Hi everybuddy! It's me, Patches! Yesterday, I got to go to a really cool restaurant for brunch with Mom, Aunt Wendy and a couple of other ladies and their doggies. This restaurant is very dog friendly. As soon as we got there, they brought us big bowls of water and some treats. Then, while all the ladies were eating, they brought us 3 plates of cheese...all for us doggies.

We had a really great time and none of us got into any trouble! Well, I got into a little trouble on the way there and on the way home, but not while we were there. I seem to not like getting into or out of a vehicle. I'm fine once I'm in or once I'm out, but I don't like the part of GETTING in or out! They finally put a prong collar on me and then I didn't pull so hard on my leash. Mom calls it "power steering for dogs".

I had met Ezzy Rider once before when I first entered the witness protection program, but it was only for a few seconds. I recognized him, right away and we went into his back yard and peed all over the place! He has all kinds of walking trails and a ginormous cage with kitties in it. I like kitties! I used to live with a bunch of them. We don't have any kitties at Airedale Heaven so I was very curious to see all of Ezzy's kitties. They all seem very nice and none of them hissed at me!

So...while we ate brunch, Ezzy, Larkin, Bijou and I sat around the table and kept hoping for someone to drop food from the sky for us. It was actually happening quite frequently so I sure hope we get to do this again sometime. Larkin is a Portugese Water dog and he's very cool. Bijou is a Bichon Frise and she's very cute. I'm sure you already know my cousin Ezzy from his own bloggy. His brother Jagger didn't get to go with us because he is away at boot camp.

I was kind of naughty at Aunt Wendy's house because I peed in the house several times. I just couldn't help myself! I was sooooo nervous. This was the first time I had gone on an adventure (other than my escapes) since moving in with Poppy & Penny and it made me very nervous to be in a strange house! I promise to do better next time!
Penny got a new Aire-cut, this morning and she looks very pretty, but Mom is not too happy with the way they groomed her. She looks okay, but Mom specifically asked them not to leave a "skirt" on her butt, but they did it anyway! Mom didn't notice it until they got home, because Penny was bouncing around wanting to go home and Mom only noticed her face and top side of her body. A different girl did her grooming from the one that did Poppy. Next week, I get to have my turn and I'm not looking forward to that! I am still very clean and pretty from my bath. By the way, somedogs were concerned about me getting a cold bath with the hose. Well, here in Georgia, the hose water is about room temperature and Mom has to actually let it run for awhile before she puts the water on me because it's too hot. It is not possible to get a cold drink of tap water in the summertime in Georgia. We think the water pipes must not be buried very far under the ground.
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to have a nap. I am still resting up from my brunch date yesterday!
Patches (and Penny & Poppy too)
Your cheese brunch sounds delicious, Patches! We love cheese! We bet Aunt Wendy has already forgiven you for the peepee oopsies! I'm sure she realized that you were just nervous!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
PLATES OF CHEESE?! Oh man I am about to faint. I can't wait to see Penny's new hair cut!
I would have been nervous too and pee'd all over the place. It would be scary for me. I am glad that you got to go to a restaurant and eat cheese. Cheese is great.
Patches - poor you lots to remember and learn. Yu are doing great. Glad you got to se the kittie and eat plates of cheese - mmm love cheese. Eric xsnr
Mmmmmm cheeessseeee! I haven't had real life cheese before but I do know that I like any sort of cheese treat or snackie!
We all have our accidents, it's part of breaking in new territory!
Did you get to chase and cats?
My eyes nearly pop out everytime I see Satan the cat!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
What an awesome restaraunt!! You got your own plate of cheese? Tht is so totally awesome!!!! I wish we had a restaraunt around here that served dogs plates of cheese!!!!
Patchs how cool you got to go to a hooman chow place!! I really want to go to one of those. You are a lucky girl.
I think your Aunt Wendy knows you are a little nervous so she will forgive you for the potty mistakes!
A whole plate of cheese just for dogs! Are you serious? Exactly where is this place?
What a neat adventoowe..Cheeese????
Oh my that must be a 40staw westauant!!
I'm suwe you did youw best..it's a little hawd to be in a new place..I'm glad you'we having a good time..say hi to ezzy and Jag and Penny and poppy too
smoochie kisses
Well Patches...
Ya had quite a day didn't ya? But I know ya can do better when ya visit a house next time...no peein' in it....and ya can go ta restaurants where doggies are allowd ? 'n ya got cheese too...now that was a good trip....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Dexter here. I don't like getting in the car either. Plus I will only ride in my crate which is too small for me and my head hits the top (but I get scared when I'm not in it).
I wear a gentle leader harness on walkies to provide momma with labradude power steering. Maybe you could get one too.
Looks like you had a great time on your brunch outing Patches! I would love plates of cheese, yummy!
Cassidy x
People who don't live in the south have no idea how hot water in a hose can be and yup, it never does get cold in the summer.
And I pee too, sometimes, I try not to, but I just can't seem to help it.
What a great place to go out to eat. I wish every restaurant was do-friendly. Bet the cheese was delish!
Your friend,
Sounds like you had a great day out Patches. That was very nice of them to bring you cheese. We love cheese. Don't worry about peeing at Aunty Wendy's place. She understands how nervous we doggys can be in a new place and she's a very kind person.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx
Hi, Patches!
Looks like you had a great day! Cheese brunch! I'd love that!
I hope Penny's aire-cut is not too bad!
Kisses and hugs
I wish they had dog friendly restaurants here! What a great experience, getting to go out to lunch with your humans.
Levi's mom
I start to hyperventilate when I get near the car. G-Mom thinks I am going to give myself a heart attack.
ps. I love cheese. Where is this restaurant?
You got plates of cheese? Oh wow... that's a great restaurant. We don't have that many dog-friendly restaurants here in Singapore, and that's such a shame.
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