Hi everydog, kitty, hammie, bear and hooman! It's me, Patches! Today is our 100th post so I wanted to show you the new kind of wheelie our mom has made. It's a wheelie cycle. It has three wheels and two handles in the back.

It's kind of a variation on one that she made for Jackson. His has 4 wheels, but this one has only 3...kind of like a tricycle with no pedals! When Mom asked Dad to design a different kind of wheels for Jackson, he did that and then he started designing all different kinds. This is the first one he made after Jackson's. We think it's pretty cool, but we would really like to sink our teeth into that needle felted Airedale. She looks very tasty. Maybe we should consult with Apache before we take a bite of her. Apache would know whether they are tasty or not!

This new wheelie cycle will go up for sale on Ebay, later today. Don't forget...if anydog wants a wheelie or non-wheelie, you can pee-mail our mom at:
airedaleheaven@comcast.net . She has made lots of different kinds of doggies and kitties and she's always willing to try breeds that she hasn't done before.

It looks like she is going to be opening a new hospital for injured wheelies too. Pierre and Paco will be her first patients. They were Aire-lifted, yesterday, from New Mexico, so they should be here soon. Dr. Mom is on stand-by awaiting their arrival. We think they will be in intensive care for a while since Apache did such a good job of destructomania on them. She was trying to stop the wheelie revolt and we think she must have succeeded.

I am still ruling from my high perch on the big bed! Mom brought us each a new stuffie, today and I am guarding mine so nodog else gets it. You can't see it, but it's underneath me! Heehee! This stuffie is my favorite because he plays music when I bite him. He's a Florida Gator and I guess he plays their fight-song. I don't know, for sure, but he's really cool!

This picture is kind of dark, but it's Poppy right after she stole my gator! That is soooo not fair! We got 3 new stuffies, but we all want the one that plays music!

This is me, telling Mom on Poppy! Yes, I have to admit...I am a tattle-tale (or is it tail?). I wanted Mom to take my stuffie away from Poppy, but she told me to get it myself. No problemo! She better watch out because my teeth are just as big as hers and I will grab Mr. Gator, the next time she isn't looking.

Poppy dropped him, but I was looking at Mom instead! Don't worry, I had him in my jaws of death not long after this picture was taken!
Mom is dogtoring me for my hot spots and they are looking a little better. I'm still pretty itchy, but less than I was before. I don't make it easy for our mom to dogtor me...I run away from her when I see the spray bottle. Okay, I don't really need to SEE the bottle. I can tell Mom is coming after me when I see one hand behind her back. Who does she think she's trying to fool?
Well, everybuddy, it's about time for our lunchtime O.S. That means "outside". We use a lot of initials, in this house, and I'm still trying to figure out what most of them mean. BB's means Big Baths, BH's means Big Haircuts and BBP's means Big Butt Pushin's (aka expressing of anal glands) and we rally HATE that one! Fortunately, the BBP's only happen when we get groomed so we don't have to worry about it at home!
See you all next time!
Patches (and Penny & Poppy, the stuffie thief too)
OOHH!! WE are first!! Happy 100th!!!! We must say that wheelie is somehting else!! Your Mom is sooo talented!!!! ANd belive you me we know what it is like to want the others stuffie!!! Lvoe and kisses A+A
Happy 100th post! I'm glad your Mommy is opening the hospital to take care of wheelies. Does your Mommy only make Airedale wheelies?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I absolutely HA the BBP! Mine it teeny cause I'm a chi, but I still don't like anyone touching my butt.
Congrats on your 100th post!
Happy 100th Post!!! WooHoo!!!!! I can't wait to see what Dr. Mom can do for Pierre and Paco.... Lordy, they are such a mess!!! I also can't begin to tell you just how mad my hooman mommy is at MY MOMMY!!!!! MY MOMMY has green eyes.... she is just a jealous Airedale.....
Blu Loo Loo
100th!!!! to you!!!!!!
I hope you have a bgcelebwation wif tweats!
That is a pawsome looking wheeley..you'w pawents awe soo clevew!
I'm so glad you'we finally aiwelifting those wheelies who wewe injoowed.I was vewy wowwied about them...And I'm weally Happy the hot spots awe going away..I hate those
smoochie kisses
That's a very cool wheelie! Congrats on your 100th post!
Hugs, Kodak
Hey Patches....
Nice job....those wheelies are really cute and sweet too...I could probably just hug one ta death in my killer jaws fer sure...after I chewed it up a bit....can't let one of those within eye shot of us....Yer Mom does a great job and yer Dad too if he's makin' the wheels......
Congrats on yer 100th post...'n have great weekend....
Dewey Dewster here.....
I lay on my stuffies, chewies and other toys so they won't get stolen, too! Happy 100th post and I like the new wheelie!
Happy 100th!!!! We love your Airedale Wheely! Great job on all the wheelies.
I just don't know what is wrong with my mommy Apache. She is bad bad bad and my grandma is just MAD at her......she did tell me that it tasted good to crush those Wheelies....How pawful is that???? Thank you Dr. Mom for fixing them!!!
Ladies I can't wait to see your skills at work!
We are glad the hot spots are doing better. That is a cool wheely, a three wheeler!!
Happy 100th post guys, great job!!
The new wheelie is very pretty. My mom would love a beagle but she had no safe place to keep one. One day when we have a china cabinet maybe it would be safe. Happy 100th! That's a lot.
love & wags,
Hi, friends!
Happy 100th Post!
You Mom makes lovely wheelies!
I run away too when I see my mom hiding on of her arms because I know she wants to do something! We are so smart, right?
Kisses and hugs
Crikey do you get a BBP everytime you get groomed....ahhhh you must hate getting groomed haa haa.
Your mum is very clever and that new tricycle wheelie is so neat.
Hey congrats on your 100th post!!!
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi, Penny, Poppy & Patches -
Congraultions on your 100th post. Your Mom is really talented with the wheelies. Have a good weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Happy Happy 100th, Ladies!!!!!
We love ur bloggie...Patches is getting so healthie lookin'...ur gonna hafta post before and after shots of her!! When is she going for her fixit surgery? Let us know if you need any nursing care, OK?
Hey...could you mom felt a cockapoo??? Bruvver's fiance's barkday is comin' up...we thought ur mom could make a feltie of Baylee? We're gonna hafta take some more pic of her now that her fur's growin' back....Let us know!!
Barkin' at ya girls!!
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