Hi, every buddy! It's me, Patches! Look at this ginormous tree that fell on our house! Once again, our mom can't remember in what order she loaded the pictures so we don't know which one you are seeing first.

Anyhoo, this tree used to be a beautimous Bradford Pear, but more than half of it came down, in a storm, we had on Saturday night. Our mom thinks she heard it creaking as it came down, but it was so dark outside that she couldn't see. She thinks it came down about 8 p.m. Either that, or there were unexplained noises coming from our kitchen! (Which is always a pawsibility!)

Ya know, the law states that if your neighbor's tree falls on YOUR house, YOUR insurance has to cover it. That is, unless the tree is dead and you have notified the owner to remove it and he/she has not done so. Well, this is the second time this has happened in a few months, but the first one missed the house by about 2 feet. This one hit the house with branches to spare! It scraped the siding, but didn't tear any of it off. Sorry, I got off track! The tree belongs to our neighbors (the Puggy dog people) and as soon as the man saw it, he came right over and told our mom not to mess with it. He said he would take care of it on Monday. Well, I'll be darned! He actually showed up, when he said, along with a chain saw!

Mom called the neighbor on the other side of us and asked if he wanted some free firewood. He said yes, but he won't be able to get it out of our yard until the weekend. He has some kind of a policy of not doing any physical labor on weekdays! I think he might be joking, but I'm not sure. Anyway, this morning, our mom threw some of the smaller pieces into our wheelbarrow. If the neighbor doesn't show up to haul it away this weekend, our mom will take the wheel barrow over there and dump it down his driveway! Do you think I'm kidding? Well, I'm not! She's done it before when he asked if he could have a couple of downed trees. After what seemed like months and he still hadn't taken the wood away, our mom and dad loaded it up in our wheel barrow and Mom took it over and dumped it down his driveway. (His driveway is all down hill!) Hahahahahaha!!!!!!! We sure hope that taught him not to mess with our mom!
One of these pictures is Penny again. Our mom had her beautimous face all lined up, but thanks to the stoopid delay, on the camera, all she got was Penny's tail as she was running away. I think the last one is me with my smiley face on! Mom and I are playing a new game, these days. Ya know, I HAVE to go into the bathroom everytime Mom goes in there, but now I have learned to sit as soon as I get through the door (as opposed to giving Mom the big pawslaps on her arms and legs). Now, as soon as I sit, Mom whispers to me and I talk back with a very low, quiet growly noise. Mom is trying to get me to say, "I love you, Mom", but so far my words don't actually make sense.
When our mom still lived with her mom and dad, they had a Miniature Schnauzer named Chipper and our mom taught him how to talk. He could say, "I love you", "it's a frog" and "I don't know". So far, she hasn't had much luck teaching ME how to talk. It usually ends with me getting so excited that I start barking and then the game is over!
Well, every buddy, my personal secretary is starting to make too many mistakes, so I'm letting her off for right now. She has been pitch forking and blowing pine straw most of the day, so she's very tired! See you all next time!
Our mom just did the post and then looked at it! Stoopid blogger put the pictures in backwards from how our mom loaded them! Anyway, obviously the last picture is NOT my smiling face! We think you can figure out which one is which!
Patches (and the back end of Penny)