Hi everybuddy! It's me, Princess Patches. Some of you have been asking for before and after pictures of me, so here they are. Up until now, we have never posted any pictures of my hind quarters because they were just too disturbing. I only weighed 32 lbs. when I came to live here and entered the witness protection program. You could see every bone in my body and I was starving!

Now, I weigh about 45 lbs. and I am turning into a gorgeous 'dale. I've been eating lots and lots of good food and treats and I also get Salmon oil with every meal. I also get yogurt on my breakfast and some bone, skin and coat supplements. I am soooooo glad I ended up here at Airedale Heaven! Not only do I get really good food (and LOTS of it), but I have 2 really great playmates! I am healthy enough now to get spayed. That will happen on September 29th. Mom says it's a good thing, but I'm not so sure. I guess if I survived almost starving to death, I can survive getting spayed too.

Mom and Aunt Wendy went to a dog show, on Saturday, without us! They saw lots and lots of other doggies and we sniffed Mom for about a half hour when she came home. She bought this little Airedale purse at the dog show. She had one like it before, but she washed it and the colors ran. She was very excited to see the same vendor at this show. She uses it to keep her money in when she goes yard sale-ing. It has even caused her to meet a few Airedales that she didn't know were in people's houses. By the way, they saw 11 Airedales at the show! Woohoo!

She also bought this crystal with an Airedale inside of it. It was really hard to get this picture because it's so shiny that the flash kept making it so you couldn't see the Airedale. This guy is going to live in the china cabinet with PorkChop and some of the other wheelies.

We also want to show you some of the different wheelie frames that our dad has made for our mom's wheelies. Now, people who order wheelies can have a choice of what kind of frames they get.

We have to apologize to Maggie and Mitch! Before our mom went on vacation, they gave us this pawsome award and Mom intended to post it right after she got home. However, being that she FORGOT for like two weeks, we are posting it now. Sorry, Maggie & Mitch! We are supposed to tag 5 other doggies, but since it was so long ago, we figure everydog has probably already been tagged. If you haven't been, you can consider yourself awarded by us. We wanted to use the card to buy food and treats for all homeless doggies, but Mom said it's not that kind of card. Darn! We're sending a big THANK YOU to Maggie & Mitch, anyway!
It has been raining, here, since last night and it is supposed to rain for the next four days. We hate to go out in the rain, but it sure makes our pawrents happy. Well...all except for all the red mud that we will track in! Now that Tropical Storm Fay has gone past us, we thought all we were going to get was lots of wind, but we got fooled! In the past 3 days, our mom has seen two of our neighbor's trees fall down. She heard a loud cracking sound and then boom! There went the trees! We're sure glad none of us were near them!
We have an update on the wheelies that were aire-lifted from the murderous jaws of Apache. Paco is on his way to a full recovery and Pierre was taken off life support, last night. Now, he's in critical condition, but his prognosis is very good. He's expected to make a full recovery in the next few days. They both have to undergo several transplants, but we expect them to be good as new, soon!
Well, everybuddy, I'm off for my morning nap!
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too)
Patches I am so happy for you. I don't even want to imagine where you come from... The present is more important and it looks good for you. Happy happy ! What does "spayed" means...I haven't found a translation....
Kisses, Faya
Good post....we are glad yer gainin' weight and we're sure yer gonna be a super Airedale like yer sisters soon. Sorry about the spay business but it happens ta the best of us.....
Those are some cool wheelie wheels that yer Dad is makin'....he sure knows what he's doin'.....
Hope the storm has left yer area and thta ya can dry out....as fer us, we need rain here....can ya send some up?
Dewey Dewster here......
Patches, you look great! We are so worried about you when you came to Airedale Heaven. You got a great furever home!
Kisses, Sky boy
Youw family has made you healthy and gowgeous!!!!
You have cewtainly found Aiwedale heaven!!!
Youw dad's wheeley wheels awe amazing ..we love them. and that puwse is the coolest!
smoochie kisses to all of you
You are looking good! I wouldn't say you landed in clover--more like salmon oil! I'm very happy for you.
love & wags,
Hey Patches, you look totally great now. Thank dogness you ended up at such a wonderful forever home.
Oooh your operation is next month. We know you'll be fine but we'll keep our paws crossed for you anyway.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
You look great! OMD thank goodness you live in airedale heaven!!!
Patches you look like a brand new doggy and you are because you have a brand new life now! That airedale purse is super cute!
Congrats on your award guys!
Patches, how different you look now. So bootiful and happy in your new home! They are pawsome wheelie bases your Dad has made. I sent you and email but it was returned ... we will have to try again.Wags, Eric x
Wow Patches! You look great! Good luck with your surgery. I don't remember my surgery cuz it was a long time ago, but I think I did fine. I'm sure you will too. You should get lots of special attention and treats!! You'll love that part!
hey patches, i'm sure u are a bootiful lady now...
You are looking so good girl! I'm so happy that so much good has come to you. It's too bad you have to get spayed, but I guess if it's what your Mom wants, you've got to do it. Love your Mom's new Airedale items!
Your pal,
You look great! Sure is nice to be part of a family who loves you so much!
That purse is pawesome!
I am sure you will be fine with that spaying thing!
Kisses and hugs
OMDawg!!! Greta and Tuddy love the purse... says it looks just like them!!!! Yeah... enough of that.... Hey, Dr. Lana thanks for "fixing" Pierre and Paco. My mommy still yells at me if I even LOOK towards the china cabinet where Stella resides. I think things will "blow over" once Pierre and Paco are back in the @#$%#&?!! cabinet.... yeah, I know I shouldn't have attacked so viciously.... but come one, they AREN'T REAL DAWGS!!!! They're stuffies for cripes sake!!! I'm much more important.... I have a tribe!!!!!!
Apache and her tribe
Mmmm, salmon oil! Mmmm! That stuff is sooooo good!
We're glad you're in your furever home now. I had to do some plumping up when I got home, too - and salmon really helped me a lot!
Play bows,
From the looks of your photo, you were rescued in the nick of time....Angels are watching over you, Patches. Your pawents now, are the greatest and I know you are so thankful for all they have done for you. You look terrific and gorgeous!!!!! Be proud! Eat plenty! and just play!
Hi Penny and Poppy
I missed all of you
Hey, Patches Girl!
First off, go over to your mama and dad & give them each a big juicy goober smooch from me! I'm so glad you adopted them!
You, my friend, looked a lot like my girl's first Aireboy, Bert. He came from a similar situation as yours, but he had hip displaysia and his booty was sooo tiny. You are lookin' mighty fine these days!
I'm so glad that Penny & Poppy have you as their sissy, and that you guys get to live so close to Ezzy & Jags!
Keep loving life, you goober girl!
Goober love & smooches,
Patches, keep on eating all that yummy food and salmon oil. Your mum and dad have done a great job on getting you all healthy again. Harry has hot spots at the moment too, it must be the season for it.
Cassidy x
You're one beautiful girl, Patches! We missed you and your sissies while we were away on Nantucket!
Those are awesome wheels that your dad made! How clever he is!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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