Hi everybuddy! It's me, Petey! I'm doing the post today because everyone else is kind of sad. You see, our Bluebirds, Mason and Mena have raised two litters of Bluebird puppies and the last ones left the nest on Sunday. We didn't think they would leave because it was pouring down rain. Our pawrents went into another room for about a half hour and the birdies must have flown during that time. For the rest of the day, no one saw any more Bluebirds. We can't believe they flew during the heavy rain!

This picture is one of the first babies clinging to a chain and irrigation dripper that goes to a plant below it.

This is also one of the first babies begging from it's mom. We didn't get a single picture of the second "litter". We don't even know how many babies there are since we didn't get to see them fly! Dad took down their nesting box and replaced it with a new one. We are hoping the pawrents will come back and build a third nest. We are also hoping that they will come back in a couple of days to get meal wormies for the new babies.

These next pictures are some that Mom found in her files. The one above is Poppy and Patches playing with the funky chicken and messing up the rug in front of the back door.

This one is Princess Patches during a rare moment of not playing bitey-face or doing zoomies. She will be getting spayed pretty soon! We want to have it done before her "season" starts and we don't know when that might be. Mom wants her hind quarter to get just a little stronger first.

Here's Poppy sucking that soccer ball again! She seems to do that A LOT!
As you can see, there isn't much going on around here. Well there is some stuff that our pawrents are dealing with, but you can't see it! They have a warning for all of you out there: if you have access to your bank accounts on line, you should check them EVERY DAY! Some sleeze-ball on the internet has gotten Dad's debit card number and wiped out our pawrent's checking account not once, but twice! They went to the bank on Saturday and had their cards cut up. They will be getting new ones, but in the mean time, all the charges that came in over the weekend wiped out the money that Mom deposited on Monday to cover the missing money. The whole thing just sucks because now Mom and Dad can't buy us any treats or anything until the bank gets it straightened out. We sure hope they catch the bad guy that did this! Mom wants him or her tazered! She thinks that would just about be equal to the pain this whole mess has caused Mom and Dad.
Well, that's my report for this week. See you all next Wheelie Wednesday!
Petey (and Poppy, Penny & Patches too)
Hey! I'm gonna start hunting over here and see if I can catch the low down .....
I have some kibble I can give you if you get hungry.
Seriously - that is terrible. Will you get the money back?
Charlie, if you find him, bite him really hard!
Our bank says the money will be put back in our account, but it will take 7 to 10 working days. Mom deposited some money, thinking the theft had been stopped,but she was wrong! It's very frustrating!
What?! No treats?!! I think they should set you beasts on this mean human!
So cool to watch those babies grow up and leave the nest!!!
My mom's bank called once to say someone outside the country had made a $300 purchase using her account--that was a clue. She got new cards and the theft stopped. She checks everyday and every thing. They always start with a small thing to 'check' to see if it will work then SLAM!! Good luck to the pawrents in getting this resolved quickly. 10 days is a long time without money. I hope you all will be okay!
Hi, friends!
I hope you can see the birdies again!
One year ago my mom's credit card was cloned! The thief used it to buy wine... around 5,000 dollars of it! My mom had to pay and after the bank made the investigation they sent back her money!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Poppy, Penny & Patches,
Thanks for visiting.
That debit card story is really sad! I hope that the bank straightens it out quickly and they get their money back (if possible.)
I find this Internet banking thing a bit spooky...but then it speeds up the transactions - which is why humans do it! A double-edged sword is what it is!
You are right...Dewey is a fantastic poet:) Mercury's taken a print of the poem and put it on her soft-board.
Do visit again when the troubled waters recede.
Licks n Wags,
Sorry you are sad about the birdies. I am also sad about the fact some jerk stole your money! If you find out who did it, let me know and I will mail them a box of poop!
I'm so sorry that your parents have to deal with that whole mess. Now their time will be spent on that and not on concentrating on the wonderful Airedales that they have at home!! I hope it all gets straightened out right away and you girls all get a whole bunch of treats.
Your pal,
PS - Thank you so much for my award!!!!
Hello Petey
What a shame you did not see the Bluebirds fly the nest. We do hope they come back one day and maybe the chicks will set up home with you next year as well???
How awful for your Humans to find somebody has taken their money! Absolutely dreadful and so upsetting.
Molly and Taffy
Those are really nice photos of the girls.
Eekks.. I hope they catch the bad guy and returned you your money. It's so mean of hoomans to steal what doesn't below to them. :(
~ Girl girl
Rollin Rollin Rollin...keep those wheels a rollin...rollin rollin rollin...bark loud!!!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
We hope the Bluebird parents come back a third time for you too, Petey! We sure have enjoyed your postings about them!
How awful for your mom and dad! Is nothing safe anymore?! grrrrrrrrrrrr
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Sorry to hear about mum and dad's bank account, that's horrible. Hopefully the bank will replace the money eventually once it's all investigated.
Cassidy x
Hey Girls,
Me and the little Midget think those thiefs should be new-turd. Once they are caught, we will fool them into thinking they are going to get something special (like a new turd) when they really will be getting new-turd. Get it? (thanks to Mr. T-Bone for the new-turd idea) Humans can be so mean!
Sorry you don't get any treats. We have extra so I can send you some if you want!
That is horrible that someone is stealing you pawents money...their are alot of those sleazeballs out there. It is scary!!! If you run out of treats just let me know, I will send you some.
Yeah, I de-feathered a turkey...mum found no evidence of a bird, only feathers...somewhere there is a naked turkey running around...
OH NO!!! We're so sorry to hear about the checking account! Our human would have a nervous breakdown if that happened to him. We hope everything will work out okay.
As for your bluebird puppies, you were so nice sharing your home with them. Maybe they'll pass it on! :)
Hi, everyone -
The bluebirds are adorable. We hope the parents come back real soon.
That's horrible that someone would steal money not once but twice. We don't have a debit card - just an ATM card. Hope you get the money back soon.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
That's really crummy about your folks bank account being emptied. That happened to our Oldest Kid a couple of years ago and wiped her out, too. It all got sorted out, but they never caught who did it. Exasperating!
Hope it all gets resolved quickly for your family. I'm sure you'll be getting your favorite treats again real soon.
William Tell
That's shocking, poor 2 leggededs. I hope they catch them and you get you money back very soon Mr and Mrs Poppy-Penny-Patches. Now I see from you message on my blog you have lost your job? Life is so unfair at times. I'm so very sorry, what a dreadful time you have been having. I really hope things improve for you soon.Take care.
Wags, Eric
Pee s - Mom would love to commission you for a felted wheelie of me!!!She has been going to ask you for some time! I'll get her to pee mail you....
Love the bluebirds!
We had a next of baby wrens for the last month and a half. Then they left as quickly as they had come! But wrens are incredibly noisy for their size, and we miss them now.
Buster volunteered to provide his patented "therapy dog" treatment to the bank sleezoids, if they ever get caught!
Sephie & Buster
Bummer about the credit card theft. That happened to our pinky but the bank sorted it out very quickly. We hope your bank doesn't take too long to get the money back. Good luck with it all.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx
Oh this is just terrible just terrible I tell ya! This happened to my pawrents too! Daddy got his identity stolen in February so they bought some kind of surance!! THEN.... mommy got hers stolen in March!! Whoever it was had a great time in Ireland and England on my pawrents!!! Mommy cried and cried. Daddy wanted to get his hands on "them"!! ME I just wanted to sick my fur mommy Apache on them because she bites harder than I do.
When they catch the treat stealing thieves they need to be turned over to you ladies immediately!! Bite them hard, show them NO mercy!!
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