Hello to all our fur friends! It's me, Poppy. We got this really cool award from Ellie, Bazzy and Deetz! It's called the Arte-Y-Pico. We are supposed to tag five other doggies, but we think just about everydog has been tagged by now. If you haven't, feel free to copy it and accept the award. Thank you so much, Ellie, Bazzy and Deetzy! You are all great friends!

Today, Mom decided to give us baths, but she only had enough shampoo for one of us. Penny and I had a meeting and decided Patches should be the one to get the bath. Mom took her out onto one end of our deck where there is a door that closes so she couldn't escape. As soon as Mom turned the hose on, Patches freaked out. She ran around the deck like a mad dog and even tried to escape through the pickets on the railing. It's a good thing she has put on some weight so she wouldn't fit through there. The deck is about 8 feet off the ground. That would be a really big drop! Mom finally caught her and got her soaped up, but then she had to turn that awful hose on again. Patches acted like it was her very first bath ever! We know she had one right before she entered the witness protection program, but we suspect that may have been her first bath in 5 years.

Actually, we nominated Patches for the bath because on Sunday, she is going with Mom to see Aunt Wendy and Ezzy Rider. It's kind of a test to see how she will get along while Mom's gone. She has met Ezzy before, but it was only for a few seconds on the day she came to live at our house. She won't be able to meet Jagger, this time, because he is in a week of intensive training.

We are pretty sure she will whip those boys into shape pretty quick. She is going to have a really cool back yard to patrol and hopefully, while she's there, she can teach Jag not to dig anymore!

I know this looks like the same picture we had in our last post, but it really isn't. As you can see, Patches is still wearing her "Red Hat" lady collar. It fits her very well and she can't squirm out of it. We know that for sure, now...especially after the bath.

I'm really glad we ran out of shampoo or Penny and I would have been the next victims! Well, at least I would have...Penny has an appointment on Monday for an Aire-cut. She's getting to be way too hairy! She should have gone a few weeks ago, but Mom furminated her and took out enough hair to make a couple more 'dales! When Patches gets dried out, Mom will be furminating her too! Fortunately, for me, I got an Aire-cut not too long ago, so the Furminator doesn't really get any hair out of me. I'm sure that will change in the next few weeks!
Well, everyone, that's about all that's going on around here. See you all next time!
Poppy (And Penny and Patches (the clean doggie)too!)
Can you imagine having a bath every 5 years?! Wouldn't that be so cool!
Mitch and I just got groomed this week so the both of us are spiffy and cool and have way too much energy, mom says!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Baths sound kinda scary..I had one when I was tiny and my mum could hold me down, now she can't even hold one leg..I sure hope your mum doesn't give my mum any ideas.
I am 2 1/2 and I only had one bath ! I think I am lucky....
Congratulations for your award !
Kisses, Faya
Maybe she just didn't like that old hose water. I don't mind getting a bath, but I hate to get sprayed with the hose.
Wow... we're always gettin' baths around here...every couple weeks if not before.....but you and Penny are lucky that there was only enough shampoo fer Patches or ya woulda been the one fightin' the hose...enjoy yer weekend....
Dewey Dewster here.....
You suwe awe lucky that youw Mom wan out of shampoo..but Patches does look speially bootiful aftew hew baf..
congwatulations on youw awawd..and I don't see why you think you awe too old fow Petey??
smoochie kisses
Hi, friends!
I love baths but I am not so sure I'd like to have them with a hose.
I hope you all have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs
Congrats on your award. Hey, its a good thing Mom ran out of shampoo! If not, you would have been all wet and itchy and running around the house like a mad dog too.
I hate baths!
congrats on the award!! I can't believe you guys dodged the bath bullet, how lucky you were out of shampoo!! Poor Patches, sounds like she really hated it!
Hi Girls...we all stink here. Scruff and I have a spa appt. next week and Stan needs one too...it's funny...he loves the shower with the handheld shower spray, but HE FREAKS with the hose. But the water from the hose here is freezing...even though its summer...Stan is very delicate, I guess!
Mumsie keeps strippin us and undercoat rakin' us and gettin' out buckets of hair...if ya need any let us know...maybe ur mom could turn us into a felted item!
Actually, when Mumsie was a little girl her mom made a fox terrier puppet with plaster of paris and the clippings from their wire foxy's haircut. He sat on the bedpost for a long time till the fur started to really smell...or so Grandma said. We think it just started to gross her out!
Barkin' at ya!
Hmmm I bet you smell lovely Patches, though I can't say I'm envious of your bath...I'm not a fan myself. No wonder you tried to jump of the verandah.
Congrats on your award too. It's well deserved.
Say hi to Ezzy Rider for us.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx
You look so shiny and clean. Baths aren't that fun but don't you feel so good afterwards? I run around like a mad dawg after my bath.
Ugh, bath time... we hate it. Almost as much as nail time. Double ugh. Patches sounds very brave, though, and now smells sweet! :) Have fun on your vacation, Patches! May you all be bath free now!
Yep, we can tell you from our own experience that squirming does no good, no good at all in getting out of a bath. I haven't found a technique that works yet, but good try!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Louie loves the hose, but what does he know he is deaf and he can't hear that noise as the water comes out!! Dad has to buy a new hose since the one we have looks like a soaker hose these days...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
so u guys are running out of shampoo?
i really feels like giving up all my shampoos to u.... so i never need to bath anymore... wouldn't that will be great for me
Oh man we are going to try to getPL2 to give us a bath every 5 years!!!! Wouldn't that be pawesome!! Love and kisses A+A
Patches mmm can smell you from here... fresh and aire... lovely!!
Wags, Eric
Oh and you looked very pretty too!
Poor Patches! I don't like baths either and I CERTAINLY wouldn't like being hosed by COLD water! I'm a sensitive chap, hehehe! Congrats on your award pals! Jx
Ick!!! Yuck! Bleck! Ewwwwww! I hate baths! I had to get a butt bath the other night. Apparently I had a little poopy attached to my hind quarters...so It had to be removed. The worst part about baths is the smelling like flowers and nasty stuff like that!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hey I freak out when the hose gets turned on too!
I am SO overdo for a bath. I smell especially ripe and fabulous after a few trips to the dog park and a swim in the lake. But it's been WAY LESS than 5 years since my last bath! How do I get on Patches' schedule?
Oooh we don't like baths either. Our mum takes us to a place with a Hydrobath, but at least the water is warm. But i don't hink Bazzy would care about the cold water from the hose - he lovves the hose water. Silly boy.
Miss Ellie and Bazzy
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