedale Rescue Group. There were 4 more ladies, there, that we had never met before. It's very nice to know there are soooo many great peoples that helps doggies just like me!

You probably don't remember this big guy! His name is York, he is 13 years old and we had a picture of him in our last Athens post. Then, he was very furry and curly. Now, he has a new Aire-cut and he looks great! Even at 13, he's always up for beggin' for food! In fact, at one point, we all left the deck and when we came back, York had "shopped" Miss Barbara's sandwich and was chowing down on it. He ate every last bite!

This is a little white doggie who is an honorary Airedale. Her name is Maggie and today, for the first time in her life, she got to taste FREEDOM! Maggie is an escape artist so she always has to be on a leash, but today, since the entire property is fenced, she got to go off-leash. Woohoo, Maggie! She has an Airedale sister named Abby who is 10 years old. Abby visited with us, too, and we thought we had a picture of her, but we can't seem to find it. Abby's just as afraid of the camera as Penny is and Mom's flash really scared her. My mom is very sorry, Miss Abby!

In this picture, York was on the other deck, watching Maggie and Jagger. Sorry, but we never did get a picture of Maggie's sweet face. Everytime Mom thought she could get a good picture, the stupid delay thingy, on the camera, waited just long enough for Maggie to turn around!

Maybe you remember this boy from our other post. His name is Luke and our mom really would like to dognap him! He's an apartment-sized Airedale and he is soooooo cute! It's very hard to get a good picture of Luke, too, because he is moving constantly...kind of like Poppy!

Here's Jagger taking a rest. He was a very good boy, all day and some of the peoples gave him little bites of food when they ate lunch. Jagger and I went on lots of walks together!

This is me, Patches. Mom said I was a very good girl, all day! Yeah, I was foaming at the mouth because I was sooooo excited to be there! I was more relaxed, this time, since I had been there once before. See how nekkid I am? My dummy mom didn't bring my regular collar and she was afraid I might get hurt if I kept the prong collar on all day, so I got to go nekkid!

This is a Aunt Wendy taking a picture of my mom while my mom took HER picture. Silly humans! Rocky and Jagger are chillin' after many sessions of bitey-face.

Here's Rocky, on the left, and Jagger, on the right during one of their muzzle wrestling sessions!

In this picture, Luke got into the act so Rocky, Luke and Jagger all played bitey-face. I was sitting behind the camera, by my mom's feet. I played a little bitey-face too, but I didn't get caught in a picture.

Jagger is waaaaay bigger than the rest of us 'dales that were there, but nodoggie seemed to be afraid of him. He's such a sweetheart!

This is Rocky, Luke and Jagger again. I think they were hoping someone would drop some food from the sky.

Our last picture is Bucky. Poor Bucky cut one of his paws, very badly, so he had to be sequestered from the rest of us crazy 'dales! He has to have a few more days of rest before he can rejoin his brothers in enjoying the large wooded area of their temporary home!
We had a really great day! There were 7 of us 'dales there, including Bucky who couldn't play with us! There were 8 peoples there and all the ladies had a good time talking about us Aire-pups! We sure hope we get to do that again, someday!
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to take my 343,789th nap of the day! Yesterday was such a busy day for all us pups, that I slept all the way home in the Aire-mobile, slept most of the evening, last night, and I'm still napping today! Maybe I'll be caught up by tomorrow!
Patches (and Poppy and Penny too)
Waaaaa so much Airedales...it is just fabulous ! What a nice day....
Congratulations for your awards !
Kisses, Faya
What great photos of an airedale get together.
We're looking forward to our trip to Athens -- maybe late late fall -- once our human brother and sister-in-law get settled.
How wonderful that your airedale rescue group is so active.
Happy Mom's Day,
Jake and Just Harry
Khongrats on the awards
Tank woo fur sharing all the khool 'dales and others!
Ah yes....my mom missed some grrreat pikhs of me fur that same reason: I move JUST as she shoots ;-)
Happy Mother's Day!
What great photos - our huMom would love to see all of you dales together. We love to play bitey face too!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
That is some jailhouse that Bucky has. All elevated and everything.
So many dales at once! No wonder you foamed at the mouth a bit.
Those crazy characters! Cute photos! Hey thanks for adding me to your blog list! I feel special! Happy Sunday!
Kasha and Africa
What lovely photos - we loved all those Dales in one place. Looks like you guys had a great time.
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Congratulations on your awards!
Big licks to you
Ciao bella Patches (and Poppy and Penny, too!)
Your mama does such wonderful work for 'dale rescue -- mwah to you 3P's mama! Your 8-Dale-Day in Athens looked like lots and lots of fun, sweet girlie!
Tanti baci!
Awww... we so love Airedogs.... and so many of them at one time! In a nice fenced in area. Heaven!
Wirey best wishes for another encounter like that SOON!
Jake and Miss Fergi
You have so many awards there! Congrats. That looks like a loverly place. Hope you guys had a splendid time!
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
wow, such friend fun! The picture of your aunt taking a picture and dales just hanging out in the background was our favorite.
PS. I loved your Alf doll guys, the editor thinks I look a lot like one of her stuffies, we'll try and take a picture together for you.
OMG, what fun to be in the company of so many Dales! You must have had the bestest fun ever, Patches!
Congratulations on your awards!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
omdog looks like a great time for sure!! I can't believe how big Jagger is!! I am glad Patches did so well.
Hey there Airedales!
Congratz on your awards. It looks like you had a great time in Athens!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
What a fun day!! We are really far behind, too. Mom hasn't been helping me out on the computer very much lately.
Enjoy that nap! And let Bucky know we hope he feels much better soon!
You guys all look alike. I wish I could sniff ya' so I could tell ya' apart.
Hi Patches and Co., Thanks for visiting my blog, its always nice to see some new faces!
Congrats on your rewards and I hope you get many more.
What a neat thing that your Airdale Rescue group gets together. What a great and wonderful thing to rescue homeless animals!
See you soon, I hope.
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