Hi everydog, kitty, hammie, bear and hooman! It's me, Poppy! It has been sooooo hot outside, lately, that all we want to do is lay on the floor in the air conditioning. On top of being hot, it's also hazy and humid. That means that the air quality isn't fit for anydog to be out in and the humidity makes it feel even hotter than it actually is! This is a picture of me just chillin' in the living room. We don't know what's up with the back of that couch...it looks dirty in every picture, but in real life, it doesn't look dirty at all. Maybe it's because our mom has to clean it a lot because I like to rub against it every time I come in from outside and Patches thinks she has to wipe her face on it all the time.

This is where Patches likes to lay when Mom in on the 'puter. That way she can see Mom in the office and still keep an eye on dad too! Sorry the picture is so dark...she's in the hallway where there isn't a whole lot of light.

Our pawrents went yard sale-ing, this morning, and they didn't bring us back a single toy! We know that we don't exactly NEED anymore toys, but we have come to expect new ones every week! We are really disappointed when they show up without any. They have to go to PetCo on Tuesday, so maybe they will bring us some toys then...or maybe some TREATS!!! That would be even better!

We have a change of plans for when Mom goes away without us. Patches will be staying home with me and Penny instead of staying with Ezzy and Jagger. It seems that one girl doggie just won't fit in with the two boy doggies. Patches gets too nervous when she's away from home and she can't help but piddle all over the place. She takes about a week to get over it, so Aunt Wendy's house would be a mess by the time Mom got home. We will just all stay here with Dad and we'll probably all be happier because our daily routine won't be disrupted. Well...except for the fact that Mom won't be here!

Our pawrents' bank finally got their checking account fixed and all the missing money put back. That sure is a relief...we didn't like the idea of going without treats for very long. The only problem with the whole thing is that now, they have the money to get us groomed. Penny went last week and it will be Patches' turn on Tuesday. Whew...I'm glad I already got my Aire-cut a couple of weeks ago! I did hear a rumor, though, that I will be next for a bath. That really stinks! Or maybe it's ME that stinks! No, that can't be right! I thought Mom was out of doggie shampoo! Oops...she says she bought MORE!
Well, everybuddy, we're going back to lounging on top of air vents now. We stay nice and cool that way, but it keeps all the cold aire from getting to Mom and Dad. We don't see what the problem is! We hope all of you are staying cool!
Poppy, Penny & Patches