Hi everybuddy! We are very sad today because our pal, Jackson has received some very disturbing test results. He is feeling very poorly and we want everyone to send him lots of healing zen and prayers for his complete recovery.

These are prayer flags on Mount Everest to simulate the seemingly insurmountable road he has ahead of him. He's a strong wiry boy who has been through a lot already, and we know he can come through this too. It's going to take all of our prayers and good thoughts to help him and his J's to think of brighter days ahead. If you haven't been there already, please go to
http://www.jacksonsworld-jackson.blogspot.com/ and send him lots of good vibes and healing zen.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Gee Guys...
We are so sad ta hear about Jackson, we can hardly see thru the tears....surely he will come thru this as he has come thru all the other illnesses with a victory but just in case he needs it, we are powering up our Zen so it can reach across the miles of ocean separating us......
Dewey Dewster here.....
Airedale zen and wirey love -- a powerful combination!!!
Jake and just Harry
Penny, Poppy and Patches!!!
I just heard about this over at some of our friends blogs...this is so sad! But worry not my friends! It will be okay! I'm resting up so I can send some oober intese ESP his way!
I hope all is going well with the three of you and your humans!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Jackson is in our prayers. Sending him all sorts of good mojo.
Hugs, Kodak
We're praying for Jackson non-stop! He just has to be okay! He just HAS to!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I'm directing the zen as it comes over to make sure it doesn't get lost... he has so much love going his way he just has to get better...
Eric x
I'm praying very hard that Jackson has the strength to fight this and that he gets better.
I'm so sad about Jackson. It just breaks my heart when one of my friends is ill. I hope that the dogtors will be able to help him. Why do we have to get sick? Sometimes I just don't understand. I've cranked up my Aire-Zen machine to send a huge amount over to the UK for Jackson! I sure hope it helps him out!!
Your pal,
Hi, friends.
We have been praying for Jackson too.
Kisses and hugs
Thank you pals! I'm trying my very best to beat this! J x
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