Thursday, December 4, 2008

We missed Wheely Wednesday AGAIN!

Hello to all our fellow furry ones! It's me, Patches! I get to do the post today because I have been such a good girl that my crate has been removed from the house! Yes, I still have the big quilted blankie that was in my crate, but now I have no walls! Mom says my blankie can stay in the kitchen for a few nights, but then the bar stools go back where they were and my blankie will go into the big bedroom with Poppy & Penny. I don't know why I usually prefer to sleep in the kitchen. Maybe so I can keep an eye out for anyone who happens to get up in the middle of the night...or maybe since those other dogs sleep in the bedroom, I think it is my duty to watch out for intruders.
These next 2 pictures are yet another attempt at getting that elusive bitey-face photo. The one above is me, Patches squinting my eyes because Poppy just ran by me and bit me!

This is Poppy up close and pawsonal when she ran away after trying to bite my face off! Mom got another video of us, but of course, our stupid new computer won't open it! (Thank you, Vista!)

This is all three of us crowded around our daddy while he was carving our Thanksgiving turkey. Poppy and I can't take our eyes off Dad, but Penny thinks she saw a tiny piece fall from the sky. We actually managed to not get in any fights. I don't think anydog even Aire-snapped the other two. It was a miracle! We each got a few bites and we were very happy! We had a really great day...eating and napping, eating and napping. Oh, wait, that's what we do EVERY DAY! Along with lots of bitey-face and zoomies!
Our mom thinks she has all our DWB Christmas cards done now. We sure hope she didn't miss anyone! There were a couple of e-cards that wouldn't go through cyber space so if we missed you, we are very sorry!
We are having a very cold and ugly day today. It is supposed to be raining, but it only sprinkles once in a while. Mom wants to pick up leaves, but it's just too darn cold since she isn't wearing a fur coat like we are! Well, we just came back in from outside and we think it is about time for a nap (or maybe a snack).
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too)


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

We have snow here! For some reason we have lots of photos too where I just seem to move at the wrong moment!

Take care,

love and licks,

Marvin xxxxxx

Dexter said...

Don't worry, we missed wheelie Wednesday too. Sometimes things are too busy.

I think your should be proud of yourself to sleep in the kitchen. Somebody has to guard the house, after all.

You were all ladylike while daddy carved the turkey? Hard to believe :-)


Lady Kaos said...

Woohoo! Congrats on your crate going away! We finally checked our email this morning and we got your e-card. Very cute!!

Asta said...

Congwatulations on having youw walls taken away!!! That's pawsome..and I'm so glad all thwee of you wewe able to enjoy Thanksgiving tuwkey wifout incident. Mommi is nowhewe neaw as owganised as youw Mom..we haven't done ouw cawds yet at all..we awe vewy behind and of couwse also missed wheeley wednesday
smoochie kisses

The Daily Echo said...

That's a good place to be when Dad's carving the turkey. We had turkey formation here too. Unfortunatley he didn't drop anything but we got ours when they were done eating dinner. It was YUMMY!

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee guys....

Glad ta hear ya got a few bites of turkey....it's yummy !!!! And Patches it's wonderful ta hear yer bein' rewarded fer bein' on good behavior....hope ya like yer new sleepin' arrangements....it's cold here too...the nice weather can't come soon enough fer us....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Joe Stains said...

Congrats on no more crate!! That is very exciting. We were glued to the counter for Thanksgiving too!

Bae Bae said...

Yeah on no more crate.. We have sunny weather here today

~ Bae

Stanley said...


You are to be commended, girlie! Now that you have no walls, will they let you stay on guard in the kitchen? It just sounds like you take your job VERY seriously!

You all look like you're getting along like peas and carrots and green beans! No turkey incidents and just play biting and stuff. Sounds like you guys have Thanksgiving every day at your house (maybe without the turkey).

Goober love and smooches,

Dandy Duke said...

Our mom missed wheelie Wednesday this week too! oops!
Good for you for losing your crate, Patches! We are so happy for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

taz and all the dogs in need said...

great news, part of doggie growing up, well done

Noah the Airedale said...

We got your e-card gals and have printed it out for our wall.
Do you gals get into scraps too? We aren't too bad but I feel I have to put the girls in place if they get too close to me. They finally get it....yes I'm the top dog hee hee.

Noah xxx

Agatha and Archie said...

Guarding the kitchen is a really really big job....PROUD OF YOU!!! as for that turkey..IT RULES!!!!! Love A+A

Rambo said...

Way to go Patches!
Hey, the sun is out here. You dogs should move to California.

i said...

Thank you for the card! I don't sleep in the kitchen but I sure do like to hang out there though. Kitchen = food :-)

Niamh said...

Glad you all got along so well with all that delicious turkey around. Eating and napping - what could be better? So nice that you don't have to stay in the crate anymore Patches.

Your friend,

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

That is great news about yur crate going away, Patches! Since us Sibes can get R-selves into quite a lot of trouble if we are left alone too long & if we get bored (& boy do we get into trouble even when Mommy is upstairs on her puter fur just a little bit), saying good-bye to our crates would not happen.

Takes care,

-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey girls!!

Somedays it feels warmer up here when it's snowin' than when its in the forties, nasty and rainin'...Mumsie sez her bones must be gettin' old as she thinks it feels colder every winter!

Patches...congrats on BEING CRATELESS!!!

We are so impressed! Um...since all three of us have peed at one time or another on the carpet by the bed or ON the bed, we don't think our craties are goin' anywhere!!

Oh well...

Love you girls!!!

Stay warm...tell ur mom those leaves will blow away all by themselves!!!

Lacie and Co.

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Hi, Patches! Congratulations on your promotion! :) You must be very proud to have earned the crate-free trust! Your house sounds like it's all geared up for the holidays. You girls take care of each other! "Hi" to Penny, Poppy, and the China cabinet gang!


Harry said...

Glad you all got a share of the Thanksgiving turkey girls! And all with good manners too, well done!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Pedro said...

My mom has been missing alot of posting lately too. We got your Christmas Card! We're sending ours out tomorrow so be on the lookout!


Murphey said...

The elusive bitey face picture...we always stop playing when the camera comes out!
